♪ Would you want me ♪
♪ 你会不会对我恶语相向 ♪
♪ Would you tell me to go fuck myself ♪
♪ 或是把我带到花♥园♥里 ♪
♪ Or lead me to the garden ♪
♪ 在花♥园♥里 你能否相信我 ♪
♪ In the garden would you trust me ♪
♪ 如果我告诉你这只是夏日的悸动 ♪
♪ If I told you it was just a summer thing ♪
♪ 我只有十七岁 ♪
♪ I’m only seventeen ♪
♪ 我懵懂无知 ♪
♪ I don’t know anything ♪
♪ 可我知道我想念你 ♪
♪ But I know I miss you ♪
♪ 我沿着碎石子路往家走去 ♪
♪ I was walking home on broken cobblestones ♪
♪ 心里一直想着你 ♪
♪ Just thinking of you ♪
♪ 当她出现 ♪
♪ When she pulled up ♪
♪ 就好像我满怀恶意 凭空臆想 ♪
♪ Like a figment of my worst intentions ♪
♪ 她说 詹姆斯 上车 我们去兜风吧 ♪
♪ She said James get in let’s drive ♪
♪ 那些日子变成黑夜 ♪
♪ Those days turned into nights ♪
♪ 在她身旁酣然入睡 但是 ♪
♪ Slept next to her but ♪
♪ 一整个夏天 我都梦见你 ♪
♪ I dreamt of you all summer long ♪
♪ 贝蒂 我就在你家门口 ♪
♪ Betty I’m here on your doorstep ♪
♪ 我已经计划了好几个星期 ♪
♪ And I planned it out for weeks now ♪
♪ 可最终无济于事 ♪
♪ But it’s finally sinking in ♪
♪ 贝蒂 现在是最后一次了 ♪
♪ Betty right now is the last time ♪
♪ 我可以想象得到你再次见到时我会做的事 ♪
♪ I can dream about what happens when you see my face again ♪
♪ 我唯一想做的事 ♪
♪ The only thing I wanna do ♪
♪ 就是竭尽全力弥补你 ♪
♪ Is make it up to you ♪
♪ 所以 我去参加你的舞会 ♪
♪ So I showed up at your party ♪
♪ 我去参加你的舞会 ♪
♪ Yeah I showed up at your party ♪
♪ 我去参加你的舞会 ♪
♪ Yeah I showed up at your party ♪
♪ 你是否愿意接受我 ♪
♪ Will you have me ♪
♪ 你是否爱着我 ♪
♪ Will you love me ♪
♪ 你会不会当着你那些迟钝的朋友的面 在门廊上吻我 ♪
♪ Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends ♪
♪ 如果你主动吻我 ♪
♪ If you kiss me ♪
♪ 会不会像我梦里的那般美好 ♪
♪ Will it be just like I dreamed it ♪
♪ 能否让你折断的翅膀完好如初 ♪
♪ Will it patch your broken wings ♪
♪ 我只有十七岁 ♪
♪ I’m only seventeen ♪
♪ 我懵懂无知 ♪
♪ I don’t know anything ♪
♪ 可我知道我想念你 ♪
♪ But I know I miss you ♪
♪ 你穿着毛衣 静静伫立 ♪
♪ Standing in your cardigan ♪
♪ 我们又在我的车里热情拥吻 ♪
♪ Kissing in my car again ♪
♪ 我把车停在路灯下 ♪
♪ Stopped at a streetlight ♪
♪ 你知道我思念着你 ♪
♪ You know I miss you ♪
Song 24:《The Last Great American Dynasty》
♪ Rebekah乘坐着午后的火车 ♪
♪ Rebekah rode up on the afternoon train ♪
♪ 天气晴朗 ♪
♪ It was sunny ♪
♪ 她坐落在海边的房♥屋 ♪
♪ Her saltbox house on the coast ♪
♪ 让她不再想起St. Louis ♪
♪ Took her mind off St. Louis ♪
