the governor calls by to see how we’re doing.
–会对工作进行评估吗? –不是 “评估”
– He appraises the work? – Not appraises.
–不是 更多的是”闲聊” –非正式地?
– No, more shoots the breeze. – Informally?
Well, also, not to be indelicate,
but he specially seems to enjoy Miss Connell’s company.
–是这样吗? –他喜欢和她开玩笑
– Is that so? – He enjoys banter with her.
是这样吗 康奈尔小姐?
Oh, is that right, Miss Connell?
–艾尔·史密斯是一个非常有魅力的人 –确实是
– Al Smith is a very charming man. – He is, indeed.
正如我母亲所说 魅力就是他的长项
As my mother would say, charm is his long suit.
There are good reasons he’s such a popular governor.
It’s a special gift, I think, to be able to talk naturally to people.
I think so too.
–去让他们安心 –他是这样的 没错
– To put them at their ease. – He does that, yes.
And he does it wonderfully.
我认为如果你得竞选公职 你就必须具备这种品质 不是吗?
I think if you run for elected office, you have to have that quality, don’t you?
–也许吧 –你得让人们感到舒服亲近
– Maybe. – You have to make people melt a little.
人们会说 “我会为了艾尔而这样做 因为我真的很喜欢他”
‘I’ll do this for Al,’ people say, ‘because I really like him.’
They say that, do they?
Even when it’s something which, in their heart, they don’t want to do,
he charms them into it.
–你知道其中的诀窍吗? –不知道
– You know the trick of it? – I don’t.
He treats them as equals.
有他在 大家都很放松
When he’s around, everyone’s relaxed.
Are they so?
当州长他在这里的时候 他会停下与康奈尔小姐的谈笑
And when he’s here, he tears himself away, does he, the governor,
from bantering with Miss Connell to take a look at the plans?
–时不时会 –他谈过它们吗?
– From time to time. – Does he comment on them?
–很少会 –如果他这样做了呢?
– Rarely. – When he does?
He makes some very reasonable points.
在你的版本中 他用了 “妥协 “这个词
In your version, as you had it, he used the word ‘compromise’.
我想知道 他真的用了这个词吗?
I’m wondering, did he use that actual word?
– ‘Compromise’? Well… – Or did you put it in his mouth?
–康奈尔 你还记得吗? –他的原话吗?
– Finnuala, do you recall? – His exact wording?
–是的 –阿里尔 对不起 我不记得
– Yeah. – Ariel, I’m sorry, I don’t.
这并不重要 不是吗?
It doesn’t matter, does it?
显而易见的是 州长认为
What’s clear is, the governor believes
there’s no point in making enemies when you don’t need to.
Does he? Does he, by God?
一般来说 如果没有必要的话 为什么要冒犯别人呢?
As a general rule, why offend people when it’s not necessary?
也许你还不知道 我找过范德比尔特家的人
Perhaps you don’t realise, I called round on the Vanderbilts.
You went to see them? Personally?
–当然是啦 –哇!
– Certainly did. – Wow!
–怎么样? –我见过弗里克家族啦
– How was that? – I met the Fricks.
–还见过了摩根大通 –我打赌他们见到你时很高兴
– I met the JP Morgans. – I bet they were pleased to see you.
I’ve been on a tour of the great families of Long Island.
–他们告诉了我他们的担忧 –那是什么?
– They told me their concerns. – And what were those?
They were concerned my sandy shoes might spoil their Persian rugs.
我见到了一些漂亮的家具 那吊灯!
I’ve seen some beautiful furniture. Chandeliers!
I’m sure.
拜托啦 波特 如果你遇到过这些人
Come along, Porter, if you meet these people,
you will know they are intransigent.
–这就是你的结论? –这毋庸置疑
– That was your conclusion? – It was unmistakable.
他们不想要这公路 他们原则上反对修建新公路
They want no roads. They’re against new roads on principle.
是的 但州长的要求有所不同
Yes, but what the governor’s asking is something different.
–那是什么? –他的观点是
– And what is that? – His point is this.
If by taking a road just a few hundred yards out of the way,
赢得他们的信任 为什么不这样做呢?
you can win their trust, why not do it?
就做一点小小的让步 你会失去什么?
Make a small concession. What do you lose?
What you lose is your reputation for being strong.
What else does an urban planner have?
Once you have a reputation for getting things done,
你就能够推动事情的完成 这很简单
you can get things done, simple.
把这图纸拿走 恢复原来的路线
Now take away the plans, and restore the original route.
–改哪? –恢复原来的路线 波特
– Where? – Through the orchard, Porter.
Through the orchard of your beloved Whitneys.
在你处理的同时 让那些远离我的视线
And take them out of my sight while you do it.
是你们所有人 康奈尔小姐 你留下
All of you. Miss Connell, stay.
扪心自问 惠特尼家族为你做过什么?
Ask yourself, Porter, what have the Whitneys ever done for you?
And I hate even using the words.
