
tactile (TAK tul or TAK tile) Of or relating to a sense of touch. The meaning may be literal or figurative.

  • Those who bake their own bread can enjoy the tactile pleasure of kneading and shaping the loaves.
  • The critic Helen Vendler has commented on the “tactile language” used by the poet Seamus Heaney.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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触觉的(TAK tul或TAK tile)触觉的或与触觉有关的。意思可以是字面意思,也可以是比喻意思。

  • 那些自己烤面包的人可以享受捏面包和塑造面包的触觉乐趣
  • 评论家Helen Vendler评论了诗人Seamus Heaney使用的“触觉语言”。

