我告诉你吧 因为他觉得如果他能讨好这无知的爱尔兰裔
I’ll tell you. Because he feels if he lays the butter on thick enough,
he can wangle anything he wants from an ignorant Mick.
–不的 –为什么不?
– No. – Why, then?
Because he feels you’re not in it for personal glory.
Because you came from the streets yourself,
and you love the people of New York.
But I love bourbon more!
You have it.
–他给你留着一瓶呢 –我相信他会的
– He keeps the bottle for you. – Oh, I’m sure he does.
–他说这走私货是一流的 –谢谢
– He says the bootleg is top–class. – Thank you.
哦 真是个好孩子
Oh, you’re a good boy.
So, what about you, hm?
–你怎么看待你的上司? –我吗 先生?
– What’s your view of your boss? – Me, sir?
–是的 就是你 我忘了你的名字 –阿里尔·波特
– Yes, you. I’ve forgotten your name. – Ariel Porter.
–阿里尔? –是的
– Ariel? – Yes.
What kind of name is that?
这是一个希伯来名字 先生 意思是“上帝的狮子”
It’s a Hebrew name, sir. Meaning ‘Lion of God’.
–谁给你起的名字? –我父亲
– Who gave you that name? – My father.
– Ah. Where you from? – Oklahoma.
Many Jews in Oklahoma, are there?
不 先生 我们偏离主题了
No, sir. We strayed off–track.
And what feelings do you have towards Robert Moses?
Well, I feel he’s a visionary.
哦 远见可是个大词啊 波特
Oh, visionary’s a big word, Porter.
He’s lifting the people up and giving them the opportunity
for a kind of freedom they’ve never had before.
Is that right?
The New York Times is an important newspaper.
–你这么认为吗? –是的
– You think so? – I do.
It’s read by some of the most influential people on the planet.
–他们是这样说的 –然而 不知何故
– So they tell me. – And yet, somehow,
摩西先生却让他们对他趋之若鹜 记者们都喜欢他
Mr Moses has them eating out his hand. Reporters love him.
确实如此 他知道他们想要什么 就给了他们什么
They do indeed. He knows what they want, and he gives it to them.
你甚至可以说 这才是他真正的天才所在
You might even say that’s where his real genius lies.
He’s a new kind of man, Mr Moses.
The man who believes the way you’re written about
is as important as what you do.
我只能说 每天来这上班是我的荣幸
All I can say, it’s a privilege to come to work every day.
–荣幸 是吗? –我能看出他很有争议
– Oh, a privilege, is it? – Oh, I can see he’s controversial.
Maybe he doesn’t treat the law with the respect we learned at school,
but it’s only once in a generation
that a great builder comes along and shows the way.
That’s when you’re party to a vision that’s denied to ordinary men.
–你是这愿景的参与者 不是吗?–是的 以某种微不足道的形式
– You’re party to that vision, are you? – Yes, sir, in some humble way.
我想知道 你有没有听说过这样一句话 “做一个伟人”
I wonder, have you ever heard the saying, ‘It is easier to be a great man
‘than it is to be a good man’?
–我从来没听说过 –你现在听到啦
– I’ve never heard that. – You’ve heard it now.
–我喜欢这种情感 –是的 我也喜欢
– I like the sentiment. – Mm, yes. I like it, too.
我的老天啊 波特
For Christ’s sake, Porter,
don’t you know not to give the governor bourbon?
–摩西 你到底去哪儿了? –你脑子进水了吗?
– Moses, where the hell have you been? – Do you have no sense?
州长夫人跪在地毯上 跪在那上面 去求我
The governor’s wife went down on her knees to me, on the carpet, on the carpet,
“不管你做什么 都不要让艾尔接近酒”
saying, ‘Whatever you do, don’t let Al near the hooch.’
而五分钟后 这个厚颜无♥耻♥的骗子 就要来求着我帮忙
And this bare–faced liar, in five minutes, will be asking me for favours.
我从不去求 我只要求我应得的
I never ask favours. I asked my due.
我告诉你一件事 他这辈子都没和我妻子说过话
I’ll tell you one thing, he’s barely spoken to my wife in his life!
–我们一直在说话 –我不这么认为
– We speak all the time. – I don’t think so.
她说 “给他苏打水 每小时一瓶 最多不超过一小时”
She says, ‘Give him soda water. One an hour, on the hour, at the very most.’
–我妻子受不了他 –凯瑟琳崇拜我
– My wife can’t stand him! – Catherine worships me!
来吧 你这狗东西!
Come here, you dog!
–到这来! –好啊!
– Ha–ha! Come here! – Yeah!
好吧 当我在海水中游泳的时候
OK. While I was swimming in the brine,
the governor here was swimming in bootleg whisky,
根据他身上的味道来判断 是纯麦威士忌
to judge from the smell of him – pure rye.
And after the day I’ve had, why would that not be so?
–你在抱怨吗? –换做是你 你也会抱怨的
– You’re complaining, are you? – You’d be complaining in my shoes.
