-Hello, J.J. -Bill.
My big toe would make a better president.
-汉塞克先生的外套 乔 -帮我选个好点的
-Mr. Hunsecker’s coat, Joe. -Pick me a good one, Joe.
谢谢你 艾尔
Thanks, Al.
要是有电♥话♥ 就说我在摩洛哥俱乐部
Anyone calls, Dan, I’ll be at El Morocco.
好的 汉塞克先生
Very good, Mr. Hunsecker.
你的大衣呢 希尼 想省小费
Where’s your coat, Sidney? Saving tips?
好奇心折磨我半天了 你今晚这是唱的哪出啊
My curiosity’s killing me, but what are you so rambunctious about tonight?
There’s your fat friend.
16区的警车 注意
Police cars, 16th Precinct, attention.
有人员受伤[代码30] 在48街与百老汇拐角的酒吧
Signal 30… Signal 3-0… at bar and grill, 48th and Broadway.
所有警车前往16区 有人受伤
Police cars, 16th Precinct, attention. Signal 30.
Signal 30 at bar and grill
-你好啊 哈里 -各位好吗
-Hello, Harry. -Buona sera, commendatore. Come sta?
说意大利语 代表凯洛警督喜欢你们这帮人
Italian, Sidney. That shows Lieutenant Kello likes your people.
因为我在布鲁克林混大的 意第绪语也拿手得很
It’s my Brooklyn background, J.J. Good with Yiddish too.
哈里 那我应该甘拜下风了
Harry! Am I supposed to say “uncle”?
你好 菲尔 孩子都好吗
Hello, Phil. How’s the kids?
好极了 汉塞克先生
Just great, Mr. Hunsecker.
Anything fit for me to print tonight?
没 我刚去了市中心 风平浪静
Nah, I just checked downtown. It’s quiet everywhere.
那妞怎么了 昨晚你告诉我的 她还活着吗
What happened to that doll? The item you gave me last night she still alive?
在贝尔维医院 还撑着没死
Yeah, in Bellevue. She’s hanging on,
but we still don’t know if she was pushed.
-也许她是殉情自杀 -可能吧
-Maybe she jumped. Love suicide. -Could be.
你查一下好吗 这种故事会很轰动
Check that, will you, Phil? It’s a real heartthrob.
Car 437 to Central-
哈里 这位是希尼·法科
Harry, say hello to Sidney Falco.
逗逗他开心 他今晚不太像话
Tickle him a little. He’s been a bad boy tonight.
He called you my “fat friend.”
I don’t believe it.
我知道 你可是纽约城最厉害的警♥察♥
I know, I know. The strongest cop in town.
I call him “the boy with the ice-cream face.”
不错啊 简直一阵见血 哈里
That’s good. It’s nice. In fact it’s apt, Harry.
那是 我眼光不错 善于总结
Yeah, I got eyes. I put things together.
I remember once when you didn’t quite put things together.
Boy, was the mayor mad.
-437号♥车…-“公民委员会” 那事
-Car 437… -“Citizens’ committee.”
I didn’t mean to hit the boy so hard.
That’s when a fellow really needed a friend,
and I won’t forget his initials, J.J.
Mr. Hunsecker?
She died 20 minutes ago.
可以拿来娱乐炒作了…谢谢你 菲尔
That’s show business. Thanks, Phil.
再见了 哈里
See ya, Harry.
再见 凯洛
See ya, Kello.
下次见 杰哥 晚安
Hasta la vista, J.J. Hasta luego.
西班牙语 看来他也喜欢西班牙佬
Spanish. That shows he likes the spicks too, huh?
我喜欢哈利 但我觉得他有点太爱流汗了
I like Harry, but I can’t deny he sweats a little.
不要再来了 不然还扔你出去
Don’t try to come back, or I’ll throw you out again.
等一下 我的帽子还在那儿 我给了钱的…
Just a minute. My hat’s in there, and I paid…
Leave him alone! Leave him alone!
I love this dirty town.
希尼 给我释义一个动词吧
Sidney, conjugate me a verb.
For instance, “to promise.”
你”承诺” 过要拆散他们的 可是 什么时候
You promised to break up that romance. When?
你太急于求成 杰哥
You want something done, J.J.,
but I doubt if you yourself know what’s involved.
-我不懂 你教教我 -你怎么自己不拆散他们
-I’m a schoolboy. Teach me. -Why don’t you break it up yourself?
You know you could do it in a couple minutes flat.
到这时候了 你还要我解释
At this late date you need explanations?
苏茜是我唯一的亲人 现在她长大了…
Susie’s all I’ve got. Now she’s growing up…
I want my relationship with her to remain at least at par.
不到万不得已 我不想激怒她
I don’t intend to do anything to antagonize her if I don’t have to.
当心点 小子 你在逼我出手整你
Be warned, son. I’ll have to blitz you.
说真的 杰哥 我觉得没理由要整我
Frankly, J.J., I don’t think you got the cards to blitz me.
-是吗 -我说错了吗 我不觉得
-I don’t? -Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.
I’ll listen for one more minute.
一年前 我帮了你大忙
About a year ago, I did you a certain favor.
