–你的家庭是弱势群体吗? –只是在经济方面
– Your family is disadvantaged? – Only in money.
What other kind of disadvantage is there?
–在感情方面 –嗯
– I meant affection. – Hm.
哦 是 是的
Oh, yes. Yeah.
在我们家 没有亲情
In our house, there was no absence of affection.
你知道吗 总有办法克服经济问题的?
Do you not know, there are always ways around financial problems?
For you, perhaps.
You think there’s that great a difference between us?
看在上帝的份上 当然有区别
Of course there’s a difference, for goodness’ sake!
–是因为你的处境吗? –哦 拜托
– Because of your circumstances? – Oh, please.
如果你非要知道的话 是在布朗克斯区的一栋小楼里
A walk–up in the Bronx, if you have to know.
–你是说只有你和你妈妈吗? –是的
– You just said it’s you and your mother? – Yes.
–你父亲呢? –去世了
– Your father? – Passed away.
–怎么去的? –伤寒
– How? – Typhus.
You still live with your mother?
What do you imagine? An apartment of my own?
那么 你是如何筹到学费的?
So how did you finance your education?
–我当过速记员 –佩服
– I worked as a stenographer. – Admirable.
每周七天 每天工作十八小时 在服装区
An 18–hour day, seven days a week. In the garment district.
To get you here, working as a draftsman?
更准确地说 是绘图女工
Draftswoman, more accurately.
And you’re content? You’re content just to plan?
你看 你对人们和他们的看法都错了
You see, you are wrong about people and their views.
似乎在你看来 我对一切的看法都是错的
It seems, according to you, I’m wrong about everything.
–哦? –是的
– Oh? – Yes.
Was that a brief display of Irish temperament?
不 这是我在克制自己的爱尔兰脾气
No. That was me containing my Irish temperament.
Oh, you mean it can get much worse than that?
–糟糕得多 –我倒是想看看
– Much. – I’d like to see it.
照你现在这样下去 你就会看到了
Go on as you are and you will.
我们只看到了一瞬 但是如果那种瞬息存在的话
We saw only a flash, but if the flash is there,
芬努拉 你要心存感激 加以利用 不要感到羞愧
for God’s sake be grateful, Finnuala, put it to use, don’t be ashamed.
–我并没有 –瞬息既能改变
– I’m not. – That flash can power change.
脾气和智慧一样 都是我们的武器之一
Temper is as much a part of our armoury as intelligence.
Temper can build freeways.
You’re angry with me, and I don’t know why.
Because you swallow the conventional wisdom.
Why should that offend you?
You suck it in like a goombah vacuuming up spaghetti.
Can you tell me what in particular I have done wrong?
If you were not my boss,
I would tell you that the high horse is an infuriating place to be addressed from.
很好 你的主要错误在于–
Very well, your principal error is this –
to believe that the people’s views are of any importance at all.
–我还以为你是个民♥主♥主义者 –的确
– I thought you were a democrat. – I am.
I thought we were working to improve the people’s lives.
–的确如此 –难道我们不是为他们服务吗?
– We are. – Is our aim not to serve them?
–是的 –所以?
– It is. – So?
我们只是在推动他们的福祉 压根不必去在意他们的意见
We must advance their fortunes without having any respect for their opinions.
–这不矛盾吗? –我们的工作是领导 而不是追随
– Is that not a contradiction? – Our job is to lead, not to follow.
我们必须与他们保持联♥系♥ 我们必须知道人们想要什么
We also have to stay in touch. We have to know what people want.
我不同意 人们在拥有之前并不知道他们想要什么
I don’t agree. People don’t know what they want until they have it.
How are you so sure?
Because nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved without initial resistance.
–这种阻力总是错误的吗? –我认为是的
– Is that resistance always wrong–headed? – I believe it is.
为了修条路 你就可能需要推倒一座房♥
To build a road, it may be that you have to knock down a house.
What happens? A lot of screaming and shouting.
‘Oh, that house has always been there!’
等到路修好了呢?“天啊 这下可好了”
And then when the road is built? ‘Oh, how much better this is!
“没有这条路 我们该怎么活?”
‘How did we ever manage without this road?’
他们甚至都不记得那栋房♥子了 人们缺乏想象力
They can’t even remember the house. The people lack imagination.
The job of the leader is to provide it.
And what if the leader errs? What if the leader makes a mistake?
–他不应该承担责任吗? –向谁负责?
– Should he not be answerable? – Answerable to whom?
–人♥民♥啊 –天呐 芬努拉
– Why, to the people. – Heavens, Finnuala.
I’m not gonna make a mistake.
I’ve waited so long! Ten years!