♪ Bill是标准石油公♥司♥的继承者 ♪
♪ Bill was the heir to the Standard Oil name ♪
♪ 一切都归于他 ♪
♪ And money ♪
♪ 镇上的人都说 一个中产阶级离婚女人怎么能过得这样潇洒 ♪
♪ And the town said How did a middle class divorcée do it ♪
♪ 婚礼很梦幻 ♪
♪ The wedding was charming ♪
♪ 非要说有何不足 ♪
♪ If a little gauche ♪
♪ 那或许就是太过铺张浪费吧 ♪
♪ There’s only so far new money goes ♪
♪ 他们挑选了爱巢 把它称作度假小屋 ♪
♪ They picked out a home and called it Holiday House ♪
♪ 他们的派对高雅别致 ♪
♪ Their parties were tasteful ♪
♪ 只是有一点吵 ♪
♪ If a little loud ♪
♪ 医生告诫过他 趁早安定下来 ♪
♪ The doctor had told him to settle down ♪
♪ 他心跳停止 肯定都是她的错 ♪
♪ It must have been her fault his heart gave out ♪
♪ 他们说 ♪
♪ And they said ♪
♪ 那是美♥利♥坚♥最后的盛世 ♪
♪ There goes the last great American dynasty ♪
♪ 谁知道呢 如果她从未出现 ♪
♪ Who knows if she never showed up ♪
♪ 会发生什么呢 ♪
♪ What could’ve been ♪
♪ 她是这个小城有史以来最疯狂的女人 ♪
♪ There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen ♪
♪ 她在摧毁一切的过程中感受到了极大的快乐 ♪
♪ She had a marvelous time ruining everything ♪
♪ Rebekah放弃了罗德岛的资产 ♪
♪ Rebekah gave up on the Rhode Island set ♪
♪ 永远放弃 ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ 把她所有朋友从城市里接来 ♪
♪ Flew in all her Bitch Pack friends from the city ♪
♪ 酒池肉林 醉生梦死 ♪
♪ Filled the pool with champagne ♪
♪ 身边都是些大牌人物 ♪
♪ And swam with the big names ♪
♪ 所有钱财 ♪
♪ And blew through the money ♪
♪ 都挥霍在男孩和芭蕾舞上 ♪
♪ On the boys and the ballet ♪
♪ 和Dalí赌牌也输了很多钱 ♪
♪ And losing on card game bets with Dal¨ª ♪
♪ 他们说 ♪
♪ And they said ♪
♪ 那是美♥利♥坚♥最后的盛世 ♪
♪ There goes the last great American dynasty ♪
♪ 谁知道呢 如果她从未出现 ♪
♪ Who knows if she never showed up ♪
♪ 会发生什么呢 ♪
♪ What could’ve been ♪
♪ 她是这个小城有史以来最无♥耻♥的女人 ♪
♪ There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen ♪
♪ 她在摧毁一切的过程中感受到了极大的快乐 ♪
♪ She had a marvelous time ruining everything ♪
♪ 他们说 ♪
♪ They say ♪
♪ 她偶尔会出现 ♪
♪ She was seen on occasion ♪
♪ 在路上漫步 眺望着午夜的大海 ♪
♪ Pacing the rocks staring out at the midnight sea ♪
♪ 和她的邻居有嫌隙 ♪
♪ And in a feud with her neighbor ♪
♪ 她偷了他的狗 然后把它染成酸橙绿 ♪
♪ She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green ♪
♪ 五十年是一段漫长的时光 ♪
♪ 50 years is a long time ♪
