You either accept it, or you step out of the way.
This is not what I wanted!
This is not what I asked for! The route has been changed.
我向你保证 先生 没有什么被改了
I promise you, sir, nothing’s been changed.
–波特 波特… –什么事 先生?
– Porter, Porter… – Yes, sir?
波特 我闭上眼睛了 你能看见吗? 我闭上眼睛了
Porter, I’m closing my eyes. Can you see? I am closing my eyes.
– Do you see? – Yes.
–你看到我闭上眼睛了吗? –是的
– Do you see my eyes closed? – Yes.
Now observe my arm.
–这是什么? –我不知道
– What is that? – I have no idea.
What shape am I making with my arm?
在这里 我正在划线
In the air, I am delineating.
–告诉我你看到了什么 –我只看到你的手臂在动
– Tell me what you see. – I just see your arm moving.
I shall move it again.
–怎么样? –是台机器吗?
– Well? – Is it a machine?
–不 –是某种动物吗?
– No. – Is it some sort of animal?
好了 真够蠢的 康奈尔小姐会告诉我们的
All right, enough stupidity. Miss Connell will tell us.
It’s an outline of Long Island.
没错!康奈尔小姐知道 你怎么不知道?
Correct. Correct! Miss Connell knows. Why don’t you?
蒙托克 石溪 巴比伦 阿米蒂维尔
Montauk. Stony Brook. Babylon. Amityville.
我把它存在这儿 就在我的脑子里 不管我是醒着还是睡着 都能想到
I carry it here, in my head. It’s here in my waking hours and in my sleep.
– 在你脑子里也应该有 – 是的 先生
– As it should be in yours. – Yes, sir.
如果我们都不了解自己在规划什么 那怎么能自称是规划师呢?
How can we call ourselves planners unless we know what we’re planning?
画家会去了解画布 雕塑家会去了解石头
The artist knows the canvas. The sculptor knows the stone.
And the route of the planned Southern State Parkway?
–跟着我说 亨普斯特德 –亨普斯特德
– As follows, say after me, Hempstead. – Hempstead.
–蚝湾 –蚝湾
– Oyster Bay. – Oyster Bay.
–巴比伦 –巴比伦
– Babylon. – Babylon.
–布鲁克海文 –布鲁克海文
– Brookhaven. – Brookhaven.
–你觉得你能误导我吗? –不
– You think you can mislead me? – No.
You think you can deceive me? You traced this map?
–你本人? –是的
– Personally? – Yes.
You drew it? With your own hand?
你是从我自己的投影上抄下来的 还有呢?
You copied it from my own projections. And?
–我被要求做一个小小的改变 –被要求?谁要求的?
– I was asked to make one small change. – You were asked? Asked by whom?
–我说过… –没经过我!
– As I say… – Not by me!
我说过的 在我追查的时候
As I say, when I was tracing,
有人告诉我 惠特尼家族并不高兴
it was put to me that the Whitneys were not happy.
The Whitneys unhappy? Who heard of such a thing?
We should not go through their orchard.
By taking the natural bend at the southern perimeter of their property,
顺着斜坡走 就可以绕过那些树木
by going with the camber, it is possible to skirt the trees
and to preserve the integrity of their estate.
–真的吗? –只需要这最小程度的绕行
– Indeed? – By the smallest possible diversion.
你可能不知道 我自己也是个乡下孩子
Look, you probably don’t know this about me, but I’m a country boy myself.
–我是不知道 –我在俄克拉荷马州出生长大
– I didn’t know that, no. – Born and raised in Oklahoma.
–真的吗? –我来自农村
– Really? – I have rural origins.
You have my sympathy.
我父亲教过我 每杀死一棵树都是犯罪
And my father taught me that it’s a crime to kill a tree.
–他教你的这? –要知道 我不是在固执己见
– He taught you that? – Well, be clear, I’m not dogmatic…
–那真感谢上帝 –我没在固执己见
– Thank God for that. – I’m not doctrinaire.
那我就放心了 因为我自己之前好几年都在固执己见
Well, that’s a relief, because I was myself doctrinaire for many years,
and a fat lot of good it did me.
我在公职部门做了十年的奴隶 一个理想主义者 一个改革者
Ten years, I slaved in the civil service, an idealist, a reformer,
and I achieved precisely nothing.
–我相信这不是真的 –是真的
– I’m sure that’s not true. – It’s true.
I set out sweeping reforms for the New York civil service.
My intention was to restructure local government.
每个人都将被重新定级 每个人都将被评估
Every man would be regraded, and every man would be assessed.
各方面表现都要去接受评判 不是每年去做一次
Every aspect of his performance would be judged,
而是每月进行一次 波特
not annually, but monthly, Porter.
–每个月 想象一下 –我在试着想
– Monthly. Imagine that. – I’m trying.
Idlers would be rooted out.
–找出那些背道者 –这真是太棒了
– Backsliders, identified. – How wonderful.
有证明依据 那将才会有真正的效率
There would be real efficiency, evidentially based.