被困在市政厅的夹缝中 十年了
Ten years trapped in the interstices of City Hall,
看着我的下属们不断晋升 每天都变得更加不耐烦
watching the advancement of my inferiors, growing more impatient by the day.
他们给了我一座监狱 你能想象吗?
They offered me prisons, can you imagine?
–不能 –”你想管理监狱吗?”
– No. – ‘Do you want to run the prisons?’
“不 我为什么要关押人们呢?”
‘I do not. Why would I want to lock men up?’
“那你想要什么呢?” “我想给他们自♥由♥”
‘What do you want, then?’ ‘I want to set them free.’
‘Give me the means to set them free.’
什么 所有囚犯吗?
What, all of them?
Why not? I despise incarceration.
My personality is not so weak that I need to affirm myself by punishing others.
我可能有缺陷 但我没有报复心
Flawed I may be, vindictive I’m not.
摩西先生 我们知道公园路对您来说有多么重要
Mr Moses, we know how much the parkways mean to you.
We are keenly aware, all of us.
这道路对我毫无意义 州立公园才是意义所在
The roads mean nothing to me. It’s the parks which have meaning.
The roads are just the means of getting there.
不要以为这只是一个州立公园 事实并非如此
And don’t think it’s one park, because it isn’t.
–我已经意识到这一点了 –哦 这还不够 一个海滩?
– I’ve begun to realise that. – Oh, no, it’s not enough. One beach?
一个州立公园? 不 别人都这么做了
One state park? No. That’s what others have done.
How many are you planning?
I want to create a model for the rest of America,
so that states and counties everywhere take up our example.
我来告诉你们这是什么 这是一个公园系统
I’ll tell you what it is. It’s a system of parks.
–一个道路系统 –具体规模是?
– It’s a system of roads. – On what scale exactly?
–你会保密吗? –你不信任我
– You’ll keep this to yourself? – Do you not trust me?
Very well.
A system of roads and parks
all over Long Island.
一旦这个准则被确立 我们就能实现无穷无尽的目标
Once the principle is established, there is no end to what we can achieve.
–具体在哪里? –为何不在蒙托克呢?
– Where exactly? – Why not Montauk?
Why not Bethpage? Why not Sunken Meadow?
–但这些地方之间相隔太远 –是的
– But these places are miles apart. – Yes.
–地形还不同 –但并没有那么不同
– With different topography. – Not so different.
–你都想到了? –土地就在那里
– You have all of them in mind? – The land is there.
–就在那等着呢 –那你从哪里弄到钱?
– It’s waiting. – But where will you get the money?
告诉你一件奇怪的事 芬努拉
Tell you something strange, Finnuala.
It’s much easier to get large sums of money than small.
–为什么? –建议建个棚子 没人会感兴趣
– Why is that? – Suggest a shed, nobody’s interested.
–而建一座桥 大家都会加入的 –原因何在?
– Build a bridge, everyone’s in. – What’s the reason?
因为如果一个项目足够大 就会让人摸不着头脑
Because if a project is large enough, it boggles the mind.
而一旦让人摸不着头脑 那口袋就会敞开
And once the mind is boggled, the pockets are open.
You think it’s that easy?
芬努拉 想想吧 谁会站出来反对公园?
Finnuala, think about it. Who will stand up and argue against parks?
Parks are motherhood and apple pie.
谁会反对远足 钓鱼 登山 呼吸新鲜空气?
Who can be against hiking, fishing, climbing, breathing fresh air?
谁不想去吃螃蟹 喝啤酒?
Who doesn’t want to crack crabs, drink beer?
–没有人 –公园带来的好处是不言而喻
– No one. – Parks are unarguable good.
Parks are… virtue.
And by allying myself with virtue,
I can achieve anything I want.
一个在考姆塞特 那是个完美的地点
One in Caumsett. That’s a perfect spot.
另一个就在东部海滩 那也不错
Another in Orient Beach. Not bad.
What about the land lying fallow in Hither Hills?
–那么远的地方吗? –为什么不呢?
– As far as that? – Why not?
Long Island could be the recreation area for the whole of New York City.
–我能 这是按机会模型来的(人类出行的统一机会模型)
– And you see it all joined up? – I do. It’s a pattern of opportunity.
当长岛这得到保障后 我们就可以向西去 进军去陆内
And when Long Island is secured, then we move west to the mainland.
–到纽约州其他地方? –当然
– To the rest of New York State? – Certainly.
–到底要做什么? –建更多的道路 将更多的公园
– To do what exactly? – Build more roads, build more parks.
–但这不是你的职责所在吧? –还不是
– But that’s not your purlieu, is it? – Not yet.
You run the Long Island State Park Commission.
–目前是 –长岛
– Thus far. – Long Island.
–这·是你权力的尽头 –这是我的疏忽
– That’s the limit of your power. – That’s an oversight