Running the greatest city in the world, in the greatest state in the world?
–我会抱怨吗?我不这么认为 –你想要做我的工作 是吗?
– I’d be complaining? I don’t think so. – So, you want my job, do you?
–我想要吗? –是的 你想当州长吗?
– Do I want it? – Yeah, do you want to be Governor?
艾尔 告诉我巴士什么时候来 我立马就把你推下去
Why, Al, tell me when the bus is coming, and I’ll be there to push you under it.
Ha–ha! You’ll join a fucking line!
–很明显 州长 你了解我的团队吗? –我想我了解啦
– Obviously, Governor, you know my team? – Yeah, I believe I do.
–芬努拉 阿里尔… –我已经遇上过一两次啦
– Finnuala, Ariel… – I’ve come upon them once or twice.
当然啦 他们告诉我 你偶尔会在我不在的时候过来
Of course you have. They tell me you visit occasionally when I’m not here.
–的确如此 –路过偷看一下设计图
– I do, indeed. – Dropping by to sneak a look at the plan.
–我欣赏年轻人 –他们是经过选拔的
– I admire young people. – They’re hand–picked.
And are they as crazy as you about causeways and parkways
and expressways and all the other ways?
好吧 他们现在是了
Well, they are now.
I’ve taught them to serve the public
and to free the people from ugliness and squalor,
to give them a view of something better than the animal cages in which they live.
–那我们不打扰你了 –不!和我们一起
– We’ll leave you alone. – No! Stay with us.
–你确定吗 先生? –你介意吗 鲍勃?
– Are you sure, sir? – Do you mind, Bob?
那让他们留下来 让他们学点实际的东西是好的
Let them stay. No, it’s good for them to learn the practical stuff,
如果这是你的建议的话 州长
if that’s what you’re suggesting, Governor.
总有一天 我们都要学会如何做事
One day or another, we all have to learn how the thing is done.
–也许我们会的 –他们会在倾听中学习的
– Yeah, perhaps we do. – And they’ll learn by listening.
但你确定你自己 鲍勃 曾经学过怎么做这件事吗?
But are you sure that you yourself, Bob, have ever learnt how the thing is done?
–我? –就是你 鲍勃
– Me? – You, Bob.
–对 –你为什么这么问?
– Yeah. – What makes you ask that?
我马上就要参加他妈的选举了 记得吗?
I’m about to fight a fucking election, remember?
So you are.
这是一场关键的选举 每一张选票都很重要 你知道这意味着什么吗?
A close election in which every vote is going to count. You know what that means?
我必须趴在人行道上 再跪在那上面
I have to crawl down the sidewalk on my hands and knees,
–去乞求人们喜欢我 –他们喜欢你的 州长
– begging the people to like me. – They do like you, Governor.
不错 但这不并是你曾忍♥受过的屈辱
Sure, but it’s not an indignity you’ve ever had to endure.
You see, team, your boss is far too grand
to get himself involved in the vulgar business
–竞选活动中 –我从未尝试过
– of getting elected. – I’ve never tried.
–他从来没有 –我从没这样做过
– He never has. – I’ve never had to.
He gets other people to stand for election on his behalf.
州长 事情并非如此
Governor, that isn’t quite the way it is.
换一种说法就是 “不愿承担风险”
‘Wouldn’t take the risk’ is another way of putting it.
我并不反对冒险 竞选公职 这不是我的专长
I’m not against risk, just standing for public office, not my specialty.
你是知道的 选举是在做一种骇人的评判
An election’s a terrible sort of judgement, you know.
那是对一个人品格的评判 这是无法回避的事实
A judgement on a man’s character. There’s no way of getting around it.
–这很可怕 –我相信是的
– It’s frightening. – I’m sure it is.
你要去询问了数百万人对你的看法 就想想这个!
You ask so many million people what they think of you. Imagine that!
所以我还是不必了 谢谢
That’s why I’d rather not, thank you.
And you’re not always going to like the fucking answer.
别这样 州长 这怎么回事 你赢得的选举比任何人都多
Come on, Governor, what is this? You’ve won more elections than any man alive.
How many times have you run for public office?
I’m thinking it’s probably 19.
–你还不清楚吗? –就是19次
– You don’t know exactly? – It’s 19.
–那你赢过多少次? –19次
– And how many times have you won? – 19.
好啊 这不得啦
Well, there you are!
看啊 这就是我和鲍勃的区别
You see, that’s the difference between Bob and me.
Your Mr Moses doesn’t like to fight for power.
He prefers to let others acquire it for him.
–摩西先生 一向如此 –到底是哪方面如此了?
– With Mr Moses, it’s always the same. – In what way is it the same, exactly?
–他会去追求他想要的东西 –你也一样 州长
– He goes after what he wants. – Well, and so do you, Governor.
And making enemies doesn’t bother him.
He feels free to go around making as many enemies as he chooses.
–好吧 我不是故意的 –原来不是吗?
– Well, I don’t make them deliberately. – Oh, don’t you?
It’s my experience
that if your boss sees someone on the other side of the street,