
tableau (tab LOW) Originally, this noun referred to actors “freezing” in position as if forming a painting for the audience. More often these days you’ll see it used for a striking scene or even a vivid description.

  • The photograph of the smiling baby in front of his father, his grandfather, and his great-grandfather presented a kind of tableau of the last ninety years.
  • The early parts of the novel Jane Eyre gives readers a tableau of the life of a nineteenth-century English governess.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
tableau(tab LOW)最初,这个名词指的是演员“冻结”在适当的位置,好像在为观众作画。如今,你会经常看到它被用于引人注目的场景,甚至是生动的描述。

  • 这张婴儿在父亲、祖父和曾祖父面前微笑的照片展现了过去90年的情景
  • 小说《简·爱》的早期部分为读者描绘了一位19世纪英国家庭教师的生活

