

[adjective] loud and harsh
[形容词] 响亮刺耳的


Strident 一词源自拉丁语 stridere (发出口齿不清的声音、发出刺耳的声音、尖叫),17世纪50年代进入英语后开始作形容词表示“尖声的、刺耳的”,多用来形容人的嗓音持续响亮刺耳不和谐,令耳朵特别痛苦,比如:

  • 她的言语中流露出一丝自鸣得意。她想笑,但声音听起来尖锐刺耳。
    There was a tinge of smug self-satisfaction in her voice. She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident.

如果一个人说话声音总是既响亮又刺耳,难免给人一种强势逼人的感觉。那么从这个概念进一步引申,则可以用 strident 表示“强硬的、咄咄逼人的”或者说“坚定的”,多指以一种过分和令人不快的方式提出观点,尤其是有争议的观点,并常带有令人不可抗拒、违背他人意愿或者强迫引起注意之意,比如:

  • 自从她在一场激烈的辩论中展现出了杰出的口才后,她愈加被视为强硬的女权主义者。
    She was increasingly seen as a strident feminist since she exhibited her oratorical prowess in a furious debate.
  • 报纸上这篇措词强硬的文章错误百出。
    This strident newspaper article teems with blunders.

此外,在语音学上, strident 还可以用作名词表示“发音粗糙的辅音”,如 [ʒ] 、 [z] 等,同 sibilant (咝音、咝擦音)。


The old man burst into a shout of strident and mournful laughter, coughing and laughing at the same time.

出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。


  • Mr Geithner will not convince his most strident critics, but less obdurate readers will find his advice invaluable.
  • For now, voters narrowly embraced Mr. Macron’s centrist calls for change over more strident appeals from the far left and the far right for France to fortify itself against immigration and globalization.


1. Definition: 定义

  • Definition of strident (strident 的定义)
  • Loud and harsh (大声而刺耳的)
  • Piercing and shrill (尖锐而刺耳的)

2. Sound and Voice: 声音和嗓音

  • Strident voice (尖锐的声音)
  • Strident tone (尖锐的语调)
  • Strident cry (尖锐的喊叫)
  • Strident whistle (尖锐的哨声)

3. Communication and Expression: 沟通和表达

  • Strident language (尖锐的言辞)
  • Strident criticism (尖锐的批评)
  • Strident argument (尖锐的争论)
  • Strident protest (尖锐的抗议)

4. Personality and Behavior: 个性和行为

  • Strident personality (尖锐的个性)
  • Strident behavior (尖锐的行为)
  • Strident attitude (尖锐的态度)
  • Strident opposition (尖锐的反对)

5. Sociopolitical Context: 社会政治背景

  • Strident activism (尖锐的行动主义)
  • Strident movements (尖锐的运动)
  • Strident rhetoric (尖锐的修辞)
  • Strident demands (尖锐的要求)


strident (STRY dent) If it’s harsh and grating in its sound, it’s strident.

  • When King Lear refers to a voice that is “soft, gentle, and low” as being “an excellent thing in woman,” we wonder if he found a strident voice objec-tionable in everyone or only in women.
  • “You’ll clean up this pigpen and you’ll clean it up now,” Sergeant Maldonado said stridently, horrified that the new recruits had not learned that a barracks must be kept neat at all times.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 当李尔王将“柔和、温柔、低沉”的声音称为“女性的优秀声音”时,我们想知道他是否发现刺耳的声音在每个人身上都是可以接受的,或者只在女性身上是可以接受
  • “你会清理这个猪圈,现在就清理,”马尔多纳多中士刺耳地说,他对新兵们没有学会营房必须始终保持整洁感到震惊



harsh: unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses
raucous: making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise
grating: sounding harsh and unpleasant
