


struggle [‘strʌgəl] v. 奋斗,努力;挣扎  n. 努力,奋斗;竞争
struggle 奋斗 ←同尾词→ jungle 丛林
eg. We had to struggle against all kinds of adversities in the jungle.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Financial struggle – 经济困难
  2. Personal struggle – 个人挣扎
  3. Inner struggle – 内心挣扎
  4. Emotional struggle – 情感困扰
  5. Mental struggle – 心理斗争
  6. Overcome struggles – 克服困难
  7. Daily struggle – 日常挣扎
  8. struggle for justice – 为正义而斗争
  9. struggle for equality – 为平等而奋斗
  10. struggle for freedom – 为自由而斗争
  11. struggle for rights – 为权益而斗争
  12. struggle for survival – 为生存而奋斗
  13. struggle for success – 为成功而努力
  14. struggle with addiction – 与成瘾作斗争
  15. struggle with anxiety – 与焦虑作斗争
  16. struggle with depression – 与抑郁作斗争
  17. struggle with weight loss – 减肥的斗争
  18. struggle with self-doubt – 自我怀疑的斗争
  19. struggle with insecurity – 不安全感的斗争
  20. struggle with loneliness – 孤独的斗争
  21. struggle with temptation – 与诱惑作斗争
  22. struggle with self-discipline – 自律的斗争
  23. struggle with time management – 时间管理的斗争
  24. struggle with procrastination – 拖延的斗争
  25. struggle for better education – 为更好的教育而奋斗
  26. struggle for career advancement – 为事业发展而斗争
  27. struggle for work-life balance – 为工作与生活的平衡而斗争
  28. struggle with peer pressure – 与同伴压力作斗争
  29. struggle for acceptance – 为被接纳而斗争
  30. struggle with identity – 与身份认同作斗争
  31. struggle with cultural differences – 与文化差异作斗争
  32. struggle for social change – 为社会变革而斗争
  33. struggle for environmental conservation – 为环境保护而斗争
  34. struggle with communication barriers – 与沟通障碍作斗争
  35. struggle with technology – 与技术作斗争
  36. struggle with language learning – 语言学习的斗争
  37. struggle with public speaking – 公众演讲的斗争
  38. struggle for better healthcare – 为更好的医疗保健而斗争
  39. struggle for gender equality – 为性别平等而斗争
  40. struggle with time constraints – 与时间限制作斗争
  41. struggle for work recognition – 为工作认可而斗争
  42. struggle with financial debt – 与财务债务作斗争
  43. struggle with academic pressure – 与学业压力作斗争
  44. struggle for social justice – 为社会公正而斗争
  45. struggle with family issues – 与家庭问题作斗争
  46. struggle with personal relationships – 与个人关系作斗争
  47. struggle for peace – 为和平而斗争
  48. struggle for human rights – 为人权而斗争
  49. struggle with self-image – 与自我形象作斗争
  50. struggle with life’s uncertainties – 与生活的不确定性作斗争
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
