
  1. Offer succor: 提供帮助
  2. Seek succor: 寻求援助
  3. Provide succor: 提供支援
  4. Receive succor: 得到救援
  5. Extend succor: 给予救助
  6. Offer succor to someone in need: 向需要帮助的人提供援助
  7. Find succor in times of distress: 在困境中寻求安慰
  8. Provide succor to victims of a disaster: 为灾难受害者提供援助
  9. Seek succor from friends and family: 向朋友和家人寻求帮助
  10. Extend succor to those facing hardships: 向面临困境的人伸出援手
  11. Offer succor and support to the vulnerable: 向弱势群体提供援助和支持
  12. Find succor in the words of encouragement: 在鼓励的话语中找到安慰
  13. Provide succor to the wounded soldiers: 为受伤的士兵提供救护
  14. Seek succor in times of grief: 在悲伤时寻求安慰
  15. Offer succor to the homeless: 向无家可归者提供援助
  16. Find succor in a supportive community: 在支持性的社区中找到慰藉
  17. Provide succor to those affected by poverty: 为受贫困影响的人提供援助
  18. Seek succor from a mentor: 向导师寻求支持
  19. Extend succor to the sick and suffering: 向病患和受苦者提供援助
  20. Offer succor to the elderly: 向老年人提供救援
  21. Find succor in nature’s beauty: 在自然美景中找到慰藉
  22. Provide succor to refugees fleeing conflict: 为逃离冲突的难民提供援助
  23. Seek succor in the company of loved ones: 在亲人的陪伴中寻求安慰
  24. Extend succor to those battling addiction: 给予与战斗成瘾作斗争者的援助
  25. Offer succor to victims of abuse: 向虐待受害者提供援助
  26. Find succor in a listening ear: 在倾听的耳朵中找到安慰
  27. Provide succor to those facing financial difficulties: 为面临经济困难的人提供援助
  28. Seek succor from a higher power: 向更高的力量寻求支持
  29. Extend succor to the mentally ill: 给予心理疾病患者援助
  30. Offer succor to victims of natural disasters: 向自然灾害受害者提供援助
  31. Find succor in a kind gesture: 在善意的举动中找到慰藉
  32. Provide succor to the lonely and isolated: 为孤独和孤立的人提供援助
  33. Seek succor during times of uncertainty: 在不确定时期寻求安慰
  34. Extend succor to the hungry and homeless: 向饥饿和无家可归者伸出援手
  35. Offer succor to the victims of war: 向战争受害者提供援助
  36. Find succor in music and art: 在音乐和艺术中找到慰藉
  37. Provide succor to the injured athletes: 为受伤的运动员提供援助
  38. Seek succor from a support group: 从支持团体中寻求支持
  39. Extend succor to those struggling with mental health issues: 给予与心理健康问题作斗争者的援助
  40. Offer succor to the victims of injustice: 向不公正受害者提供援助
  41. Find succor in a good book: 在一本好书中找到慰藉
  42. Provide succor to the victims of discrimination: 为受歧视的受害者提供援助
  43. Seek succor from a therapist: 向心理治疗师寻求支持
  44. Extend succor to the wounded animals: 给予受伤的动物援助
  45. Offer succor to the victims of domestic violence: 向家庭暴力受害者提供援助
  46. Find succor in a warm hug: 在温暖的拥抱中找到慰藉
  47. Provide succor to those recovering from a loss: 为从损失中恢复的人提供援助
  48. Seek succor in prayer and meditation: 在祈祷和冥想中寻求安慰
  49. Extend succor to the disadvantaged children: 给予弱势儿童援助
  50. Offer succor to the victims of human trafficking: 向人口贩运受害者提供援助


succor (SUK or) This noun comes from the Latin for “to run to the aid of,” and it means just that—“relief” or “comfort in a time of distress.” One can “offer” succor, “receive” succor, or, in the verb form, “succor” someone else. Don’t confuse it with “sucker.”

•Madeline took some succor in knowing that although she didn’t win the spelling bee, she was elected “Best Speller Under the Age of Twelve” in a nationwide vote.

•After the dashingly handsome Juan was proven innocent and released from the dungeon, most of the women in the village rushed to succor him, bringing food and drink and the offer of a warm bed.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
succor(SUK或)这个名词来源于拉丁语中的“to run to aid of”,意思是“relief”或“comfort in a time of distress”。人们可以“提供”succor,“接受”succor或动词形式的“succor”其他人。不要把它和“笨蛋”混为一谈

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
