and I don’t like it.
一年前 你无论如何也不会…
A year ago, in your wildest dreams…
would you have walked past that door without coming in here…
你的心事吧 今天还得我叫你你才来
to take up the situation with me? Today I had to call you in.
-但我现在就来找你了 -让我说完
-But I’m taking up the situation with you now. -Let me finish, dear.
你已经说过了 现在该我
You’ve had your say. Let me have mine.
我还什么都没说啊 哥
But I haven’t said anything, J.J.!
苏茜 我是想帮你
Susie, I want to help you.
You’re all I’ve got in this whole wide world.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.
你想让我怎么做 说出来
What do you want me to do? Name it.
Because I don’t like that troubled look on your face.
If you really want to help me, J. J…
get Steve back his job.
He means that much to you?
凭你的关系 轻松就可以办到
With your prestige it’ll only take a minute.
Ten cents’ worth of American Tel & Tel.
You’re picking up my lingo, hon.
I read your column every day.
苏茜 我喜欢你现在这种干脆的态度
Susie, I like this crisp new attitude of yours.
你长大了 我很欣慰
You’re growing up, and I like it.
I don’t like it when you’re limp and dependent, when you’re odd and wayward.
This Dallas boy must be good for you.
不如今天我上节目前 你让他来一趟
Why don’t you bring him around today before the show?
这次我会摘掉有色眼镜 重新审视他的
This time I’ll clean my glasses for a better look.
Let me have Billy Van Cleve.
苏茜 可别告诉别人 我这么对你百依百顺
Don’t ever tell anyone, Susie, how I’m tied to your apron strings.
比利 我是汉塞克
Billy? J.J. Hunsecker.
Now, what about this Dallas boy?
没错 他怎么回事
That’s right. What about this Dallas boy?
“A man has the right to face his accusers.
这是美国的方式 谁说的 先驱们”
That’s the American way. Who said? The man said.”
伯顿 别闲晃了 我超时的话只好砍掉后面的
Burton, don’t hang around. If I run over, I’ll cut some items off the tail.
“From Washington through Jefferson…
从林肯到罗斯福 直到今日…
from Lincoln and F.D.R. right up to today…
the democratic way of life… that’s what the man said.
Nowadays it doesn’t export too well…
but you know and I know that our best secret weapon…
-就是民♥主♥” -说得好
-is D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y.” -That’s grand!
“永远不要忘记 同胞们”
“Let’s never forget it, ladies and gentlemen.”
说得好啊 我的妆怎么样
Just grand, J.J.! Is my makeup all right?
Despite the scads of movies I’ve made…
没事 玛丽 你照顾好谭小姐
It’s fine. Mary, take care of Miss Tam.
满足她一切要求 她是今天的贵客
Anything she wants. She’s our star today.
从没上过电视 谢谢你
never been on T.V. Thank you.
Where’s the script?
I got that boy coming over here today.
如果我没看错 也肯定没看错 你背地做的手脚
If I can trust my eyes and I think I can
Susie knows all about your dirty work.
Can’t hurt.
无所谓 我不得不帮那小子保住饭碗
Can’t hurt? I had to get that boy his job back.
听着 杰哥…
Look, J. J…
we can tie this off into one neat bundle…
抛到九霄云外 就当没发生过
address it to the dumps, to oblivion.
目前很顺利 但请按我的方式办下去
We’re doing great, but please do it my way.
我攥死他了 我对他了如指掌
I’ve cased this kid. I know his ins and outs.
他天真而正直 就需要…
He’s full of juice and vinegar, just waiting…
for a big shot like you to put on the squeeze.
你帮他保住饭碗 好吧 但他可不会领你的情
You got the boy his job back okay. But he’s not gonna accept your favor.
那个经纪人会 但这小子才不
The manager, yeah, but not that boy.
What has this boy got that Susie likes?
刚正不阿 到不食人间烟火
Integrity. Acute, like indigestion.
What does this mean, “integrity”?
A pocketful of firecrackers…
waitin’ for a match.
还真是新招数 我说句实话吧…
You know, it’s a new wrinkle. To tell you the truth…
从没想过还能利用一个人的”刚正不阿” 置其于死地
I never thought I’d make a killing on some guy’s integrity.
真恨自己不得不”咬” 你一口
I’d hate to take a bite out of you.