–棒极了 –在经我的努力之后呢?
– That’s marvellous. – And at the end of my labours, what?
在我离开公务员体系时 那一切如故
I left the civil service exactly as I found it.
–什么都没变 –这我不知道
– In every detail. – Oh, I didn’t know that.
一个庸庸碌碌 寡淡无味的样板
A prototype of incompetence and mediocrity.
–有那么糟糕? –我完全是在浪费时间
– That bad? – I’d wasted my time completely.
–那我是不知道 –花了那么多年啊 波特
– I didn’t know that either. – There have been many years, Porter,
when I might as well not have lived.
And shall I tell you the reason?
–你知道我为什么失败吗? –不知道
– Do you know why I failed? – I don’t.
因为我犯了一个错误 我以为只要自己提出的建议
Because I made the mistake of thinking that if I proposed something
合乎逻辑 行之有效
that was logical, reasonable and effective,
people would at once see its merits and fall in behind it.
–他们没有吗? –他们处处阻挠
– And they didn’t? – They blocked it at every turn.
–为什么? –因为他们向来如此!
– Why? – Because they always do!
That is what they do!
现在回想起来 我会说是我的准备工作做得太差
Looking back, I would say my preparations were poor.
I was insufficiently thorough.
My education had left me ignorant of human psychology, human fear.
–我没有为他们的行为做好准备 –他们怎样的行为?
– I was not prepared for their behaviour. – How they behave?
他们做了 当人类面对无可争辩的事实时 会做的行为
What human beings do, what they do when presented with the unarguable.
–他们做了什么? –他们惊慌失措 波特
– What do they do? – They panic. They panic, Porter.
I learned some painful lessons in those years,
lessons neither Yale nor Oxford ever taught me.
–关于人的教训吗? –是关于不理性
– Lessons about people, you mean? – About un–reason.
–不讲道理固化在了人类的大脑里 –真的吗?
– Un–reason is wired into the human brain. – Really?
我要告诉你 波特 在经历了这一切之后
So, I tell you, Porter, at the end of all this,
if I happen to be planning the optimum route for a highway
and I have to chop down a tree,
–我是会砍倒那树的 –是的 先生
– I will chop down a tree. – Yes, sir.
And if it means that somewhere in the God–forsaken state of Oklahoma,
您的父亲就因为有人砍树 都难过到离世了
your father drops dead in mourning for the living twigged,
that is a loss I shall bear with fortitude.
而现在 你为什么要改变路线方向?为什么?
Now, why did you change the direction of the route? Why?
–那几乎就没变 –我看到了变化 我立马就注意到了
– It’s barely changed. – I saw the change! I noticed it at once.
–只变了几码而已 –给我个理由!
– It’s been changed by a matter of yards. – Give me the reason!
州长跟我提到 如果我们妥协
The governor mentioned to me that if we compromised,
we would have a better chance of realising our plans.
–这是州长说的? –是的
– The governor said that? – Yes.
–你和州长谈过了? –是的
– You spoke to the governor? – Yes.
–私下里吗?你经常和他对话吗? –他到办公室来啦
– In person? Do you talk to him often? – He came by the office.
–来得很随意 –谢谢 康奈尔小姐
– He came casually. – Thank you, Miss Connell.
–他顺路来的 –经常来吗?
– He dropped by. – And this happens a lot?
–我们没说是经常 –就一两次
– We’re not saying a lot. – Once or twice.
And he engages you both in conversation?
你明白的 先生 你经常去到海边散步
Well, you know how it is, sir. Quite often, you’re out walking the shore.
哦 是吗?
Oh, am I?
你不在办公室 还因为你喜欢坐着那艘小船…
You’re absent from the office because you also like to take that little boat…
–是的 –..从大海上
– Yes. – ..and examine the shoreline
from the perspective of the sea.
你说得对 我确实喜欢 我喜欢去看大自然是如何雕琢这片土地的
You’re right. I do like that. I like to see how nature has sculpted the land.
It educates me.
–我们并没有与大自然为敌 –我同意
– We’re not at war with nature, Porter. – I agree.
我们要顺应潮流 波特 而不是逆流而上
We’re going with the grain, Porter, not against it.
Sometimes your wife calls on the telephone
因为你出去太晚了 天都已经黑下来了
because you’re out so late, and the dark has come down.
我不明白你为什么要把玛丽扯进来 玛丽与这无关
I don’t know why you bring Mary into this. Mary is not your concern.
Just saying,
摩西夫人偶尔会打电♥话♥给我们 因为她很担心
Mrs Moses calls us here occasionally because she’s anxious, sir.
She’s always very warm and polite.
玛丽是一位杰出的女性 一个品格出众的女人
Mary is an outstanding woman, a woman of outstanding character.
She is the rock on which I build my life.
I have no doubt of it.
我早上八点走进那扇门 回家后和谁在一起是我自己的事
I walk through that door at 8:00 am. Who I go home to is my own affair.
总之 就像我说的 当你不在的时候
Anyway, as I was saying, occasionally, when you’re out,