♪ 度假小屋安静地坐落在海边 ♪
♪ Holiday House sat quietly on that beach ♪
♪ 摆脱了疯狂的女人 ♪
♪ Free of women with madness ♪
♪ 她们的男人 也没有各种乱象的困扰 ♪
♪ Their men and bad habits ♪
♪ 然后它被我买♥♥下 ♪
♪ Then it was bought by me ♪
♪ 谁知道呢 如果我没出现 会发生什么呢 ♪
♪ Who knows if I never showed up what could’ve been ♪
♪ 我是这个小城有史以来最声名大噪的女人 ♪
♪ There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen ♪
♪ 我在摧毁一切的过程中感受到了极大的快乐 ♪
♪ I had a marvelous time ruining everything ♪
♪ 我感到无比快乐 ♪
♪ I had a marvelous time ♪
♪ 摧毁一切 ♪
♪ Ruining everything ♪
♪ 快乐无比 ♪
♪ A marvelous time ♪
♪ 摧毁一切 ♪
♪ Ruining everything ♪
♪ 快乐无比 ♪
♪ A marvelous time ♪
♪ 我感到无比快乐 ♪
♪ I had a marvelous time ♪
Song 25:《august》
♪ 咸涩的空气 ♪
♪ Salt air ♪
♪ 你门上的斑斑锈迹 ♪
♪ And the rust on your door ♪
♪ 我再无所求 ♪
♪ I never needed anything more ♪
♪ 轻声问你 ♪
♪ Whispers ♪
♪ 是否确定无疑 ♪
♪ Of are you sure ♪
♪ 我从未如此深陷爱河 ♪
♪ Never have I ever before ♪
♪ 但我看见我们 ♪
♪ But I can see us ♪
♪ 都迷失在了记忆里 ♪
♪ Lost in the memory ♪
♪ 八月悄悄溜走 ♪
♪ August slipped away ♪
♪ 遗落在时间的长河 ♪
♪ Into a moment in time ♪
♪ 因为那段时光从不属于我 ♪
♪ Cause it was never mine ♪
♪ 我看见我们 ♪
♪ And I can see us ♪
♪ 在床笫亲热缠绵 ♪
♪ Twisted in bedsheets ♪
♪ 八月让人沉醉 ♪
♪ August sipped away ♪
♪ 仿若一瓶美酒 ♪
♪ Like a bottle of wine ♪
♪ 因为你从未属于我 ♪
♪ Cause you were never mine ♪
♪ 你的背脊 ♪
♪ Your back ♪
♪ 沐浴着金色阳光 ♪
♪ Beneath the sun ♪
♪ 我祈愿自己可以在上面刻下姓名 ♪
♪ Wishing I could write my name on it ♪
♪ 等你回到学校 你是否会给我打来电♥话♥ ♪
♪ Will you call when you’re back at school ♪
♪ 我记得我曾以为我已拥有你 ♪
♪ I remember thinking I had you ♪
♪ 但我看见我们 ♪
♪ But I can see us ♪
♪ 都迷失在了记忆里 ♪
♪ Lost in the memory ♪
♪ 八月悄悄溜走 ♪
♪ August slipped away ♪
♪ 遗落在时间的长河 ♪
♪ Into a moment in time ♪
♪ 因为那段时光从未属于我 ♪
♪ Cause it was never mine ♪
♪ 我看见我们 ♪
♪ And I can see us ♪
♪ 在床笫亲热缠绵 ♪
♪ Twisted in bedsheets ♪
♪ 八月让人沉醉 ♪
♪ August sipped away ♪
♪ 仿若一瓶美酒 ♪
♪ Like a bottle of wine ♪
♪ 因为你从未属于我 ♪
♪ Cause you were never mine ♪
♪ 回首往昔 那时我们的未来还是无限美好 ♪
♪ Back when we were still changing for the better ♪
♪ 欲望足够支撑信念 ♪
♪ Wanting was enough ♪
♪ 对我而言 完全足够 ♪
♪ For me it was enough ♪
♪ 怀揣着希望继续勇往直前 ♪
♪ To live for the hope of it all ♪
♪ 我把行程都取消 怕你突然打电♥话♥来 ♪