
定义:形容词 superfluous 意味着多余的、不必要的或过剩的。它用来描述某物或某事超出了需要或预期的范围,没有实际用途或价值。


  1. 多余的或不必要的:superfluous 描述了某物或某事在特定情况下是多余或不必要的。它指的是超过实际需要或要求的量或程度。例如:”Her speech was filled with superfluous details that were unrelated to the topic.”(她的演讲中充斥着与主题无关的多余细节。)
  2. 过剩的或过度的:superfluous 还可以表示某物或某事超过了所需的量或程度,以至于成为多余或过度的。这种情况下,它强调了某物的过多或超出正常范围的性质。例如:”The decorations in the room were superfluous, as they overwhelmed the space.”(房间里的装饰过多,使空间变得拥挤。)
  3. 不必要的重复:在口语和书面语中,superfluous 还可以指不必要的重复或冗余,特别是在表达中使用了多余的词语或信息。例如:”He repeated himself three times, which was superfluous and annoying.”(他重复了三次,这是多余且令人厌烦的。)
  4. 不必要的存在:superfluous 还可以用来形容某人或某物的存在或参与是多余的,没有必要或无用的。这表明他们对于实现目标或达到结果并不重要或必需。例如:”His role in the project was superfluous; everything could have been done without him.”(他在项目中的角色是多余的;没有他也能完成一切。)

需要注意的是,superfluous 这个词常常带有负面的意义,暗示多余、冗余或浪费。它强调某物或某事的过量或不必要性,与有效和简洁的原则相对。


  1. Superfluous information: 多余的信息
  2. Superfluous decoration: 多余的装饰
  3. Superfluous expenses: 多余的开支
  4. Superfluous words: 多余的言辞
  5. Superfluous details: 多余的细节
  6. Superfluous items: 多余的物品
  7. Superfluous effort: 多余的努力
  8. Superfluous explanation: 多余的解释
  9. Superfluous paperwork: 多余的文件工作
  10. Superfluous features: 多余的功能
  11. Superfluous complexity: 多余的复杂性
  12. Superfluous repetition: 多余的重复
  13. Superfluous meetings: 多余的会议
  14. Superfluous demands: 多余的要求
  15. Superfluous gestures: 多余的手势



superfluous (soo PERF loo us) Literally “overflowing,” this adjective can describe either literal objects or more abstract qualities. Shakespearean English allowed for the noun “superflux,” but we’ve lost that pleasing word.

  • “Yes, you’ll need a hat to protect you from the sun,” said the tour organizer, “but taking a straw hat, a cotton hat, a plastic hat, and a baseball cap is just downright superfluous.
  • A superfluity of fragrance to a hypersensitive nose might make one “die of a rose in aromatic pain,” or at least poet Alexander Pope thought so.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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superfluous (soo PERF loo us) 字面意思是 “泛滥”,这个形容词可以描述字面的物体或更抽象的品质。莎士比亚英语允许使用名词 “superflux”,但我们已经失去了这个令人愉悦的词。


对一个过度敏感的鼻子来说,多余的香味可能会使人 “在芳香的痛苦中死于玫瑰”,至少诗人亚历山大-波普是这样认为的。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
