Who told you?
对不起 老爸
Sorry, Daddy.
哦 我儿子 地精
Oh! My son, the gnome.
-我们结束了 小虫 -什么?
-We’re done, Bug. -What?
-我有新人了 -谁?
-I’m seeing someone else now. -Who?
You kidding me? Him?
Hey! Go fuck yourself, man!
Dolores, come back!
He yelled to the sky.
But what Bug didn’t realize–
-滚蛋吧 独白狗 -他说
-Fuck you, narrator dog! -He said.
Stop saying “he said.”
He replied.
我一直对你有很高的期望 雷吉
I always had such high hopes for you, Reggie.
I just wanted you to be… …a good boy.
All I ever wanted was to be a good boy.
再见了 雷吉
Goodbye, Reggie.
等等 道格 回来!
Wait, Doug! Come back!
-什么味道? -什么?
-Whoa, whoa. What’s that smell? -Wait, wh-what?
It’s coming from over here.
亨特 你看到了吗?
Hunter, are you seeing this?
– Toys. – Toys!
Guys, get in here! Get over here!
-小雷 跟我玩拔河 -它在叫
– Reg, pull this one with me. – -It’s so squishy!
-好软! -我的鼻子都麻木了
– Oh, fluffy! – -I can’t feel my snout.
Oh! Toys everywhere!
I don’t want this day to ever end!
Yeah, me neither!
早上好 舒服吗?
Morning, guys. Comfy?
靠 我把你当成多洛莉丝了 我的错
Oh, shit. I thought you were Dolores. My bad.
-我要尿尿 -你脚边是什么?
-I gotta go pee. -What’s that by your feet, Reggie?
My feet? What are you talking about?
-这是什么? -对啊 这是什么?
-What is that? -Yeah, what is that?
老天啊 是耳朵!
Oh, my God. That’s an ear!
-耳朵? -我♥操♥!
-An ear? -Holy fucking shit!
They were toys. Guys, where are the goddamn toys?
This is not real. This is not real!
不是真的 老天啊
This is real! This is real! Oh, my God!
We killed ’em!
I’m gonna barf.
老天 我吐出了皮毛!
Oh, God, there’s fur in the barf!
我们是凶手!天啊 我也要吐了
We’re fucking murderers! Oh, my God. Now I’m gonna barf.
操 不可能是真的
Holy fuck! This can’t be happening!
坚持住 我这就把你治好
Hang in there. Stay with me. I’ll fix you.
-小虫 你在干什么? -你觉得我在干什么?
-Bug, what are you doing? -What does it look like?
我在掩盖证据 绝对不能被发现
I’m getting rid of the evidence. Nobody can know!
我们相聚在此 向兔兔道别
Um… We are gathered here today to say goodbye to the bunnies.
说真的 那是个意外
Honestly, what we did was an accident.
-绝对的 -没错
-Absolutely. -Right.
And I know that if we weren’t confused from the food we ate,
我们绝对不会撕咬你们、 扯断你们的四肢
we would have never mauled you, tore all your limbs off
也绝对不会甩你们的尸体 还哈哈大笑 都是意外
and shook your corpses around while giggling gleefully by accident.
上帝保佑你们 兔兔
So bless you, bunnies.
-对不起 -上帝保佑
-Yes. Sorry. -Bless you.
-So sorry. -Sorry.
-阿门 -好了 到此结束
-Amen. -All right, that’s it.
谁都不许再提起 一个字都不行
Never speak of this again. Not one word, do you hear me?
Not one fucking word.
-不许提什么? -靠 条子
-Not one word about what? -Oh, shit. The cops.
对 就是我 混球
“Oh, shit’s” right, motherfucker.
那都是意外 我发誓
Wh-Wh-What did we do? We’re innocent, I promise.
-坐下! -坐下了
-Sit! -I am.
On the ground! Lay down! Paws where I can see ’em.
-这就趴下 -搜身
-We’re laying down. -Search these bitches.
-他们在隐藏什么 -怎么办?
-They’re hiding something. -Oh, God, what do we do?
冷静 有我呢 我有白狗腔调
Calm down. I got this. I’m gonna speak with my white dog voice.
日安 警官 我们这辈子 都没有杀害过兔子
Hello, officer. None of us have ever killed a bunny in our lives.
-小虫! -什么?都他妈的闭嘴
– Bug! – What? Everybody shut the fuck up.
