To me, this is just one more thing.
对我来说 这只是额外的东西
My life doesn’t depend on it.
你的人生嘛 好吧 你的人生可能得靠它
Your life– Okay, maybe your life depends on it.
-[both laugh] -[Stutz] Just teasing.
我的心态是 “我想积极地、诚实地谈论两件事
My mind says I want to aggressively and honestly talk about two things.
One is my relationship with you,
and the second thing is the actual power of these tools.
So how do I go deeper? Like, how do I–
-There’s only one way. -Huh?

是这样的 如果你想前进
The thing is, if you wanna move forward…
你就必须展示脆弱 否则你将无法前进
[splutters] 鈥ou can’t move forward without being vulnerable.
And the reason is everybody needs help in moving forward.
Failure, weakness, vulnerability is like a, um…
它们就好比连接器 把你和世界联♥系♥起来
It’s like a connector. It connects you to the rest of the world.
因为你实际上 是在向世界发出这个信♥号♥♥
Because what you’re doing is,
you’re giving out this signal to the world,
“我需要你 因为我一个人做不到”
“I need you because I can’t do this by myself.”
嗯 这解释很有道理
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
I think what would be a good idea,
maybe I should show you some of the movie,
然后我们可以一起想想 要怎样去完成它
and we can kind of figure out how we wanna complete it.
我俩一起携手前进 如果你愿意的话
And, like, for us to be in that together if you’re down for that?
当然了 我真的很感动
I am, yeah. I’m really touched.
Um, frankly, I’m relieved also.
当然愿意 会很棒的 就当做实验
So yes, it would be great. It’ll be great. It’ll be like an experiment.
好 太好了
Yeah. All right, cool.
好 算我一个
Okay, I’m down.
我爱你 伙计
I love you, dude.

Cut. [laughs]
哦 你们在拍呢?
Oh, you guys were filming?
你觉得我为什么 要拍一部关于你的纪录片?
[Jonah] Why do you think I’m making a doc on you?
I think it’s…it’s my ideas.
I…I think my ideas had an effect on you,
and I think you wanted to expose other people to the ideas.
You want to do some Parkinson’s drugs?
-[laughs] -[both laugh on laptop]
[Jonah] I kicked the stuff years ago, man.
[piano music plays]
我们不得不在绿幕上搭景 还原你的办公室
[Jonah] So we had to build a fake set of your office on the green screen
to make it seem like we’ve been here this whole time.
-比我真正的办公室要好呢 -是啊
-[Stutz] It’s nicer than my real office. -[Jonah laughs] Yeah.
第X部分 所以当你看电影的时候…
Part X. And then, so when you’re watching the movie…
-尽收眼帘的是… -我们没买♥♥那种保险
-Like, a view of– [laughs] -We never had insurance for that.
[Jonah] We’ve ripped the Band-Aid off.
向你坦白了 我的真实想法和事情的真♥相♥
We’ve told you where I’m at and the truth of it.
Where do we go from here?
It feels to me like we have to stay very grounded
and, at the same time, reach for the stars.
I’m not sure how to do both of those at the same time.
但任何真实且意义深远的事物 都必须是成对的
But anything that’s real and that’s profound
has to have two, not one, because it’s a vibratory thing.
[Jonah] Ooh!
Two people can create a field, and a field is invisible,
磁场是看不见的 但那是宇宙中促成事情发生的力量
but that’s the force in the universe that makes things happen.
You can see that in your personal relationships.
你能在目前正在发生的全球事件中 看到这一点
You can see it in the global events that are happening now.
我们其实是把自己 交给我们不能完全理解的东西
What we’re doing here
is giving ourselves over to something that we can’t fully understand.
But whatever it is out there, whatever it is up there,
it wants to have a connection to everybody.
[Jonah laughs]
[Stutz] The shame, embarrassment,
实际上是将整个宇宙 紧密地联♥系♥在一起的纽带
is actually the glue that holds the universe together.
正是这些经历 让你不得不与他人建立联♥系♥
It’s in that experience that you’re forced to connect to somebody else.
总之 完美是不存在的
Anyway, things won’t be perfect.
从拍摄的角度或艺术的角度上看 有些事情可能不会成功
In a filming sense or an artistic sense, something might not work out,
但其不可能 会为你打开另一扇门
but in its impossibility, something’s gonna happen.
