♪ Heart-breakers gonna break break break break break ♪
♪ 负心人继续伤害别人 伪君子继续扮圣人 ♪
♪ And the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake ♪
♪ 亲爱的 而我会摇摇摇 舞动身躯 ♪
♪ Baby I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ Shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 嘿 嘿 嘿 ♪
♪ Hey hey hey ♪
♪ 我在想,当你被满世界这些 ♪
♪ Just think while you’ve been getting ♪
♪ 虚伪肮脏的骗子 ♪
♪ Down and out about the liars and the dirty dirty ♪
♪ 折磨的时候 ♪
♪ Cheats of the world ♪
♪ 你会变得这样恶心 疲惫 ♪
♪ You could’ve been getting down to this sick beat ♪
♪ 我前任牵着她的新女友 ♪
♪ My ex-man brought his new girlfriend ♪
♪ 她就像是,噢我的天啊,但我只会继续跳舞 ♪
♪ She’s like oh my god but I’m just gonna shake ♪
♪ 和那边那位有着帅气的发型的帅哥跳舞 ♪
♪ And to the fella over there with the hella good hair ♪
♪ 难道你不想回到我身边吗 我们可以一起跳舞 ♪
♪ Won’t you come on over baby we can shake shake shake ♪
♪ 耶 哦 ♪
♪ Yeah ohhh ♪
♪ 演员继续演 演 演 ♪
♪ ‘Cause the players gonna play play play play play ♪
♪ 仇恨者继续黑 黑 黑 ♪
♪ And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♪
♪ 亲爱的 而我会摇摇摇 舞动身躯 ♪
♪ I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 负心人继续伤害别人 ♪
♪ Heart-breakers gonna break break break break break ♪
♪ 伪君子继续扮圣人 ♪
♪ And the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake ♪
♪ 亲爱的 而我会摇摇摇 舞动身躯 ♪
♪ Baby I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ Shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ Shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
♪ 摆脱这些胡言乱语 无视这些诽谤诬陷 ♪
♪ I I I shake it off I shake it off ♪
Song 31:《Bad Blood》
♪ 宝贝 我们早已反♥目♥成仇 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 你清楚我们的爱曾经很疯狂 ♪
♪ You know it used to be mad love ♪
♪ 就好好看看你的所作所为吧 ♪
♪ So take a look what you’ve done ♪
♪ 宝贝 我们早已反♥目♥成仇 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 如今我们之间有着各种问题 ♪
♪ Now we got problems ♪
♪ 我总感觉我们也束手无措 ♪
♪ And I don’t think we can solve them ♪
♪ 你让我们之间的感情有了很深的嫌隙 ♪
♪ You made a really deep cut ♪
♪ 亲爱的 现在我们势不两立 ♪
♪ And baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 回想过去 我和你的那段美好时光 充满讽刺意味 ♪
♪ Oh it’s so sad to think about the good times you and I ♪
♪ 宝贝 我们早已反♥目♥成仇 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 你清楚我们的爱曾经很疯狂 ♪
♪ You know it used to be mad love ♪
♪ 就好好看看你的所作所为吧 ♪
♪ So take a look what you’ve done ♪
♪ 没错 我们之间硝烟弥漫 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood hey ♪
♪ 如今我们之间有着各种问题 ♪
♪ Now we got problems ♪
♪ 我总感觉我们也束手无措 ♪
♪ And I don’t think we can solve them ♪
♪ 你让我们之间的感情有了很深的嫌隙 ♪
♪ You made a really deep cut ♪
♪ 亲爱的 现在我们势不两立 ♪
♪ And baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 创可贴不会抚平受伤的弹孔 ♪
♪ Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes ♪
♪ 你对我的道歉只是惺惺作态 ♪
♪ You say sorry just for show ♪
♪ 如果你喜欢与幽灵同巢般生活 ♪
♪ You live like that you live with ghosts ♪
♪ 创可贴不会抚平受伤的弹孔 ♪
♪ Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes ♪
♪ 你对我的道歉只是惺惺作态 ♪
♪ You say sorry just for show ♪
♪ 如果你喜欢与幽灵同巢般生活 ♪
♪ If you live like that you live with ghosts ♪
♪ 如果你仍选择这般爱人 只会让人心惊胆寒 ♪
♪ If you love like that blood runs cold ♪
♪ 宝贝 我们早已反♥目♥成仇 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 你清楚我们的爱曾经很疯狂 ♪
♪ You know it used to be mad love ♪
♪ 就好好看看你的所作所为吧 ♪
♪ So take a look what you’ve done ♪
♪ 宝贝 我们早已反♥目♥成仇 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 如今我们之间有着各种问题 ♪
♪ Now we got problems ♪
♪ 我总感觉我们也束手无措 ♪
♪ And I don’t think we can solve them ♪
♪ 你让我们之间的感情有了很深的嫌隙 ♪
♪ You made a really deep cut ♪
♪ 亲爱的 现在我们势不两立 ♪
♪ And baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 宝贝 我们早已反♥目♥成仇 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 你清楚我们的爱曾经很疯狂 ♪
♪ You know it used to be mad love ♪
♪ 就好好看看你的所作所为吧 ♪
♪ So take a look what you’ve done ♪
♪ 宝贝 我们早已反♥目♥成仇 ♪
♪ ‘Cause baby now we got bad blood ♪
♪ 如今我们之间有着各种问题 ♪
♪ Now we got problems ♪
♪ 我总感觉我们也束手无措 ♪
♪ And I don’t think we can solve them ♪
♪ 你让我们之间的感情有了很深的嫌隙 ♪
♪ You made a really deep cut ♪
♪ 宝贝 如今的我们早已失去了曾经的信任 ♪
♪ And baby now we got bad blood hey ♪
欢迎来到 原声现场!