We’re looking for a lost Girl Scout.
莱利·安德森 人类年龄八岁
Riley Anderson. Age eight in human years.
Wandered away from her campsite two days ago.
Thought you dogs might have some contact with her.
什么都没找到 长官
I’ve got nothing, sir.
看来没有 我们走吧
But it smells like you haven’t. Let’s move out.
等等 我能帮忙
Wait, wait. I could help.
抱歉 我不是想自吹自擂
I’m sorry, I don’t really want to be that bitch,
but I’m actually really good at sniffing,
and I’d be happy to assist in finding this lost girl.
不用了 澳洲牧屎犬
Yeah, no, thanks, Australian Shep-turd.
不好意思 你不应该这么跟她说话
Excuse me, but you really shouldn’t talk to her like that.
And what the fuck are you gonna do about it?
我什么都不办 我趴好
I-I will do nothing the fuck about it. I am sitting down now.
哎 亨特
Oh, Hunter.
-亨特? -罗尔夫?
-Hunter? -Rolf?
Holy mother-flipping shit!
你戴着罩子 我都没认出来
I didn’t recognize you with the cone.
是啊 我戴罩子了
Yeah, yeah. I got a cone now.
过来 兄弟
Bring it in, bro.
-兄弟! -让我闻闻!
-Buddy! -Give me some!
天 我应该能认出来的
God. Well, I should’ve known,
’cause your butthole smells exactly the same.
I’ll never forget this butthole.
-搞什么? -你们认识?
-What the fuck? -You know this guy?
You kidding me? This fucker and I went to the academy together.
我的一身本领全都是跟这个 狗♥娘♥养♥的学的
Everything I know I learned from this son of a bitch.
理论上我们都是狗♥娘♥养♥的 长官
Technically, we’re all sons of bitches, sir.
闭嘴 你最后去哪了 哥们?
Shut up. Hey, so where’d you end up, brother?
Drug sniffing? Bomb detection? What are we talking about?
呃 我照顾临终的人类
Oh, um… Well, I take care of dying humans.

好吧 也不是世界末日
I mean, that’s not the end of the world, I guess.
Oh. For them it is.
Well, hey, guys.
找到流浪狗了 罗尔夫?
You found some strays, Rolf?
-干得好 -你们来这里干什么?
-Good job. -So what are you fuckers doing out here?
-说来话长 -我们要咬掉某个人的屌♥
-Oh, uh, well, it’s a long story. -We’re gonna bite a guy’s dick off.
It’s actually a short story.
真棒!刚加入警队的时候 老二可以随便咬
Nice! Man, when I joined the force, you could bite dicks left and right.
现在要是咬一根 要写两周的报告
Nowadays, I chomp a dick, I gotta fill out two weeks of paperwork.
Can I get an AC unit down to Old Forest Road 54?
我们要找天空的魔鬼 你知道吗?
We’re trying to get to the devil in the sky. Does that sound familiar?
-天空的魔鬼?知道 -太好了
– Devil in the sky? Yeah. – Much appreciated.
来吧 我们来带路
You stick with us, we’ll show you the way.
-真的吗? -当然了 抓老鼠的
-Wow, really? -Sure thing, rat boy.
Let’s not wait so long next time, huh?
-多久没见了 七年? -就一年
-What’s it been, seven years? -I think just one,
不过对我们来说 一年就像七年
but every year feels like seven to us, so that makes sense.
好了 我们要统一口径
Okay. We gotta get our story straight.
杀掉兔子的是一只负鼠 明白吗?
It was a possum who killed all the bunnies. Got it?
-等等 那只负鼠叫什么? -呃 格雷戈
-Wait, what’s the possum’s name? -Uh, Greg.
这可不像负鼠的名字 蒙提怎么样?
That’s not a believable name for a possum. Ooh. Can it be Monty?
-嗨 凯斯 -史蒂夫 谢谢你来一趟
-Hey, Cath. -Steve, thanks for coming over.
小家伙 要吃零食吗?
Hey, little guy. Want a treat?
Treats! I love treats!
哎呀 看来你喜欢零食?
Oh, my goodness, does somebody want a treat?
这个给你 我还有好多
This one’s all for you. I got tons of treats.
雷吉 是陷阱!
Reggie, it’s a trap!
No, no, no!