他会忍♥不住过去告诉他们 他们都是些混♥蛋♥操的
he can’t resist crossing the street to tell them that they are a son of a bitch.
Well, I don’t think I’ve ever done that.
Shall I tell you why he does that?
因为他知道 他手边总有一个人
Because he knows he always has someone at hand
who’s there to clean up the mess.
那么那人是谁呢 州长?
And who is that person, Governor?
还用问吗 那人就是我啊 康奈尔小姐!
Why, that would be me, Miss Connell!
–你真确定要我们待在这吗? –很确定
– Are you sure you want us to be here? – Quite sure.
我从政有一段时间了 我来告诉你这事通常是怎么运转的
I’ve been in politics for a while, and I’ll tell you how things usually go.
The boss is usually the public face.
他必须回答很多问题 涉及很多方面
He has to answer many questions on many subjects.
因此 这上司得有一个团队 让我来告诉你他们的工作是什么
For that reason, the boss has staff. And I’ll tell you what their job is.
Their job is to put right all the things the boss,
in his haste or ignorance, got wrong.
告诉你吧 说来也怪
Only, tell you something, it’s odd.
When you have Robert Moses on the staff,
the situation is reversed.
摩西搞砸了 他上司的工作就是收拾残局
Moses fucks up, and it’s the boss’s job to clean up the mess.
就像你说的 我不知道自己搞砸了
I wasn’t aware I’d fucked up, as you put it.
–你不知道? –对
– Weren’t you? – No.
The lawsuit!
那只在不方便而已 州长 不是搞砸了
An inconvenience, Governor, not a fuck–up.
–它没有动摇我! –不 我都注意到了!
– It hasn’t shaken me. – No, I’ve noticed!
Well, I’m sure we’ll win in a superior court.
–我们会吗? –最后会的
– Will we? – Eventually.
If someone gives you the money to get there.
Isn’t that what you rely on?
州政♥府♥的资金是个无底洞 而对个人就不是
The state has bottomless pockets, the individual don’t.
You’re hoping to wear your enemy down, is that it,
来逐渐消耗你的对手 是这样吗?
with the financial support of New York State?
如果我说错了 请原谅我
Forgive me if I’m in error,
but I always had the impression that you were going to back me.
你怎么会有这种印象 鲍勃?
Where did you get that impression, Bob?
You want these parks and parkways as badly as I do.
–我有吗? –你当然有
– Do I? – Why, sure you do.
为了你自己好 你最好说对了
For your own sake, you’d better be right about that.
I believe I am.
你不会认为我对你是理所当然的吧 对吗?
You wouldn’t be taking me for granted, would you?
再说一遍 很多人都跟我聊天
Again, a lot of people talk to me.
是的 他们喜欢和我聊天 他们在街上 理发店里跟我聊天
Yeah, they like to talk to me. They talk to me in the streets, in the barbershops.
见鬼的是 他们甚至在那土耳其澡堂里也跟我聊天
Hell, they even talk to me in the Turkish baths.
–是因为我平易近人 –你当然是啊
– Because I’m approachable. – You certainly are.
Yeah, and the rumour I’ve heard
is that your mother
支付了你的个人罚款 这是真的吗?
has paid your personal fine, is that true?
Tell me.
Did your mother step up for her little boy?
这不关你的事吧 州长?
It isn’t strictly your business, Governor, is it?
Ha–ha! Not my business, eh?
这是个人罚款 要我亲自处理的
It was a personal fine. I dealt with it personally.
–意思就是要你亲爱的妈妈来处理? –这不关你的事
– Meaning your dear mama has covered it? – It’s not your business.
这是你老板的优点之一 成员们
That is one of your boss’s virtues, team.
他甚至没钱支付自己的罚款 你甚至能说他还
You could call it a mark of honour that he doesn’t even have the money
to cover his own fine.
不管你们怎么说他 相信我 我说的够多啦
Because whatever you say about him, and believe me, I say plenty,
he’s not on the take.
He has a mother
为他去掏腰包 为他付那两万二!
who’ll reach in her pockets and give him $22.000!
只是这一次而已 只会发生一次的
On this occasion only. It happened once.
请你提醒我一下 我的记忆力有限 不一定准确
Well, just remind me, I’m relying on my memory here, it’s not always accurate.
The reason you found yourself in court was because…?
You went ahead and seized private land for some park
–擅自征用私人土地修建公园 –我并没有强占 而是买♥♥下了它
– without the governor’s signature. – I didn’t seize it, I bought it.
–是用低于市场价的价格 –这是所有者自己的主张
– At less than the market rate. – So the owner claims.
–那曾是泰勒庄园 –我们都知道 那在原则上已经违法啦
– It was the Taylor Estate. – We both know it was a technical offence.
–原则上?纯粹是原则? –这只是时间问题
– Technical? Oh, purely technical? – It was a matter of timing.
