It’s just some of us here, sir, we do read the papers on the way to work, don’t we?
– Wow! – And although you haven’t mentioned it,
办公室里也没人提过 讨论时也没人提出
nobody’s mentioned it in the office, it’s never come up in discussion,
–但是… –但是什么 波特?
– nevertheless… – Yes, Porter?
When the court found us guilty of illegal appropriation…
–是的 –..我们不禁注意到
– Yes. – ..we couldn’t help noticing
that you yourself, sir, were personally fined $22.000 in punitive damages.
–我希望这报道是真的 –是真的
– I hope that was correctly reported. – It was.
Are you proposing to pay?
先生 我不是自私 但如果您不支付罚款
I’m not being selfish, sir, but if you don’t pay the fine,
你就得坐牢 我们就都失业了
you go to jail, and we’re all out of a job.
我们没有斗志了吗 波特?
Is there no fight in us, Porter?
Is there no joy?
Do you not wake up every morning with the feeling
that what we’re doing is good?
这都不能让你满足吗? 这无可撼动的正确感带来的愉悦?
Does that not sustain you? The incorruptible pleasure of being right?
Liberating the land and handing it to the people.
如果这都是在犯罪 那么活着本身就是一种罪过
If that’s an offence, it’s an offence to be alive.
And that’s how it was, working for him.
Like you were on horseback and galloping across the plain.
他的母亲告诉他 他一定会出人头地
He’d been told by his mother that he was going to excel,
so for him there was no doubt about it.
It was his mother who told him he wasn’t Jewish.
所以在罗伯特看来 他不是犹太人
So, as far as Robert was concerned, he wasn’t.
He preferred to identify with the Protestants.
He didn’t care to be a Jew.
如果有人说 “可你叫摩西啊”
If someone said, ‘But your name is Moses?’
He’d reply, ‘I’ll show you my pecker! There, does that settle the matter?’
Oh, but if you’re wondering,
he never showed it to me.
在二战之前 我的问题可以说是已经开始了
You could say my problems had started before the Second World War.
I was writing for a downtown magazine called Iron Age.
It was specialised.
去专门报道铁路业 钢铁业
You could write about iron, or you could write about steel.
问题就出在这里 我发现自己的薪水比办公室里
So the problem was this, I found I was being paid less than the men in the office
who did the same job – quite a lot less.
于是 我决定加入工会 为自己的权益而战
So, I decided to join a union and fight for my rights.
最终 我得到了应有的报酬
Eventually, I got my money,
但在这个过程中 我破坏了《钢铁时代》的工作氛围
but in the process, I destroyed the atmosphere at Iron Age.
无意中 就由于我的缘故 那工作环境变得不再令人愉快
Unintentionally, thanks to me, it ceased to be a pleasant place to work.
如果你那执行斗争的力量很有趣 我建议你再好好考虑一下
Yeah, if you think that fighting power is fun, I’d advise you to think again.
当我和鲍勃·摩西开战的时候 我就已经知道了
I knew that already when I went to war with Bob Moses.
Where is the son of a bitch?
不要说他在和沙滩谈情说爱 能有人告诉他那只是一片海滩吗?
Don’t say he’s out romancing the shore. Will somebody tell him it’s just a beach?
It’s a fucking beach!
And you’re fucking Irish, I know you are,
so I don’t have to fake an apology that don’t come from my black Fenian heart.
出生至今 我身边的人都在对我说脏话 州长
People have used profanity around me all my life, Governor.
–你在说你的家人吗? –他们都会说那些词
– You talking about your family? – They use that word.
–那你应该都免疫啦 –这还不止
– Then you’re inoculated. – More than.
My cousins curse every time they breathe.
–真的吗? –无论是吃午餐还是晚餐
– Do they indeed? – At lunch, at dinner.
要去睡觉啦 连系鞋带的时候都是
When they go to bed, when they fall over their shoelaces!
And when they go to church.
–在教堂里? –当然
– Inside the church? – Certainly.
–在牧师面前? –恐怕是这样的
– In the presence of a priest? – I’m afraid so.
告诉你的表亲们 他们最多在牧师面前说上五次脏话
Well, tell your cousins you only get five for a priest.
You get ten for a nun.
–我出去看看 –你见过富兰克林·罗斯福吗?
–I’m going looking. – Have you met Franklin Roosevelt?
–不 我没有 –富兰克林·D·罗斯福?他不说脏话的
– I haven’t, no. – Franklin D? He doesn’t curse.
这就是你需要知道的 关于这个边区混♥蛋♥的一切
And that’s all you need to know about the upstate motherfucker.
我听说过 是的
I’ve heard that, yes.
他是童子军运动的领导者 你知道吗?
He’s head of the Boy Scout movement. Did you know that?
–说实话 我不知道 是的 –还有他那个自命不凡的老婆
– I didn’t, actually. – Yeah, that and his stuck–up wife.
Looking down their aristocratic noses at a Mick from the Fourth Ward.
–那是你吧 先生?–对 我还特自豪
– That would be you, would it, sir? – Yeah! And proud of it.
