Bothered. Horny.
And me with a station wagon and all. Could be dangerous.
-是的 有可能 -你真是毫无趣味
-Yeah, could be. -You’re absolutely zero fun.
When are the reviews gonna get here?
Don’t know.
His best friends finger two babies…
一个这么大 一个这么大 还有两只小猫
One this big, one this big. -And two kittens.
-嗨 -嗨 凯顿 演出怎么样?
-Hey. -Hi, Caden. How’d it go?
It’s late.
玛丽亚 过来给我做伴因为…
Maria came over to keep me company because…
我们只是忘记了时间 我做好了所有的事
And we just lost track. I got everything done.
我错过了你的戏剧演出 对不起 但是它演得怎样?
But I’m sorry I missed your play. I’m sorry. But how’d it go?
很好 我们大获成功
Great. We’re a hit.
Reviews are great.
Times said
it was brilliant casting young people as Willy and Linda.
-真是太好了 凯顿 祝贺你 -真棒
-That’s great, Caden. Good for you. -Great.
我等不及到明天去看它了 那是…今晚
I can’t wait to see it tomorrow. That’s… Tonight.
That’s great.
Wow, it’s really late… Early.
很晚了 嗨 我也想观看它
It’s late. Hey, I would love to see it too.
-我们能不能给玛丽亚一张票? -你喝醉了
-Can we get Maria a ticket? -You’re stoned.
有一点醉 你知道… 我不知道
I mean, a little. It’s, you know… I don’t know.
But are you happy with it?
是的 我想让你看… 想知道你的想法
Yeah. Yeah, I’d love for you to see… To know what you think.
It doesn’t matter what I think.
绝对是这样 这完全取决于你对艺术的满足感 凯顿
Absolutely. It’s all about your artistic satisfaction, Caden.
-祝贺你 -嗯
-Congratulations. -Yeah.
-I’ve always loved this house.
-是的 这是个非常不错的地方
-Yes, it’s a wonderful place.
事实是 我从来想象不到我能买♥♥得起它
The truth is, I never really imagined I could afford it.
嗯 因为卖♥♥家现在非常想卖♥♥掉
Well, the sellers are very motivated now.
这是个可怕的决定 我从来没有想过我会独自买♥♥♥房♥♥
It’s a scary decision. I never thought I’d buy a house alone.
但是 你知道 我36岁了 我一直想知道我在等待什么
But, you know, I’m 36, and I wonder what it is I’m waiting for.
-买♥♥♥房♥♥一直都是很可怕的 -尤其是这里还有火
-Home buying is always scary. -And with the fire and all especially.
但是这个房♥子的面♥积♥很大 有2200平方英尺
Well, it’s a good size though, 2200 square feet…
…not including the partially finished basement.
Oh, I don’t know.
-I’m thinking I should go.
-It’s a perfect size for someone alone.
我喜欢它 真的喜欢 但是我担心我会在火中丧生
I like it, I do. I’m just really concerned about dying in the fire.
人们愿意选择哪种死亡方式 确实是个重大决定
It’s a big decision how one prefers to die.
你想见见我的儿子吗? 德里克
Would you like to meet my son? Derek.
德里克 自从离婚后一直住在地下室里 如果你不介意的话
Derek’s living in the basement since his divorce, if that’s okay.
嗨 妈妈
Hey, Mom.
-我们走吧 妈 -我只要一分钟就好
-Let’s go, Ma. -I want just a minute.
I never…
原谅我 亲爱的 我不能哭
Forgive me, dear. I can’t cry.
我不知道那是什么 但是我不能哭
I don’t know what it is, but I can’t cry.
对我来说 你只是又开始了另一次旅行
It seems to me that you’re just on another trip.
我不断地期盼你回来 你为什么要这样做?
I keep expecting you. Why did you do it?
我找了又找 还是不能理解
I search and I search and I can’t understand it.
I made the last payment on the house today.
我们自♥由♥了 我们自♥由♥了 我们自♥由♥了
We’re free and clear. We’re free. We’re free.
-干得很好 -好啊! 真棒!
-Well done. -Bravo.
-不错 非常成功 -我认为它特别出色
-Well done. It was very successful. -I thought it was wonderful.
Why did the older people look so young?
这是挑选出来的 爸爸 我待会跟你解释
It was a choice, Dad. I’ll explain later.
