Once, you believed in cars because you thought they would liberate people.
Now you force people into cars,
你迫使汽车上路 因为你想得到认可
and you force cars onto roads because you want to be vindicated.
这不再是为了人♥民♥ 而是你自己
It’s no longer about the people. It’s about you.
People like cars.
你拥有一样能自己控制的东西 那感觉很美妙
You own something, and you’re in control. That’s a nice feeling.
当我年轻的时候 美国就像是一个铁罐
When I was young, America was sitting there, like a tin can.
汽车就是开罐器 现在仍是
The car was the can opener. It still is.
–那么我问个问题 –好的
– Then I’ll ask something. – Sure.
Why have you never learned to drive yourself?
Oh, no!
So many miles of highway we’ve built, so many hundreds of miles,
而在那么长的时间里 你自己从未开过一次车
and in that whole time, you’ve not driven one.
我没有开车的需要 我有人为我开车
Well, I had no need to drive. I had someone to drive for me.
甚至不是为了享受? 甚至不是为了玛丽?
Not even for pleasure, then? Not even for Mary?
Mary, again?
You see, I never worried at first why you were so against public transportation.
When we built the bridges over the road to Jones Beach, remember,
你建得那么低 连公交车都无法通过
and you built them so low buses couldn’t go under.
What was the reason?
You must have had a reason.
你现在可以告诉我了 但过去那么长时间啦
You can tell me now. After all, it was a long time ago.
好吧 那为什么我们不修建轨道呢?
All right, then, why didn’t we build rapid transit?
Why have we never built rapid transit?
You could’ve built a train.
事实上 你崇拜艾尔·史密斯
In fact, Al Smith and you worshipped Al Smith
我特别记得 州长命令你去建造火车线路
I specifically remember the governor ordered you to build a train.
–他是要求啦 –那为什么不呢?
– He did. – Then why not?
Oh, and such a fuss we made about democracy!
我还记得 我们那是正建设民♥主♥的海滩
I seem to remember we were building the democratic beach.
–我们确实这么做了 –哦 当然
– And so we did. – Oh, yes, sure.
We built a beach for the people.
Two splendid bathhouses in Barbizon brick,
in Egyptian relief and a campanile to set them off.
一个像罗马竞技场一样的 可以容纳1.5万人的剧院
A theatre for 15.000, just like the Coliseum.
那是世界上最好的海滩 但也只适合你喜欢的那类人
The finest people’s beach in the world, but only for the kind of people you like.
–我不明白你的意思 –体面的人 鲍勃
– I’m not sure what you mean by that. – Clean people, Bob.
Well–off people, Bob.
White people.
And what we’ve been doing these past few years!
–看看这个 –这怎么啦?
– Look at that! – What about it?
When we went through the Bronx,
在推倒建筑 在摧毁社区
knocking down buildings and destroying communities,
我们有没有停下来想过 这些社区里都有谁?
did we ever stop and think who’s in those communities?
我们称之为清除贫民窟 我来告诉你清除的真正含义
Slum clearance, we call it. I’ll tell you what slum clearance really means.
彻底摆脱黑人 那就是它的意思!
Getting rid of the Negroes, that’s what it means!
It’s just a fact.
The poorest people live in the worst houses.
他们的肤色对我来说没有任何区别 我们让迁移他们 这是应该的
Their colour makes no difference to me. We move people out, so we should.
我们把他们从肮脏的地方搬出来 把他们搬到更干净的地方去
We take them out of dirty places and we move them to cleaner places.
我们是在切除癌细胞 如果你仍保持原样 它们只会腐烂
We cut out the cancerous tissue. If you leave things as they are, they rot.
There’s a bias in everything this office does,
and it’s a bias towards the better off.
芬努拉 你非常清楚 人们可能不喜欢我
Finnuala, you know full well, people may not like me, but they need me.
但他们需要你 是吧
They have needed you, yes.
And now of course it’s suddenly fashionable to dislike me,
因为我是一个肮脏的混♥蛋♥ 我推动了民♥主♥的所需
because I am the dirty bastard who pushed through the things democracy needed
but which democracy couldn’t deliver.
暗地里 人们都知道这一点
And secretly, people know that, they know I’m necessary.
只要我继续做他们需要的事 我就肯定会承担这责任
As long as I go on doing what they need, you can be sure I’ll be taking the rap.
You’re stuck.
You’re stuck with an idea you had 30 years ago,
and you can’t move on.
