

[adjective] (of a person) lying face upward
[形容词] (指人)面朝上躺着


Supine 一词比较好记,就比人的身体支柱 spine (脊柱、脊椎)多加了一个字母 u 。该词源自拉丁语 supinus (向后弯、向后仰、仰卧),16世纪进入英语后便被用来表示“仰卧的、平躺着的”,即背部靠在支撑面上,面朝上的姿势,与前不久小站推送的 prone (俯卧的)相对,比如:

  • 他仰卧在长沙发上,双臂交叉在胸前。他完全被她的美色俘虏了。
    He lay supine on the couch, arms folded. He was completely enthralled by her beauty.
  • 我们沿着原始海滩漫步,一路上到处都是一排排仰卧在海滩上晒太阳的人。
    We walked along the pristine beach, past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the sun.

现在国内不少年轻人因为在生活工作上不如意或者劳累,而动则冒出想要选择“躺平”的生活方式来消极逃避责任、义务和压力。无独有偶的是, supine 这个词在英语中也从“仰卧的、平躺着的”这个概念引申用作贬义词表示“得过且过的、消极倦怠的、因循苟安的”,多指人因为冷漠或懒惰而来的卑劣怯懦的惰性或消极,比如:

  • 新任主管进行了一系列改革,并没有遭到软弱消极的员工多少反对。这是他大展身手的好机会。
    The new director has introduced a series of changes against little opposition from the supine staff. It is the opportunity for him to strut his stuff.


I know for a fact that the second half of her act takes place largely in a seated or supine position.

出自2005年首播的美国情景喜剧《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother)第2季第19集。


  • It is worth $252bn today and is controlled by an opaque partnership using legal vehicles in the Cayman Islands. Its ordinary shareholders are supine.
  • I was at first sitting up on the couch and talking about my daughter’s baby blanket, which I’d brought with me, and then I went supine.


1. Definition: 定义

  • Definition of supine (supine 的定义)
  • Lying face up or on the back (仰卧或平躺的)
  • Showing passivity or indifference (显示被动或漠不关心)

2. Body Position: 身体位置

  • Supine posture (仰卧姿势)
  • Supine position (仰卧位)
  • Supine relaxation (仰卧放松)

3. Medical and Physical Context: 医学与生理背景

  • Supine position for medical examinations (医学检查的仰卧位)
  • Supine hypotension syndrome (仰卧低血压综合症)
  • Supine exercise routines (仰卧体操)

4. Psychological and Emotional References: 心理与情感参考

  • Supine attitude (消极态度)
  • Supine submission (消极屈服)
  • Supine acceptance (消极接受)

5. Linguistic Usage: 语言用法

  • Supine verbs in grammar (语法中的仰卧动词)
  • Supine construction in Latin language (拉丁语中的仰卧结构)
  • Supine clause (仰卧从句)


supine (soo PINE) From the Latin, this adjective means “lying on the back with the face upward.” It is sometimes used to mean “showing lethargy or indifference.” In any case, it should not be confused with “prone,” which means “lying on the stomach with the face downward” or “having a tendency toward something,” as in a child’s “being prone to” tantrums.

  • Lying supine on the couch with one arm draped dramatically over her forehead and one hand resting on her stomach, Victoria was the picture of exhaustion, which is exactly how she felt after a day of babysitting the triplets.
  • The guard asked the prisoners to lie prone on the ground, their faces pushed into the mud, and threatened to shoot anyone who moved a muscle.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
仰卧(soo PINE)在拉丁语中,这个形容词的意思是“仰面躺着,脸朝上”。它有时被用来表示“表现出无精打采或漠不关心”。无论如何,它不应该与“俯卧”混淆,后者意味着“趴着,脸朝下”或“有倾向于某事”,就像孩子“容易发脾气”一样。

  • 维多利亚仰卧在沙发上,一只手臂戏剧性地搭在额头上,一手放在肚子上,看起来筋疲力尽,这正是她照顾三胞胎一天后的感受
  • 警卫要求囚犯俯卧在地上,脸被推入泥中,并威胁要射杀任何移动肌肉的人



prone: lying flat, especially face downward
recumbent: (especially of a person or human figure) lying down
prostrate: lying stretched out on the ground with one’s face downward