顺便说一下 这是用我头发做的
This is my real hair, by the way.
What? What’s the matter? Wait, what’s the matter?
What you have to say is, “I’m gonna do the best I can now.”
去做下一件事时 我也会尽我所能”
“I’ll go to the next thing and do the best I can there.”
听起来很老套很肤浅 但相信我 恰恰相反
And it sounds trite andsuperficial, but believe me, it’s not.
好 所以你的意思是 感觉越糟 代表我们做得越好?
Great, so you’re saying the worse it is, the better we did?
-对 -很好
-[Stutz] Yes. -Great.
Isn’t that how Hollywood works in general?
-[Jonah laughs] -I always thought. I don’t know.
好吧 那我们就继续前进
All right, well, then let’s just keep going.
[melancholic music plays]
如果有工具 我们就能扭转局面
[Stutz] If you have the tools, we can turn this around.
So we have to keep going.
Keep going.
似乎很蠢 过于简单化了吧?
It seems stupid. Isn’t that, like, simplistic?
是 没错 但我们要说
It is, but we want to say, “I’m the one who puts the next pearl on the string.”
That’s all. Nothing else.
That’s called the String of Pearls.
从自我激励的角度看 这或许是你能教自己的最重要的东西
That’s probably the most important thing, motivationally, you could teach yourself.
You just draw a string of pearls.
一条线 一个圆圈 以此类推
There’s a line then a circle, line then a circle.
Each one of those circles equals one action.
But here’s the thing.
Every action has the same value.
This is a matter of identity. “Who am I?”
“我是谁?” “我不怎么样 我什么都不是”
“I’m not great. I’m not shit. I don’t want to look at myself and think…
我只从我采取行动的习惯的角度 看待自己
I look at myself just in terms of the habits with which I take action.
不管是失败了 还是取得了巨大的成功
If there’s a failure or a big success, by the way, either way,
you’re gonna keep going.
I am the person that puts the next pearl on the string. That’s it.
So essentially getting out of bed in the morning is a string of pearls.
所以基本上来说 早上起床就是一串珍珠
只要起床 然后做你当天必须做的事
-Just getting out of bed… -Yes.
鈥nd doing what you have to do that day
and not putting, like, a size value on the effort.
-[Stutz] That’s right. -They’re all the same size.
你虽然是个混♥蛋♥ 但有个可贵之处
The beautiful thing about you, even though you’re an asshole,
is that you never stop.
你有这个态度 你喜欢不确定性
You have that. You have a taste for uncertainty.
The first session we had, you said that true confidence is living in uncertainty.
你说真正的自信 在于生活在不确定性中
对 并且继续前进
Yeah, and moving forward.
赢家不是那个总是做出最好的决定 或看起来最成功的人
The winner is not the one who always makes the best decisions or looks the best.
The winner is the one who works that cycle.
换句话说 就是愿意冒险
In other words, who’s willing to take a risk,
愿意凭着一定程度的信心行事 然后承担结果的人
will interact with some degree of faith, and then eats the consequences.
如果结果是坏的 那么就重新开始循环
If the consequences are bad, then you gotta work the cycle again.
That’s as good as it gets.
好 事情是这样的
Now, here’s the thing.
所有这些小圆圈里面 都有一个更小的黑色圆点
In every one of these little circles, there’s a little darker circle,
much smaller, and the darker circle is a turd.
挺好笑的哈 但它说的是你的每一份努力…
It’s kind of funny in a way, but what it says is every effort you make…
比方说现在 我们在拍这部电影
Let’s say now. We’re trying to do this film.
无论成品如何 它都不会是完美的
However this comes out, it’s not gonna come out perfectly.
So there’s gonna be a turd in it.
我不知道电影拍出来是好是坏 所以我不需要担心这个
It’s like I don’t know if this is good, so I don’t have to worry about that.
我只管继续前进 把下一颗珍珠串在绳子上
I have to worry about forward motion, putting the next pearl on the string.
I’ll tell you, my life philosophy has turned into the opposite of that.
So instead of a turd inside of a pearl,
there’s a pearl around every turd.
因为遇到不如意的事时 我会想
Because when something bad happens, I go, like, “There’s a lot to be learned
我能从中学到很多 能从中受益很多
and a lot of good around this event.”
非常棒 这句话我拿去用了
That’s fantastic. I’m gonna steal that one.
Well, I’ll sue you.