最终 纽约州将成为一个完整的整体
And at last, New York State is opened up, one piece, one entity.
And the city itself becomes an authentic grid.
What could be more desirable than that?
Manhattan will shrink to become a mere island
只需穿过这座岛 就能立马到达另一座岛 从一个区到另一个区
which it is possible to cross and put behind you, one borough to another.
Manhattan will no longer be the sinking sand
被转动车轮卷起泥泞 所埋没的尘沙啦
in which lateral traffic spins its wheels aimlessly in mud.
请告诉我 谁会不乐意呢?
Please tell me, who would not be happy with that?
Well, since you ask, it seems quite a lot of people.
Like who?
Like the people who live in Manhattan, for a start.
–他们所有人都反对吗 芬努拉? –不
– What, all of them, Finnuala? – No.
Is everyone against me?
不 我不能这么说
No, I can’t say that.
但是请告诉我 如果真像你所说的那样合乎逻辑
But if it’s all so logical and desirable, as you claim,
那么的可取 那为什么我们一开始不公布这个计划呢?
why did we not publish the scheme in the first place?
如果你是那意思的话 我并不以此为耻
I’m not ashamed of it, if that’s what you’re implying.
Aren’t you? Then why did you forbid us to speak of it?
Why is it such a great secret that no one outside this room even knows of it?
–它会被公布的 –你发誓吗?
– It will be published. – You promise?
–我不需要发誓 –何时公布?
– I don’t need to promise. – When?
–取决于我的速度 –为什么不现在?
– At my own speed. – Why not now?
Why not tonight? Why not respond to this misfortune by coming clean?
Because, as you know,
people characteristically revolt against any innovation.
–是这样吗? –在推进任何规划时
– Is that right? – When advancing any plan,
–经验告诉我们要讲究策略 –哼!是这样说的吗?
– experience teaches us to be strategic. – Huh! Is that the word?
–那你喜欢怎么说? –对于我们的行为方式
– What word would you prefer? – For the way we behave?
The word I would use is ‘dishonest’.
What other word am I to use in the circumstances?
–问阿里尔啊 –我依旧不想被扯进来
– Ask Ariel. – Oh, I’m staying out of this.
All right.
You put Ariel out there to defend a scheme to the community
when he’s not allowed to reveal what the real purpose of that scheme is.
–没有必要透露 –你让玛丽亚和他一起去
– There was no need to reveal it. – You sent Mariah with him.
她还是个小姑娘 满脑子都是密斯·凡德罗和弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特
She’s a girl, her head full of Mies van der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright.
–你迫着她去撒谎! –我没有这样做!
– You forced her to lie! – I did no such thing!
在她出席的第一个公开会议上 去公然撒谎 阿里尔?
In public, at her first public meeting. Ariel?
–我们都妥协了 这是事实 –谢谢
– We were both compromised, it’s true. – Thank you.
显然 我们的处境很困难
Obviously, we were in a difficult position.
我们尽可能清楚地描述了公路的情况 但不能透露原因
We described the highway as best we could, but we could not reveal the reason for it.
We were… Huh! walking on eggshells.
You sent them out there to talk about relieving congestion,
as though that were the purpose of the road.
–一定程度上是的 –不
– Well, in part, it is. – No.
No, the… The purpose of the road
is to carry downtown traffic towards a new cross–town expressway.
That is the sole reason for its existence!
是的 这是主要原因
It’s the principal reason, yes.
换句话说 你是打算让华盛顿广场变成一个匝道
Another way of putting it, you intend to turn Washington Square into an on–ramp.
Something has to be done!
Is there anyone else who will dare to take this city’s problems in hand?
Who else can do it?
每十几个有好点子的人中 最多只有一个人能付诸实施
For every dozen men with bright ideas, there is at most one who can execute them.
You intend to send an expressway along
–修建一条高速路 –对的
– between Broome Street and Grand. – Correct.
Knocking down some of the greatest industrial architecture in America.
Oh, please. Do you really fall for that stuff?
–什么说辞? –保护遗产
– What stuff? – Conservation.
–我上当了吗? –这是在诈骗
– Fall for it? – It’s a racket.
–在你看来是的 –由女性主导 旨在阻碍进步
– In your view. – Run by women to put a brake on progress.
What’s its purpose? What’s its point?
What’s its point? To hold on to everything that’s best.
不 这是个阴谋 一个由自♥由♥派编织的阴谋
No. It’s a plot, it’s a conspiracy dreamt up by liberals
to make sure the United States is embalmed in aspic forever.
–真的吗? –你在怀疑我吗?
– Oh, really? – You doubt me?
Here it is!