–这到底是怎么回事? –绘图啊
– What the hell is all this? – Drawings.
每次我到这来访 规划都有进一步的进展
Every time I visit, the plans are further progressed.
是的 我们已经开始修建公园道了
Yes, we’ve begun building the parkway.
–你在说什么 小姐? –我们已经开始建了
– Beg your pardon, young lady? – We’ve begun building.
–不可能 –已经开始了
– Impossible. – We started.
–哪条道?南公园道还是北公园道? –都在建
– Which parkway? South Parkway or North? – Both.
–这还是我第一次听说 –哦
– That’s the first I’ve heard of it. – Oh.
我不明白你怎么能 我都没有签字 就开始了
I don’t see how you could have started because I haven’t signed.
I haven’t signed the fucking legislation!
Then perhaps that’s something you’ll need to discuss with Mr Moses.
对的 我会的
Oh, indeed, I will.
–忘了我说的吧 –我忘不了了 操!
– Forget I spoke. – I can’t forget. Fuck!
谁来告诉我 那人是不是回来了?
Someone tell me, is that man at it again?
–找不到他 –他在哪呢?
– He can’t be found. – Where is he?
–你告诉他你要来吗? –我没告诉他
– Did you tell him you were coming? – I don’t tell him.
–我喜欢让这混♥蛋♥措手不及 –你想让我去找搜查队吗?
– I like to catch the bastard off–guard. – You want me to send out a search party?
What’s he doing, diddling in the water?
Or pacing out a block of Theban shithouses
for 20.000 holidaymakers?
我们这的人一直在想 我们能不能给你上点什么 州长
One or two of us have been wondering if there’s anything we can get you, Governor.
为什么既不违法 还给我上上一瓶波旁酒呢?
Why not break the law and serve me a bottle of bourbon?
有意思 我们也猜到了
Funny, we guessed that.
As if I gave a fuck about parks.
不吗 先生?
Don’t you, sir?
看着我 我看起来像在公园里闲逛的人吗?
Look at me. Do I look like someone who hangs around parks?
–不像 –我没那么悲哀
– No. – I’m not that sad.
I’ve better things to do with my time.
I’ve never lifted a hiking boot in anger in my life.
–好吧 可这对你没有任何伤害 –谢啦
– Well, it hasn’t done you any harm. – Thank you.
你看起来很不错 州长
You look well on it, Governor.
我知道我离心脏骤停就差那五分钟啦 别再抬举我啦
I’m five minutes shy of a cardiac arrest, I know that, so don’t soap me.
喜欢公园的是选民 不是我
It’s the voters who like parks, not me.
And surely you care about the voters?
下层阶级喜欢公园 中产阶级也喜欢
The lower–class people, they like parks, and so do the middle.
这是两个很有用的群体 他们中有着很多选票
That’s two handy groups, a lot of votes between them.
–的确 –而知识分子 当然
– Indeed. – And the intellectuals, sure.
也喜欢公园 因为他们认为公园是进步的 谁他妈知道是为什么
They love parks because they think parks are progressive – fuck knows why.
Maybe they feel it’s progress towards a better life.
–好吧 也许是 –摩西先生当然也是这么认为的
– Yeah, maybe. – That’s certainly what Mr Moses believes.
你喜欢他 是吗?
You like him, don’t you?
–说的是谁? –你的上司
– Who’s that? – Your boss.
我既不喜欢他 也不讨厌他
Oh, I neither like nor dislike him.
–我不会把个人感情牵扯进来 –你在开玩笑吗?
– I keep personal feelings out of it. – Are you kidding me?
他站在天使那一边 这才是最重要的
He’s on the side of the angels, that’s what matters.
站在天使那一边 却用着魔鬼的手段
On the side of the angels and using the methods of the devil.
–他开始有所成就了 – 所以你喜欢他
– He’s starting to get things done. – Then you like him.
I like him enough.
你很幸运 因为他不需要你做任何事
You’re lucky because he doesn’t need anything from you.
–再把你当鱼耍 –就“州长这 州长那”的时候
– That’s when he plays you like a fish. – It’s, ‘Governor, this. Governor, that.’
我走出这屋是 我会看看我的钱包是不是还在口袋里
When I leave the room, I look to see if my fob is still in my pocket.
好吧 如果你听我说的话…
Well, if you’ll allow me…
I’ve never once heard him say a word against you.
–是这样吗? –从没有过
– Is that so? – Never.
Behind my back?
他说政客都是一样的 都很胆小 他鄙视他们
He says politicians are all the same, all frightened. He has contempt for them.
That’s why he’s not interested in elective office.
–不 我肯定他不是 –但你就不一样
– No, I’m sure he’s not. – But you’re different.
He says you’re the only politician who’s for real.
–他是这么说的吗? –确实如此
– Does he say that? – He does.
–自发的吗?–哦 他尊重你
– Spontaneous, like? – Oh, he respects you.
是的 那你觉得是什么原因呢 康奈尔小姐?
Yeah, what do you imagine would be the reason for that, Miss Connell?