♪ Sacred prayer ♪
♪ 许下的承诺 ♪
♪ I was there I was there ♪
♪ 你可记得 ♪
♪ It was rare you remember it ♪
♪ 曾经炽热无比的爱 ♪
♪ All too well ♪
♪ 金色发丝 ♪
♪ Wind in my hair ♪
♪ 交缠在寒风中 ♪
♪ I was there I was there ♪
♪ 楼下台阶 ♪
♪ Down the stairs I was there ♪
♪ 已消逝的脚步 ♪
♪ I was there ♪
♪ 谎言划破我 ♪
♪ Sacred prayer ♪
♪ 紧握的双手 ♪
♪ I was there I was there ♪
♪ 你可记得曾许下的唯一誓言 ♪
♪ It was rare you remember it ♪
Song 22:《The 1》
♪ 我现在过得还不错 做了些新的尝试 ♪
♪ I’m doing good I’m on some new shit ♪
♪ 一直都积极行动而不是懒怠拒绝 ♪
♪ Been saying “yes” instead of “no” ♪
♪ 我还以为在公交站看到你了 ♪
♪ I thought I saw you at the bus stop ♪
♪ 其实没有 ♪
♪ I didn’t though ♪
♪ 每晚我都专心努力创作 ♪
♪ I hit the ground running each night ♪
♪ 周日就去看午后场电影 ♪
♪ I hit the Sunday matinee ♪
♪ 你知道有史以来最伟大的电影还没有拍出来呢 ♪
♪ You know the greatest films of all time were never made ♪
♪ 我想你永远不会明白 永远不会明白 ♪
♪ I guess you never know Never know ♪
♪ 如果你那时喜欢我 你真的该表露心意 ♪
♪ And if you wanted me You really should’ve showed ♪
♪ 你不经历伤痛 那你怎么会有所成长呢 ♪
♪ And if you never bleed You’re never gonna grow ♪
♪ 现在说这些不重要了 ♪
♪ And it’s all right now ♪
♪ 我们曾颇有相伴白首的缘分 你不觉得吗 ♪
♪ But we were something Don’t you think so ♪
♪ 张扬的二十几岁 向许愿池里投硬币许下愿望 ♪
♪ Roaring twenties Tossing pennies in the pool ♪
♪ 倘若我美梦成真 ♪
♪ And if my wishes came true ♪
♪ 我身边的人一定是你 ♪
♪ It would’ve been you ♪
♪ 我得为我自己说句话 我不是 ♪
♪ In my defense, I have none ♪
♪ 不懂适可而止 ♪
♪ For never leaving well enough alone ♪
♪ 而是那会很有趣 如果我命中注定的人就是你 ♪
♪ But it would’ve been fun If you would’ve been the one ♪
♪ 哦 ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ 我心存这样的幻想 你是那么迷人又酷劲十足 ♪
♪ I have this dream you’re doing cool shit ♪
♪ 敢于独自冒险 ♪
♪ Having adventures on your own ♪
♪ 你在网上认识了一个女人 ♪
♪ You meet some woman on the Internet ♪
♪ 就带她回家 ♪
♪ And take her home ♪
♪ 我们从不按套路出牌 宝贝 ♪
♪ We never painted by the numbers, baby ♪
♪ 但我们行之有效 ♪
♪ But we were making it count ♪
♪ 可你知道最美好的爱 如今已结束了 ♪
♪ You know the greatest loves of all time are over now ♪
♪ 我想你永远不会明白 永远不会明白 ♪
♪ I guess you never know Never know ♪
♪ 又是一个独自醒来的日子 ♪
♪ And it’s another day Waking up alone ♪
♪ 但我们曾颇有相伴白首的缘分 你不觉得吗 ♪
♪ But we were something Don’t you think so ♪
♪ 张扬的二十几岁 向许愿池里投硬币许下愿望 ♪
♪ Roaring twenties Tossing pennies in the pool ♪
♪ 倘若我美梦成真 ♪
♪ And if my wishes came true ♪
♪ 我身边的人一定是你 ♪
♪ It would’ve been you ♪
♪ 我得为我自己说句话 我不是 ♪
♪ In my defense, I have none ♪
♪ 不懂适可而止 ♪
♪ For never leaving well enough alone ♪
♪ 而是有了期待 ♪
♪ But it would’ve been fun ♪
♪ 如果我命中注定的人就是你 ♪
♪ If you would’ve been the one ♪
♪ 嘿 耶 耶 ♪
♪ Hey, yeah-yeah ♪
♪ 可我坚持并遏制住了想问你的冲动 ♪
♪ I persist and resist the temptation to ask you ♪
♪ 如果当初哪怕一个因素发生变化 ♪
♪ If one thing had been different ♪
♪ 今天的一切是否会有不同结局呢 ♪
♪ Would everything be different today ♪
♪ 我们曾颇有相伴白首的缘分 你不觉得吗 ♪
♪ We were something Don’t you think so ♪
♪ 桃红酒配上你选择的爱人 ♪
♪ Rosé flowing with your chosen family ♪
♪ 那一定很甜蜜 ♪
♪ And it would’ve been sweet ♪
♪ 如果是我的话 ♪
♪ If it could’ve been me ♪
♪ 我得为我自己说句话 我不是 ♪
♪ In my defense, I have none ♪
♪ 又一次作茧自缚 ♪
♪ For digging up the grave another time ♪
♪ 而是有了期待 ♪
♪ But it would’ve been fun ♪
♪ 如果我命中注定的人就是你 ♪
♪ If you would’ve been the one ♪
♪ 哦 ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
所以 我们把”民俗小屋”带到了洛杉矶
And so, we have brought the folklore cabinto L.A.