你本来要签字的 但你还没有在拨款的那一刻签字
You were going to sign, but you hadn’t at the moment of appropriation.
How did you know I was going to sign it?
Well, I had a fair idea.
–你都没有问过我 –对的
– You hadn’t even asked me. – Correct.
–你甚至都没找过我 –对的
– You hadn’t even approached me. – Correct.
–就在当时 –是我忘了
– At that moment. – It had slipped my mind.
我也许不知道我需要特别许可 艾尔
Perhaps I didn’t know I needed the specific permission, Al.
I’ll tell you something funny.
我今天来到这里 就像你心不在焉时那样
I came here today, and I was looking around the room,
as you do when your mind’s wandering,
making conversation with this delightful helpmate of yours,
and there I was,
staring at the Northern State Parkway.
–对 –是的 这些图!
– Yes. – Yeah, the plans!
–在这板上的! –好嘛 确实在那
– On the boards! – Well, there they are.
I had a question for my young compatriot.
–她是怎么回答的? –摩西先生 对不起 我不应该…
– And how did she answer? – Mr Moses, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t…
不管你说了什么 那不是你的错
Not your fault, whatever you said.
康奈尔小姐告诉了我真♥相♥ 正如我所希望的那样
Miss Connell told me the truth, as I would expect her to.
And I would expect that also.
–她还告诉我 你已经开始建啦 –我确实这么说啦
– She told me you started building. – I did say that.
你没有等到我的允许 你就把该死的挖掘机派来了
You hadn’t waited for my permission. You just sent the fucking diggers in.
还不只是一条公路 是两条!
And not just to one parkway, either, to two!
对于我来说 最令人难以置信的是 我曾想要让
And it seems incredible to me that I once wanted to put in charge of prisons
一个都不知道 “惯犯 ”一词含义的人来管理监狱
someone who doesn’t know the meaning of the words ‘repeat offender’.
–我知道它们的含义 –好嘛 然后呢
– I do know their meaning, Governor. – Well, then.
I just don’t recognise myself in the description.
Do not take me for a fucking idiot!
I have the greatest respect for you.
上帝啊 摩西 如果你就是这样对待你所尊重的人
Jesus Christ, Moses, if this is how you treat the people you respect,
I dread to think how you treat the people you despise.
就我所见 你就是这样看其他所有的人的
Which, as far as I can see, is more or less the rest of the human race.
None of us coming up to your standards of brilliance and fucking intellect!
–你♥他♥妈♥会输了这官司! –还没有
– You lost the fucking case! – Not yet.
–你输了! –我会上诉的
– You lost it! – It’s going to appeal.
现在你又在进行更多非法的 未经授权的
And now you’re charging ahead again with yet more appropriations
which are illegal and unauthorised.
你相信你的才智能让你摆脱 你那自大导致的每一个困境
You believe your brain can get you out of every situation your ego gets you into.
Every family in Long Island wants to hang you from a lamppost upside down.
–这困扰到你了 对吗? –他妈的确实!
– And that bothers you, does it? – Oh, it fucking well does!
他们和其他人一样 也是选民
They are voters, just like everyone else.
That’s a problem for you, is it?
这位来自第四区的爱尔兰人 在意范德比尔特家 对吗?
The Mick from the Fourth Ward cares about the Vanderbilts, does he?
He cares about the Whitneys? He cares about the JP Morgans?
因为在我的印象里 州长 无论如何 他们都不会投票支持你
Because my impression, Governor, is that they’re not going to vote for you anyway.
所以 如果我们激怒了一些本来就
So what does it matter if we anger a few plutocrats
不站在我们这边的财阀 那又有什么关系呢?
who were never on our side in the first place?
–是因为他们有影响力 这才是原因 –影响谁?
– Because they have influence, that’s why. – Influence with who?
我在问呢 州长 影响谁?
I’m asking, Governor. Influence with who?
Yeah, you want a word of advice? Leave the politics to me.
你♥他♥妈♥根本听不进去 你接着去搞你的建设吧!
You’re tone–fucking–deaf to it. You get on with the building!
上帝啊 州长 这就是我在做的!
God in heaven, Governor, that’s what I’m trying to do!
–只是有时 你让我很为难! –我不这么认为
– Sometimes, you make it hard for me! – I don’t think so.
–是你自己在给自己找麻烦! –我有些紧急工作要做啦
– You make it hard for yourself! – I’ve got some urgent work to attend to.
–我也是 –我不想要你这么做 康奈尔小姐
– Me too. – I don’t want you to, Miss Connell.
–我想离开一下 –你手头上任何东西
– I would like to be excused. – Nothing you have in hand
could be as important…
–…听到的重要 –那是什么?
– …as what you are about to hear. – And what is that?
Mr Moses backing down.
摩西先生告诉我 他以后会听我的话的
Mr Moses telling me he’s going to obey me in future.
那你还把这波旁酒占为己有了 是吗?