是这辈子做过的 最肮脏的勾当
It was a thing… Well, I never did such a dirty thing in my life.
好吧 不提这个 算了 再说说五周前的事
All right, it’s forgotten. Forget it. Which brings us up to five weeks ago.
你说”希尼 我有个小麻烦”
“Sidney, I got a nasty little problem here.
Do so-and-so and I’ll appreciate it.”
我拒绝了吗 我不耐烦了吗
Did I say no? Was I fussy?
我早就承认了 事情处理得是不够迅速…
I’m the first to admit it didn’t gel as fast as we’d like…
but why all of a sudden can’t I get you on the phone?
为什么从此就把 我的内容封♥杀♥了
And why am I frozen out of the column?
-你说完了吗 -不 还有呢
-You finished? -No. Let me finish, J.J.
I don’t like this job.
那小子脑子除了日场演出不怎么灵光 其余时聪明得很
That boy is dumb on matinee days only. Otherwise, he’s got a head.
而苏茜正如你所言 已经长大了 这是两个有脑子的人
And Susan, like you said, is growing up. Two heads.
我的意思是 我们碰到了个棘手问题
What I mean, we got a slippery, dangerous problem here.
不是我们 希尼 是你
Not we, Sidney. You.
我说错了吗 杰哥 是我们
Correct me if I’m wrong, J.J. we!
如果要我为你去出头办事 你必须清楚后果
Because if I’m gonna go out on a limb for you, you gotta know what’s involved.
My right hand hasn’t seen my left hand in 30 years.
我会处理的 你别误会
I’ll do it, J.J. Don’t get me wrong.
有始有终 我会完成任务
In for a penny, in for a pound. I’ll go through with it.
但你别再催我了 让我混口饭吃
But stop beating me on the head. Let me make a living.
希尼 承诺的就要做到 混饭吃不是靠骗的
Sidney, what you promised, do it. Don’t finagle around.
It’s later than you think.
抱歉 已经煮成熟饭了 那小子向她求婚了
Excuse me, J.J. It’s later than you think. That boy proposed to her.
Susie told you that?
-没错 -她答应没
-Uh-huh. -What was her answer?
She’ll discuss it with you at breakfast.
That means you’ve got a plan.
-你做得到吗 -今晚
-Can you deliver? -Tonight.
Before you go to bed.
都是囊中之物 瓮中之鳖
Cat’s in the bag, and the bag’s in the river.
不要再重蹈覆辙 希尼 不然后果很严重
Don’t be a two-time loser, Sidney. The penalty could be severe.
晚上好 法科先生
Good evening, Mr. Falco.
我猜对了 我就喜欢听这话
Well, I get the right point. That’s the way I like to hear it.
-哈里 看见亚瑟没 -嗯 他就在附近
-Hi, Harry. Seen Arthur? -Yeah, he’s around here someplace.
你好啊希尼 要坐吗
Hiya, Sid. You want a table?
不用 随便逛逛 李奥在吗
No. Just hoppin’. Leo Bartha been in?
在 跟老婆吃饭呢 她在那边 李奥…
Yeah, he’s havin’ supper with the missus. She’s over there, and he’s, uh…
-我看见了 谢谢 -不用
-Oh, I see him. Thanks. -You bet.
你好啊 李奥 香烟女郎的周日特稿进展如何
Hello, Leo. How goes the Sunday piece on cigarette girls?
Who told you about it?
卖♥♥烟女丽塔 还有她怎么一♥丝♥不♥挂♥的事
The cigarette girl, Rita. And she took out all her hairpins too.
我还没见过尊夫人呢 知道我好奇什么吗
I never had the pleasure of meeting your wife. You know what I wonder, Leo?
也许你明天的专栏 需要点小内♥幕♥
I wonder maybe you can use a hot little item for tomorrow’s column.
What is this, blackmail?
Beat it.
李奥 有幸认识下尊夫人吗
Leo, I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting your wife.
希尼·法科 洛蕊塔
Sidney Falco, Loretta.
-你好 法科先生 -你好
-How do you do, Mr. Falco? -How do you do?
如果你懂赛马 就请坐吧
If you know anything about the horses, sit down.
Help yourself to a glass of this New York State champagne.
That’s what my husband buys me.
These imported wines aren’t what they’re cracked up to be.
你站哪边的 法科先生 帮他还是帮我
Whose side are you on, Mr. Falco, his or mine?
坦白说 我可是联♥合♥国♥中立国的
Frankly, I’m a neutral observer for the United Nations.
-你叫什么 -希尼
-What’s your first name? -Sidney.
No horse running tomorrow by that name.
Why don’t you stop this business with the two-dollar bets?
It’s compensation, Leo, for the marginal life we lead.
希尼 你听说那故事了吗 有个成衣店老板…
Sidney, did you hear the story about the cloak-and-suiter who…
干得好 你讲给他听 等于直接放上汉塞克的专栏了
That’s right. You tell him, and I read it in Hunsecker’s column first.
哦 你是那拨的间谍
Oh, are you a spy for the other side?
不 我来是要给李奥 提供素材