世界上最发达的国家 拥有无限的资源
The most developed country in the world with limitless resources
可是一下子 那些时兴的观点告诉我们 我们不能建设!
and, all at once, fashionable opinion tells us we can’t build!
We can’t bring prosperity to those who need it,
because those who already enjoy it don’t like the noise!
他们自己过着惬意的生活 却要剥夺别人生活的权力
They have a pleasant life for themselves, and they wish to deny it to others.
–这与此无关 –不是如此吗?
– It’s not about that. – Isn’t it?
I look at SoHo, I see one thing. Decline.
是的 我们可能需要拆除一些无用的阁楼和废弃的建筑
Yes, we may have to destroy a few useless lofts and abandoned premises.
So what? Things must exist for a purpose.
而苏荷区那些人没有目的 生命力取决于其功能
SoHo has no purpose. Vitality is dependent on function.
而当功能衰退时 生命也理应衰退
And when function decays, so does life.
And do you really never look at anything,
anything at all, and consider it might be beautiful in itself?
The principal purpose of planning is to improve people’s lives.
苏荷区没有改善任何东西 这是个巨大的隐患
SoHo improves nothing. It’s one big fire hazard.
好吧 从今天晚上开始 这已经不重要了
Well, as of this evening, it no longer matters.
–为什么? –一切都改变了
– Why not? – Everything is changed.
–这事都摆在明面上了 –我欢迎斗争
– Things are out in the open. – I welcome the fight.
–我的一生都在斗争 –是的
– I’ve fought all my life. – Yes.
With the wind behind you.
Now the wind is in front.
你没听到玛丽亚的话 对吧?你没有听
You didn’t hear Mariah, did you? You didn’t listen.
真是遗憾 因为她想告诉你一些事
It’s a shame, because she was trying to tell you something.
雪莉·海耶斯这些人 他们不同寻常
Shirley Hayes and people like her, they’re new, they’re different.
你把他们叫做自♥由♥派 是因为他们穿着雨衣 头发凌乱
You call them liberals, because they dress in raincoats and have untidy hair.
But Washington Square isn’t a movement.
It’s a coalition of all parties.
承认这一点确实很难 鲍勃
And it’s hard to admit it, Bob.
It’s hard for you and…
这对我来说真的很难 因为我们已经押下了太多的赌注
And it’s hard for me, because we’ve staked so much on being right.
玛丽亚到来时 我当然忽视了她
When Mariah arrived, I disregarded her, of course I did.
她刚从学校毕业 她能懂什么?
She’s just out of school. What does she know?
Then, slowly, I realised what she knows.
She knows what’s going on.
我要告诉你 当我听到她说话时 我听到的是
And I’ll tell you what I hear when I hear her speak.
So young, so fresh.
It’s the sound of my life going by.
I’ve waited for you to change,
and you don’t.
你应该去参加会议的 鲍勃
You should go to the meetings, Bob.
如果你拒绝 就像玛丽亚说的那样你会失败的
And if you don’t, it’s as Mariah says, you’ll lose.
You think I deserve to lose? Do you relish the prospect of my defeat?
Does it give you pleasure?
对不起 我必须回家啦
I’m sorry, I have to go home.
是的 你该去的
Yes, if you have to.
我的司机就在外面 他不喜欢晚回去见他的妻子
My driver’s outside, and he doesn’t like to be late back to his wife.
–好吧 这很合理 –他有自己的生活
– Well, that’s fair enough. – He has a life.
那么 他很幸运 请走吧
Well, then he’s fortunate. Go, please.
–那我走啦 –阿里尔…
– I’m going. – Ariel…
I hope you don’t feel that I am ever callous with your illness.
–不 你不冷漠 –谢谢
– No, you’re not callous. – Thank you.
–一点也不 –好的
– Not at all. – Good.
你甚至都没有注意到 你怎么会冷漠呢?
You never even notice it, so how can you be callous?
不好意思 我意识到自己有时候确实会有些心不在焉
No, forgive me. Sometimes, I’m aware, I can be a little bit distracted.
–是的 –我的心思并不总是在别的人身上
– Yes. – My mind is not always on the other man.
那真是幸运 你还有时间去改变
Lucky you’ve still got time to work on that, then.
–晚安 芬努拉 –晚安
– Night, Finnuala. – Good night.
–晚安 鲍勃 –晚安
– Good night, Bob. – Good night.
And suddenly…
..我们关系很糟啦 –对 很糟糕
– ..it’s bad between us. – Yes, it’s bad.
我一直害怕倦怠 我害怕惰性
I’ve always feared lassitude. I’ve feared inertia.
Life has to go forwards.