


strict [strɪkt] adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的
strict 严格 ←同首词→ street 街道
eg. The man is strict with his son and often scolds him even in the street.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》



  1. strict rules – 严格的规则
  2. strict discipline – 严格的纪律
  3. strict teacher – 严格的老师
  4. strict parent – 严格的父母
  5. strict dress code – 严格的着装要求
  6. strict deadline – 严格的截止日期
  7. strict regulations – 严格的规定
  8. strict adherence – 严格遵守
  9. strict supervision – 严格的监督
  10. strict consequences – 严格的后果
  11. strict enforcement – 严格执行
  12. strict policy – 严格的政策
  13. strict security – 严格的安全措施
  14. strict protocol – 严格的协议
  15. strict control – 严格的控制
  16. strict confidentiality – 严格保密
  17. strict diet – 严格的饮食
  18. strict schedule – 严格的时间表
  19. strict budget – 严格的预算
  20. strict evaluation – 严格的评估
  21. strict quality standards – 严格的质量标准
  22. strict code of conduct – 严格的行为准则
  23. strict professional ethics – 严格的职业道德
  24. strict safety measures – 严格的安全措施
  25. strict confidentiality – 严格的保密
  26. strict immigration laws – 严格的移民法律
  27. strict traffic regulations – 严格的交通规定
  28. strict testing procedures – 严格的测试程序
  29. strict contract terms – 严格的合同条款
  30. strict academic standards – 严格的学术标准
  31. strict financial control – 严格的财务控制
  32. strict attendance policy – 严格的出勤政策
  33. strict anti-cheating measures – 严格的反作弊措施
  34. strict censorship – 严格的审查制度
  35. strict customer service guidelines – 严格的客户服务准则
  36. strict environmental regulations – 严格的环境法规
  37. strict data protection – 严格的数据保护
  38. strict courtroom procedures – 严格的法庭程序
  39. strict media guidelines – 严格的媒体指南
  40. strict financial auditing – 严格的财务审计
  41. strict team management – 严格的团队管理
  42. strict code of ethics – 严格的职业道德准则
  43. strict dress rehearsal – 严格的彩排
  44. strict customer feedback process – 严格的客户反馈流程
  45. strict content moderation – 严格的内容管理
  46. strict inventory control – 严格的库存控制
  47. strict safety protocols – 严格的安全协议
  48. strict company policies – 严格的公司政策
  49. strict examination procedures – 严格的考试程序
  50. strict product quality control – 严格的产品质量控制
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