You’re a cookie full of arsenic.
Move the lamp to your right.
I still think he’s responsible for the smears.
不是我不信你 但这事你一辈子也证实不了
Not that I’m convinced, but you’ll never prove it in a thousand years.
史蒂夫 随你怎么做 但接受也不碍事
Steve, you’ll do what you want, but it can’t hurt.
他向你伸出了橄榄枝 那咱们就橄榄枝吧
He offers you an olive branch, so today like olives.
Excuse me.
史蒂夫 我们进去前 可以…
Steve, before we go in, could I…
你好 来得正巧
Hi. Just in time.
J.J. just finished up his rehearsal.
Looks like a wedding.
-你今天真美 -史蒂夫 你见过我大哥的
-You look lovely, dear. -Steve, you’ve met my brother.
-当然 弗兰克 -是
-Of course. Frank. -Yes.
Well, son,
looks like you went out and got a packet of trouble for yourself, hmm?
您对此非常宽容 汉塞克先生
You’ve been very kind about it, Mr. Hunsecker.
Ah, give Susie credit for that.
我相信她 那诽谤是一派胡言
I took her word there was nothing to the smear.
事实上 我在今天的节目上要 好好说一说诽谤
As a matter of fact, I’ll have plenty to say about smears on my show today.
And that’s why I’d… Well, I’d like your personal assurance too.
汉塞克先生 那诽谤不是事实
Mr. Hunsecker, there is nothing to this smear.
-我向你诚挚保证 -我相信
-You have my sincere word. -I’ll buy that.
也帮我个忙 好好对我小妹
Now you do me a favor. Be good to my kid sister.
Yeah, she’s had a lot of trouble for a kid.
苏茜有她小女孩的秘密 但在她心里…
Susie has her girlish secrets, but in her heart of hearts…
我可以想象 她对你有特别的感觉
I imagine, Dallas, she fancies you in an uncommon way.
那你呢 别只是…
Now, how ’bout you? Not just, uh…
Well, not just tomcatting around, I hope.
-哥 史蒂夫不会的 -别激动 苏茜
-J.J., Steve is not. -Now, take it easy, Susie.
史蒂夫也是男人 他会理解我的担心 是吗
Steve wouldn’t be much of a man if he didn’t understand my concern, would you?
No, I wouldn’t.
你很严肃认真 我喜欢这点
Serious as a deacon. I like it. I like it fine.
如今这世道还能这样 我很欣赏
In a world of old rags and bones, I like it.
Now, you take Sidney here.
If Sidney ever got anywhere near Susie…
I’d take a baseball bat, break it over his head.

Hey, Joel
Sidney lives so much in moral twilight…
我跟他说今天你来找我 他就预言是场灾难
that when I told him you were coming here today, he predicted disaster.
Said you wouldn’t take my favor.
He said you’d chew up the job and spit it right back in my face.
Any truth in that?
Well, since you bring it up…
-不 汉塞克先生 请允许我解释 -不用解释
-No, Mr. Hunsecker. And now, if I can amplify. -Don’t amplify.
Steve would like to thank you for this favor.
你没听懂是吧 弗兰克
You don’t listen very good, do you, Frank?
J.J. just said to keep your mouth shut.
-该闭嘴不应该是你吗 -我没听见
-Don’t you think it’s about time you shut yours? -I didn’t hear you.
Who are you to tell Frank D’Angelo to shut up?
史蒂夫 这不重要
Steve, this isn’t important.
Does he have to be here?
为什么 他以前就烦过你
Why? Has he bothered you before?
-你才知道吗 -小子 很多人告诉我…
-Is it news to you? -Son, a lot of people tell me…
我是个天赋秉异的人 但我也不是什么都知道
I’m a very gifted man, but I still can’t see around corners.
Now, just what exactly are you so hot about?
I know it’s a difficult thing to be an artist in this crudest…
-当个艺术家不容易 -我不是以什么艺术家身份来的
-of all possible worlds. -Look, I’m not here as an artist.
I’m here as an average Joe who happens to love your sister.
那你当心点 别伤着她就行了
Well, just be careful you don’t knock her off her feet, hmm?
史丹利 往右边一点
Stanley, move it to your right a little bit.
我刚才没听懂你的意思 你有话直说吧
Now, frankly, son, I lost you on that last hill. Just give us the punch line.