我要离开啦 鲍勃
I’m leaving, Bob.
–离开 –是的
– Leaving? – Yes.
–但你几周前才说过 –是的
– But you said only a few weeks ago. – Yes.
–在我问你的时候 –是的
– When I asked you. – Yes.
那告诉我 我做错了什么?
So tell me, what have I done?
–我做错了什么? –不是这样的
– What have I done wrong? – It isn’t like that.
–我会补偿你的 –我不是这个意思
– I’ll make it up to you. – That’s not what I’m saying.
–这就不是一件事 –那是什么呢?
– It’s not one thing. – What is it, then?
芬努拉…我的意思是 你把生命都献给了这项工作
Finnuala… I mean, you’ve given your whole life to this work.
是的 没错 我或许把我的生命都献出来了
Yes, exactly. I’ve given my life. Maybe that’s it.
–我学到了很多 –是的
– I’ve learned a lot. – Yes.
在这30年里 我已经适应了
In the 30 years, I’ve adapted.
你是适应了 没错
You’ve adapted, yes.
But you haven’t changed.
And I’ve lived half a life.
Yes. No…
I know that.
–我失去了一个孩子 –我知道
– I lost a child. – I know.
Liam was six months old,
and my husband left me.
哦 你…你不是在责怪我 对吗?
Well, you’re… You’re not blaming me?
–玛丽现在病了 –是的
– And now Mary is ill. – Yeah.
–就像你说的 无法治愈 –恐怕是
– As you say, beyond curing. – I fear.
Lost to you.
Don’t you think the moment comes when we need to put down our maps and our plans,
and maybe look around us?
我要失去了你 芬努拉
I’m gonna lose you, Finnuala.
我知道你下定了决心 这是一次沉重的打击
I know when your mind is made up, and that’s gonna be a hard blow,
and I don’t quite know why you want to deliver it
on the day that Mary goes into the hospital.
鲍勃…难道你看不出来 这正是我为什么想要宣布吗?
Oh, Bob… don’t you see that that’s exactly why I want to deliver it?
如果这就是结局的话 那我告诉你
If this is the end of it, then I tell you,
I had rather be right and alone
than be soft and with other people.
我宁愿这样 天哪 我宁愿这样
I had rather that. By God, I had rather that!
Oh, they’ll call it the Robert Moses Expressway
and the Robert Moses Park.
他们会说”罗伯特-摩西 现代纽约的建筑师”
They’ll say, ‘Robert Moses, the architect of modern New York.’
当然 他们一直在设法努力去摆脱我 去抹去我
While working all the time, naturally, to undermine me, to get rid of me,
不为别的 只因为我是对的
for no other reason but that I am right.
I did what no one else could do.
它会屹立不倒 为纽约生活提供了一个框架
And it stands, providing a frame for the way New Yorkers live,
giving them a structure that’s gonna last.
当我们做成时 你们所有人都会离开
And all of you fall away as we do it.
是的 甚至包括你 芬努拉 都不能坚持到底
Yes, even you, Finnuala, not able to see things through.
只有我一个人 我一人去坚持到底
I alone. I alone see things through.
不要和我谈论生活 因为那就是我选择的生活
And don’t talk to me about life, because that is the life I chose.
是的 也许风潮会迅速改变我的思维方式
Oh, yeah, maybe fashion’ll blow my kind of thinking right away,
but I tell you one thing about fashion.
总有一天 它还会被刮起的
One day, it’ll blow right back in.
那么 请在星期一来 在我不在时清空你的办公桌
So, please come in Monday. Clear your desk when I’m not here.
I don’t want to see you leaving.
–好吧 –在我外出工作的时候选择个时间
– Fine. – Choose a time when I’m out on the job.
天知道什么时候 这样的时候也不难找到
God knows, such a moment won’t be hard to find.
You’ll be as busy as ever.
I’ll be out on the George Washington Bridge,
–计划如何加建第二层 –当然
– planning how to double–deck it. – Sure.
Or I’ll be out to see the Bergen County Expressway should be.
还有斯罗克斯内克高速公路 克利尔维尤高速公路
And the Throgs Neck Expressway. And the Clearview Expressway.
And the Cross–Bronx Expressway extension.
And the Gowanus and the Clove Lakes.
And building an arts complex at Lincoln Square.
因为除我之外 还能有谁?
Because who else can they ask?
如果你想离开 找个时间并不难
If you want to leave, huh, won’t be hard to find a time.
好的 我会的 鲍勃