So, um, folkloreis an album that I am extremely proud of,
and I started, uh…
哇… 谢谢
Aw… thanks.
I immediately was picturing
这张专辑发生在 树林里
this album taking place in the woods,
in an imaginary cabin.
在我的幻想中 在我的想象中
In my fantasy, in my imagination,
I am not
a lonely millennial woman covered in cat hair,
watching 700 hours of TV a day.
在我的想象中 我就像一个…
In my imagination, I am like a…
like a woodsy Victorian lady who is wandering through the forest,
holding, like, a candlestick holder-thing
(就像 你知道的) 收集羽毛
and, like, you know, collecting feathers
做成羽毛笔 在羊皮纸上书写
to make my own quill to write on parchment paper.
It was a whole thing.
That was how I pictured myself when I was writing folklore.
然后我就想 也许
And then I was like, you know, maybe
Maybe I should do some other things different on this album.
Maybe I should try creating characters
and having these characters
坠入爱河 然后分手…
fall in love and break up and…
我最喜欢的 我创造的角色之一 是
One of my favorite, um, characters that I created is,
嗯 我称之为 少年三角恋
uh, I call it the Teenage Love Triangle.
The catalyst characteris this teenage boy named James,
and he
really screws things up with the love of his life,
and he has to apologize to her,
and try to make it right,
and long story short,
her name is Betty.
Song 23:《Betty》
♪ 贝蒂 我不会胡乱猜测 ♪
♪ Betty I won’t make assumptions about ♪
♪ 你更换年级指导教室的原因 ♪
♪ Why you switched your homeroom ♪
♪ 可我觉得是因为我的缘故 ♪
♪ But I think it’s cause of me ♪
♪ 贝蒂 一次我玩着滑板 ♪
♪ Betty one time I was riding on my skateboard ♪
♪ 当我经过你家时 ♪
♪ When I passed your house ♪
♪ 我好像无法呼吸了 ♪
♪ It’s like I couldn’t breathe ♪
♪ 你从 伊内兹 那里听到流言蜚语 ♪
♪ You heard the rumors from Inez ♪
♪ 她说的话 你一个字都不信 ♪
♪ You can’t believe a word she says ♪
♪ 大多时候她信口胡诌 可这次她说的是真的 ♪
♪ Most times but this time it was true ♪
♪ 我做过的最糟糕的事情 ♪
♪ The worst thing that I ever did ♪
♪ 就是我对你的过分行为 ♪
♪ Was what I did to you ♪
♪ 倘若我出现在你的舞会上 ♪
♪ But if I just showed up at your party ♪
♪ 你是否愿意接受我 ♪
♪ Would you have me ♪
♪ 你是否希望我来见你 ♪
♪ Would you want me ♪
♪ 你会不会对我恶语相向 ♪
♪ Would you tell me to go fuck myself ♪
♪ 或是把我带到花♥园♥里 ♪
♪ Or lead me to the garden ♪
♪ 在花♥园♥里 你能否相信我 ♪
♪ In the garden would you trust me ♪
♪ 如果我告诉你这只是夏日的悸动 ♪
♪ If I told you it was just a summer thing ♪
♪ 我只有十七岁 ♪
♪ I’m only seventeen ♪
♪ 我懵懂无知 ♪
♪ I don’t know anything ♪
♪ 可我知道我想念你 ♪
♪ But I know I miss you ♪
♪ 贝蒂 我知道症结所在 你最喜欢的歌♥ ♪
♪ Betty I know where it all went wrong your favorite song ♪
♪ 正播放着 歌♥声从体育馆的另一边传来 ♪
♪ Was playing from the far side of the gym ♪
♪ 哪里也找不到我的人影 ♪
♪ I was nowhere to be found ♪
♪ 我讨厌熙熙攘攘的人群 ♪
♪ I hate the crowds ♪
♪ 你知道的一清二楚 ♪
♪ You know that ♪
♪ 而且 我看见你与他共舞 ♪
♪ Plus I saw you dance with him ♪
♪ 你从伊内兹 那里听到流言蜚语 ♪
♪ You heard the rumors from Inez ♪
♪ 她说的话 你一个字都不信 ♪
♪ You can’t believe a word she says ♪
♪ 大多时候她信口胡诌 可这次她说的是真的 ♪
♪ Most times but this time it was true ♪
♪ 我做过的最糟糕的事情 ♪
♪ The worst thing that I ever did ♪
♪ 就是我对你的过分行为 ♪
♪ Was what I did to you ♪
♪ 倘若我出现在你的舞会上 ♪
♪ But if I just showed up at your party ♪
♪ 你是否愿意接受我 ♪
♪ Would you have me ♪
♪ 你是否希望我来见你 ♪