

[verb] move in a twisting or spiralling pattern
[动词] 以盘旋或螺旋的方式移动


Swirl 是一个与 twirl (旋转、转动)既形似又含义相近的单词,该词最早出现于苏格兰语中,15世纪进入英语后先作名词指“漩涡、涡流”。等到16世纪初后又用作动词表示“(使)打旋、旋动、起漩涡”,多指以较快、较流畅或较优雅的方式盘旋或螺旋移动,比如:

  • 溶剂打着旋流进了下水道。
    The solvent swirled down the drain.
  • 一位娴静的年轻女士微笑着,旋动着杯子里的葡萄酒。
    A demure young lady smiled, swirling the wine in her glass.

从较快的旋动这个概念出发,可以用 swirl 引申喻指“纷乱地通过、流传”或“晕眩、昏乱”,以及作名词表示“纷乱、(鱼穿水时等引起的)骚动”或“晕眩、昏乱”,比如:

  • 街头关于这次惨败的传说纷纭。
    Rumours about the debacle swirled in the streets.
  • 这刺耳的音乐使我头脑发晕。
    The strident music made my head swirl.

而从较流畅或较优雅的旋动这个概念出发,则可以用 swirl 引申喻指“拳曲、盘绕”,以及作名词表示“头发等的拳曲、拳曲的线条或形状等、螺旋形的标记或图形等”,比如:

  • 一绺头发盘在她细细的脖颈上。
    A lock of hair swirled against her lean neck.
  • 玛丽姨妈把一大角的浇了一撮螺旋形掼奶油的多脂甜点放在一个擦得铮亮的银盘里。
    Auntie Mary put a huge wedge of rich dessert topped with a swirl of whipped cream on a burnished plate of beaten silver.


The afternoon sun, slanting low through the newly leaved trees, spun sickeningly for a few moments in a swirl of gold and green.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


  • The products are not as complex as the subprime debt securities in America that sparked the financial crisis in 2008, yet there is much toxic bilge swirling around China’s banks.
  • Talk of development deals swirled around the visit, and Trump sent out his tweet, promising that Trump Tower Moscow was coming.



1. 描述运动(Describing Movement)

  • The leaves swirled in the wind.(树叶在风中旋转。)
  • She swirled gracefully across the dance floor.(她在舞池上优雅地旋转。)
  • The water swirled down the drain.(水旋转着流入下水道。)
  • The dancer’s dress swirled around her as she twirled.(舞者转动时,她的裙子围绕着她旋转。)

2. 形容天气或自然现象(Describing Weather or Natural Phenomena)

  • The snowflakes swirled in the storm.(雪花在暴风雪中旋转。)
  • A swirling mist descended over the mountains.(一股旋转的薄雾降临在山上。)
  • The wind swirled through the trees.(风穿过树木旋转。)

3. 形容液体的旋涡(Describing Whirling Liquid)

  • He watched the milk swirl into his coffee.(他看着牛奶旋转进他的咖啡里。)
  • The bathtub drain created a swirling vortex of water.(浴缸的排水口形成了一个旋转的水涡。)

4. 形容情感或思绪(Describing Emotions or Thoughts)

  • Conflicting thoughts swirled in his mind.(矛盾的想法在他的脑海中盘旋。)
  • She felt a swirl of emotions as she listened to the touching music.(她在聆听动人音乐时感受到一阵情绪的涌动。)

5. 形容视觉效果或图案(Describing Visual Effects or Patterns)

  • The artist created a painting with swirling colors.(艺术家创作了一幅色彩旋转的画作。)
  • The pattern on the fabric had a swirling design.(布料上的图案有着旋转的设计。)

6. 比喻用法(Figurative Usage)

  • Rumors began to swirl around the office.(办公室中开始流传谣言。)
  • The controversial topic caused a swirl of debate.(这个有争议的话题引发了一场激烈的辩论。)



形容动作或运动(Describing Motion or Movement)

  1. Dance in a swirl: 在旋转中跳舞
  2. Whirl and swirl: 旋转和涡旋
  3. Swirl around: 围绕旋转
  4. Twirl and swirl: 转动和旋转
  5. Swirl and twirl: 旋转和盘旋

涡旋或涡流(Vortex or Eddy): 6. Water swirls: 水形成涡旋

  1. Swirl of leaves: 落叶的涡旋
  2. Swirl of dust: 尘土的涡流
  3. Swirl of smoke: 烟雾的旋涡
  4. Swirling currents: 旋涡流

迷人的旋转(Enchanting Swirl): 11. Whirling swirls of color: 缤纷的色彩旋涡

  1. Swirls of windblown hair: 被风吹乱的发丝
  2. Swirling patterns: 旋转的图案
  3. Swirling mist: 旋转的薄雾
  4. Swirling autumn leaves: 旋转的秋叶

感情或情绪的旋涡(Emotional Swirl): 16. Swirl of emotions: 情感的涡旋

  1. Swirl of excitement: 兴奋的涡流
  2. Swirling passions: 激情的旋涡
  3. Swirling emotions: 旋转的情绪
  4. Swirl of confusion: 困惑的涡旋

自然界中的旋转(Natural Swirl): 21. Swirling tornado: 旋转的龙卷风

  1. Swirling river currents: 旋转的河流水流
  2. Swirling winds: 旋转的风
  3. Swirling snowflakes: 旋转的雪花
  4. Swirling sandstorm: 旋转的沙尘暴

视觉效果中的旋转(Visual Swirl): 26. Swirling kaleidoscope: 旋转的万花筒

  1. Swirling colors: 旋转的色彩
  2. Swirling brushstrokes: 旋转的笔触
  3. Swirling fabric: 旋转的织物
  4. Swirling dervish: 旋转的托钵僧


whirl: move or cause to move rapidly round and round
eddy: (of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way
billow: (of smoke, cloud, or steam) move or flow outward with an undulating motion

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