–什么词? –”城市规划师”
– What words? – ‘Urban planner’.
–这个词听起来很软弱 –为什么?
– The very phrase smacks of weakness. – Why?
–规划 规划 却从不实施 –或许是这种感觉
– Plan, plan, and never do. – Maybe that’s how it feels.
–也许我可以给你拿杯根汁汽水 –汽水不够解渴
– Perhaps I could fetch you a root beer. – Root beer doesn’t do the job.
I could put my hands on a real beer.
Oh, nothing slakes my thirst.
–你加入我们有多久了? –几个月
– So how long since you joined us? – A couple of months.
是的 两年前 我在海滩上踱步时
Yes. It’s only two years since I paced the beach,
水雾扑面而来 那时我才有了这个想法
the salt spray in my face, and I had the idea.
–它立马就成形了 就像是个幻象 –一下子就来啦?
– It came fully formed, like a vision. – All at once?
就像所有最好的想法一样 就像大便穿过鹅的直肠那样快
Like all the best ideas – faster than shit through a goose.
我站在那里 被那份美丽和与世隔绝所震撼
I stood there, taken aback by the beauty, by the isolation,
我想 “这片海滩是可以属于大家的”
and I thought, ‘This beach could belong to the people.’
–是的 –属于大家
– Yes. – To the people.
What a wonderful notion.
谢谢你 芬努拉 但就目前而言 这就还只是一个想法
Thank you, Finnuala, but for the moment, notion is all it is.
–可那几乎都不是你的错 –不是吗?
– Come, that’s hardly your fault. – Isn’t it?
–你已经尽力了 –我正在斗争着
– You’re doing everything you can. – I am fighting, yes.
But the forces of reaction are strong.
–你说你接受过培训? –是的
– You’re trained, you say? – Yes.
–在建筑学校? –夜校
– At a school of architecture? – Night school.
–在哪里? –你肯定没听说过
– Where? – You wouldn’t have heard of it.
–你明白的 我没有受过培训 –我知道
– You see, I am untrained. – I know.
And perhaps that’s why planning means nothing to me.
你热爱规划!研究地图 这都让你感到兴奋
You love planning! Poring over maps. It excites you.
不 你错了 我喜欢搅拌混凝土和打桩
No, you’re wrong. I love mixing the concrete and driving in the stakes.
每当我深入他们中间时 我发现有些规划师只是纸上谈兵
Whenever I have ventured among them, I find planners who do nothing but plan.
That’s their job.
Men who swell with pride at their pretty models, their pretty model buildings
漂亮模型人 而感到自豪
and the pretty model people who walk among them.
对他们来说 规划制定好了 工作也就完成了
For them, when the plan is made, the job is finished,
because they can go to their conferences and boast.
Boast to their friends, boast to their peers.
Who cares? It’s in the world we have to work.
Look, I’m a ditchdigger.
–不是个学者 –对的
– I’m not an academic. – Clearly.
我已经将学术界抛在脑后了 那是给年轻人的 是给能力不足的人的
I put academia behind me. It’s for the young. It’s for the inadequate.
在古埃及 有人规划吗?我认为没有
In ancient Egypt, did anyone plan? I don’t think so.
尼禄大火烧毁罗马之后 重建有规划吗?
After Nero destroyed Rome by fire, was the rebuilding planned?
中世纪的大教堂 有规划吗? 没有的
The great medieval cathedrals, were they planned? No.
–那时情况不同 –有什么不同?
– Things were different then. – Different how?
–显而易见 –哪些方面?
– In the obvious ways. – Which are?
–这不用我说 –不 告诉我
– I hardly need say. – No, tell me.
在我的印象里 在我们的主降生之前的古埃及
It’s my impression that in Egypt, before the birth of our Lord,
the views of the people did not need to be considered.
–那现在他们还这样吗? –他们是这么告诉我的
– And now they do? – So they tell me!
–你认为这样做对吗? –当然 这是对的
– And you think that’s right, do you? – Certainly, it’s right.
我们进步了 对吧? 我们更优越 不是吗?
We’ve advanced, have we? We’re superior, are we?
–比埃及人优越吗? –也许是更敏感
– Superior to the Egyptians? – More sensitive perhaps.
Have you seen the pyramids?
I haven’t, no.
–你应该去看的 –我也想去
– You should. – Oh, I would like to.
–它们都很壮观 –我听说过这样的说法
– They’re magnificent. – So I’ve been told.
每一座金字塔都与众不同 每一座都比前一座更先进
And each pyramid different, each one an advance on the previous.
–我很想看看它们 –他们边学边做
– I would love to see them. – They learned as they went along,
不断完善 改进 直到方法臻于完善
refining, improving, till the method was perfected.
That’s enviable!
Everyone in our profession should see the pyramids.
They represent a standard of achievement.
不幸的是 比起送我去开罗
Unfortunately, buying groceries has been more on my mother’s mind
我妈更关心的是买♥♥菜 可真有意思
than sending me to Cairo – funny that.