你重新将他人的旧戏剧搬上舞台 我不得不感到兴奋
I can’t get excited about your restaging someone else’s old play, it just…
There’s nothing personal in it.
People are coming out of the theater crying.
很好 做一个郊区的 蓝头发的 地区剧院的观看者
Great. Be a fucking tool of suburban, blue-haired…
…regional-theater subscribers.
-你觉得它很短吗? -没有啊
-You didn’t you think it was long? -No.
But what are you leaving behind?
You act as if you have forever to figure it out.
当你死了 就没时间了 这个世界是…
When you’re dead, there’s no time. The world is…
我不知道 我也许只睡了三小时
I don’t know. I slept maybe three hours.
So we’re both tired.
没有 我整晚都抱着奥利芙 感觉很好
No, I cuddled with Olive all night. It was great.
早上好 早上好
Morning. Morning.
-早上好 凯顿 -我想我可能有关节炎
-Morning, Caden. -I think I might have arthritis.
Friends on fire.
I’m going to.
不 我知道 好的 我会的 我待会打电♥话♥给你
No, I know exactly. Okay, I will. I’ll call you later.
我知道 你是对的 拜拜
I know. You’re right. Bye.
My joints are stiff.
Who was that?
-玛丽亚 -哦
-Maria. -Right.
Three hours since you spoke.
凯顿 我想只带奥利芙去柏林
Caden, I think I wanna go to Berlin with just Olive.
-我想这样对我们都好 -啊 救世主啊
-I think it would be good for us. -Oh, Christ.
早上好 孩子们
Morning, kiddos.
Why don’t you want me to go?
你知道 我觉得我们两个分开来是件好事
You know, I think it would be a good thing for the two of us to do alone.
How do you think I’m supposed to respond to something like that?
-想让我拉上衣服拉链吗? -嗯
-Want me to zip your coat up? -Yeah.
爸爸 你的脸怎么啦
What’s wrong with your face, Daddy?
It’s pustules.
It’s called sycosis.
和精神这个词拼写不同 但发音相同
Spelled differently than “psychosis,” but it sounds the same.
I don’t know what that means.
Of course not.
有两个发音是psychosis的词 但是它们的拼写不同
Well, there are two kinds of psychosis. They’re spelled differently.
一个单词的意思就是精神上疯了 比如你的妈妈
P-S-Y is like if you’re crazy, like Mama.
S-Y is like these ugly things on my face.
-但是你可以拥有这两者 -我可以 但是我没有拥有这两者
-You could have both, though. -I could, but I don’t.
Can I ask you something, Ad?
Have I disappointed you somehow?
我不知道我在做什么 我们只是分开一小段时间而已
I don’t know what I’m doing. We’re just spending a little time apart.
等我回来后 我们再讨论这个 好吗?
We’ll talk when I get back, okay?
每个人都在失望 你越了解一个人
Everyone is disappointing. The more you know someone, it just…
整个浪漫的爱情 就越是一种幻影 对吗?
This whole romantic-love thing, it’s just a projection anyway, right?
我的意思是 我不知道
I mean, I don’t know.
对不起 对不起
I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
I love you.
我不知道我在做什么 我不知道
I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know.
We’ll talk when I get back.
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Ask your doctor if Flurostatin TR is right for you.
-And I’m on the first train out of Palookaville.
-The Miracle Brush can scour everything from bottles…
-上升 就会发亮 -抬起双腿
-Rise and shine… -Lift those legs…
-我很孤独 -嗯 还有呢?
-I’m lonely. -Yes. Anything else?
-我受到伤害了 -好 然后呢?
-I’m hurt. -Yes. And?
我认为阿黛尔是对的 我没在做任何真实的事情
I think Adele’s right. I’m not doing anything real…
What would be real?
I’m afraid I’m gonna die.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
趁我还在这个世上的时候 我想做些重要的事情
I wanna do something important while I’m still here.
That would be the time to do it.
我这有一本书 也许会对有所帮助
I have a book that might help you get better.
-更好? -书的名字就叫 变得更好
-Better? -It’s called Getting Better.
-是谁写的? -我写的 所有的这些书都是我写的
-Who wrote it? -I did. All of these.
-我从来不知道 -是的 确实很棒
-Wow, I never knew that. -Yes. Well, wow, indeed.
总之… 猫吃老鼠…
In conclusion… Cats eat rats…
在他自己的管道里 我像是一根裸♥露♥的神经
Within his own plumbing… Me who am as a raw nerve…