Welcome to the acoustic set!
When I dreamed up the idea of The Eras Tour,
我觉得 回顾一下我在音乐上经历过的
I thought it would be really fun to sort of go back through
all these different phases I’ve had musically,
because it’s been,
我的意思是 它已经包含了所有的东西
I mean, it’s been a little bit of everything.
你们一直对我很好 让我探索音乐流派
You’ve been so kind to me in letting me explore genres
and step outside boxes that are created for us in the music industry.
都是因为你们 我才能做到这一点
And that’s only because of you that I get to do that.
所以 谢谢你们…
So, thank you…
…because it’s just so much fun.
玩音乐 做尝试 成长为一名艺术家 真是太有趣了
It’s just so much fun to get to play,and to get to experiment,and to get to grow as an artist.
But I did want to play a song
来感谢那些 喜欢我的人
just to thank the people who liked me.
When I was a little teenager
writing songs for my ninth grade talent show.
Song 32:《Our Song》
♪ 我坐在副驾驶座 顶着一头乱发 ♪
♪ I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car ♪
♪ 在他车子的前座 他一手握着方向盘 ♪
♪ He’s got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel ♪
♪ 另一只手在我的心上 ♪
♪ The other on my heart ♪
♪ 我的眼睛转呀转 关掉收音机 ♪
♪ I look around turn the radio down ♪
♪ 他说:宝贝 怎么啦 ♪
♪ He says baby is something wrong ♪
♪ 我说:没事啦 我只是在想 我们怎么没有一首专属的歌♥ ♪
♪ I say nothing I was just thinking how we don’t have a song ♪
♪ 而他说 ♪
♪ And he says ♪
♪ 我们的歌♥就是那扇嘎嘎作响的门 ♪
♪ Our song is the slamming screen door ♪
♪ 晚上偷偷跑出去 轻拍妳的窗户 ♪
♪ Sneakin’ out late tapping on your window ♪
♪ 讲电♥话♥时妳讲超慢 ♪
♪ When you’re on the phone and you talk real slow ♪
♪ 因为太晚了 妳妈妈还不知道呢 ♪
♪ Cause it’s late and your mama don’t know ♪
♪ 我们的歌♥就是妳的笑声 ♪
♪ Our song is the way you laugh ♪
♪ 第一次约会时心想:天阿 我不该吻她 但我想 ♪
♪ The first date man I didn’t kiss her but I should have ♪
♪ 当我回到家 我睡前祷告着 ♪
♪ And when I got home before I said amen ♪
♪ 问上帝能不能再来一遍 ♪
♪ Asking God if he could play it again ♪
♪ 我无力地走在玄关 ♪
♪ I was walking up the front porch steps after everything the day ♪
♪ 那天真是糟透了 被欺负 被伤害 ♪
♪ Had gone all wrong or been trampled on ♪
♪ 迷失了自我 ♪
♪ And lost and thrown away ♪
♪ 走在长廊 回房♥间的路上 ♪
♪ Got to the hallway well on my way to my lovin’ bed ♪
♪ 我差点就忽略了 ♪
♪ I almost didn’t notice all the roses ♪
♪ 沿路的玫瑰花 ♪
♪ And the note that said ♪
♪ 我们的歌♥就是那扇嘎嘎作响的门 ♪
♪ Our song is the slamming screen door ♪
♪ 晚上偷偷跑出去 轻拍妳的窗户 ♪
♪ Sneakin’ out late tapping on your window ♪
♪ 讲电♥话♥时妳讲超慢 ♪
♪ When you’re on the phone and you talk real slow ♪
♪ 因为太晚了 妳妈妈还不知道呢 ♪
♪ Cause it’s late and your mama don’t know ♪
♪ 我们的歌♥就是妳的笑声 ♪
♪ Our song is the way you laugh ♪
♪ 第一次约会时心想:天阿 我不该吻她 但我想 ♪
♪ The first date man I didn’t kiss her but I should have ♪
♪ 当我回到家 我睡前祷告着 ♪
♪ And when I got home before I said amen ♪
♪ 问上帝能不能再来一遍 ♪
♪ Asking God if he could play it again ♪
♪ 我听了好多唱片 听了好久的广播 ♪
♪ I’ve heard every album listened to the radio ♪
♪ 等待着那首歌♥出现 ♪
♪ Waited for something to come along ♪
♪ 好得跟我们的歌♥一样 ♪
♪ That was as good as our song ♪
♪ 我们的歌♥就是那扇嘎嘎作响的门 ♪
♪ Cause our song is the slamming screen door ♪
♪ 晚上偷偷跑出去 轻拍他的窗户 ♪
♪ Sneaking out late tapping on his window ♪
♪ 讲电♥话♥时他讲超慢 ♪
♪ When we’re on the phone and he talks real slow ♪
♪ 因为太晚了 他妈妈还不知道呢 ♪
♪ Cause it’s late and his mama don’t know ♪
♪ 他的笑声就是我们的歌♥ ♪
♪ Our song is the way he laughs ♪
♪ 第一次约会时心想:天阿 我不该吻他 但我想 ♪
♪ The first date man I didn’t kiss him and I could have ♪
♪ 当我回到家 我睡前祷告着 ♪