–但有时你也会犯错 –谢谢 海勒小姐
– and sometimes you’re wrong. – Thank you, Miss Heller.
I sat through that meeting about Washington Square,
我现在可以告诉你 你已被打败了
and I can tell you right now you’re beaten.
在空气中弥散着一种新的感知 它会改变这一切的
There’s a new feeling in the air, and it’s going to change things.
You’ve lost the argument.
当你拒绝承认的时候 你会让我们所有人都没了脸面的
And when you refuse to admit it, you make us all look undignified.
Good night.
It’s Payne Whitney?
Hm? Sorry?
–玛丽在佩恩·惠特尼吗 –是的
– Mary’s at Payne Whitney? – Oh, yes.
鲍勃 去谈及你的妻子 也并不是你的软肋
It’s not a weakness, Bob, to talk about your wife.
In front of strangers?
We’re strangers now, are we?
你 我和阿里尔 我们三个不是一起工作了上百年了吗?
You, me, and Ariel, what, 100 years of work together between the three of us?
I meant the coloured girl.
–她走了 –那也并没有拦住你
– She’s gone. – That didn’t stop you.
玛丽嗜酒成性 我还能说什么呢?
Mary’s an alcoholic, what can I say?
她大脑失去控制了 酒已经对她的大脑产生了影响
She’s lost control. The drink has gone to her brain.
It’s eaten her away.
How long will she stay?
医生们现在还相信 她不会离开的
The doctors, as of this moment, they don’t believe she will leave.
–你知道我们是怎么在一起的 –是的
– You know how we were together. – Yes.
她给我付账单 给我买♥♥衣服 她还帮我剪头发
She paid my bills, she bought my clothes. Hell, she cut my hair.
There’s nothing in my life that she didn’t do for me.
There it is.
–哦 鲍勃… –这一生啊
– Oh, Bob… – A lifetime.
不 除了承受打击
No, there’s nothing to be done,
和继续建设之外 我无事可做
except to absorb the blow and continue to build.
–这是我欠她的 –你也许希望我们替你顶替一段时间
– I owe it to her. – Perhaps, you’d like us to cover for you.
–顶替? –是的 就几天而已
– Cover? – Yes. Just for a few days.
–这样你就可以去陪玛丽了 –不 那没个必要
– So you can be with Mary. – No, that won’t be necessary.
–我也只是提个建议而已 –那么 芬努拉
– I was just suggesting. – So, Finnuala.
–你听说我们的新闻了吗? –什么新闻?
– Have you heard our news? – What news?
About Mrs Roosevelt and her journalism?
–是的 我听说了 –你怎么看?
– Yes, I heard. – What do you think?
我在问 你怎么看?
I’m asking, what do you think?
–真要听吗? –还能怎样?
– Truthfully? – How else?
这只是个开始 局势正在转变
It’s only the beginning. The tide is turning.
转变得很慢 但也确实在转变 更糟的还在后面
It’s turning slowly, but it’s turning. Worse is to come.
You know something I don’t? Why do you say ‘beginning’?
当我来到这里时 我发誓我会饶过你的
As I came here, I promised myself I’d spare you.
–为什么? –因为你的妻子在结婚四十年
– Why? – Because your wife is lying drugged
被药物麻醉 躺在了一个病院里 这就是为什么!
in an institution after 40 years of marriage, that’s why.
I thought you were about to say ‘after 40 years of neglect’.
–我没有这么说 –好吧
– I was not. – All right.
You think I don’t feel your rebuke?
–什么指责? –那无声的指责
– What rebuke? – The silent rebuke.
那每日在不言中的 我和你待在这间屋子里 我都能感受到了
Daily, unspoken. I sit in this room with you. I feel it.
–不 –你在怪我
– No. – You blame me.
–不 –你认为她的病是我的错
– No. – You think her illness is my fault.
–我从没这么说过 –暗示啦
– I have never said that. – Implicitly.
Because I work!
除工作外 我什么都不管!顶替我 是吗?
I work and care for nothing else! Cover for me, would you?
You think I don’t know what you say about me, behind my back, one to another?
–如果你感到内疚 那是你自己的事 –你认为我是个畜生 但我不是
– If you feel guilty that’s your business. – You think I’m a brute. I am not.
Don’t blame your own misgivings on Ariel or on me.
–我没有内疚 –很好
– I have no guilt. – Good.
我没有懊悔 我不能逼迫自己产生我没有的感情
I have no remorse. I can’t be bullied into feelings I don’t have.
–我永不会这样的 –只有懦夫才会道歉
– I would never try. – Apologies are for cowards only.
How you’ve lived your life is your own affair.
我的也是 阿里尔的也是
As is mine. As is Ariel’s, too.
Leave me out of it.
这些年来 你一直看着阿里尔受苦
All these years, you’ve watched Ariel suffer.
You’ve worked with him, side by side.
You’ve watched him fall prey to a terrible disease.
–芬努拉… –事情就是这样!
– Finnuala… – Well, that’s what’s happened!
在我的记忆中 你从没有说过一句那样的话!
Without once, as I remember, ever once so much as remarking on it.
–我没听到过!从来没有 –我并没有要求被人来议论
– Not in my hearing. Ever. – I have not asked to be remarked upon.
–这与此无关 –当我无法继续工作时
– That’s nothing to do with this. – When the moment arrives
到那时 我会自己离开的
when I can no longer function, I will leave.
–那是多发性硬化症 鲍勃 –我知道
– It’s multiple sclerosis, Bob. – I know.
–这就是阿里尔每天要应对的事情 –我非常清楚
– That’s what Ariel deals with every day. – I know that perfectly well.
–每一刻! –你以为我不知道吗?
– Every hour! – Do you think I don’t know that?
他第一天拄着拐杖走进来 你问了什么?
First day he came through on crutches, what did you ask?
什么都没有 你都没有提到过
Nothing. You didn’t mention it.
之后坐上了轮椅 你又只说了一句 “天哪 我们要把门加宽吗?”
Later in a wheelchair. Again, all you ask, ‘Oh, God, will we have to widen the door?’
–我可没这么说! –那就是你说的话
– I did not say that! – That’s what you said.
–我记忆犹新 就像还在昨天一样! –我不需要同情
– I remember it as it if were yesterday! – I don’t ask for pity.
I’m not talking about pity.
我说的是体贴 摩西先生从来没有给过你的体贴
I’m talking about consideration, and that Mr Moses has never given you.
–我从没抱怨过 –看到了吗?他很好
– I’ve never complained. – See? He’s fine.
我知道 我们只是工作中的同事 仅此而已
I know, we’re all professional colleagues, no more than that.
God forbid we should think each other friends.
–我从不奢求友谊 –的确 你没有
– I’ve never asked for friendship. – Indeed, you have not.
–我更希望得到尊重 –你也确实得到了
– I have preferred respect. – And that you had.
–有吗? –是的
– Had? – Yes.
我想说 为了玛丽 我们今晚先别管这些遗憾的事了
I’m saying let’s leave this whole sorry business for tonight, for Mary’s sake.
如果你有什么要告诉我 就告诉我 我可以接受的
No. If you’ve something to tell me, tell me, I can take it.
如果你真的想知道 市长有些失言啦
Well, if you really want to know, the mayor has been indiscreet.
–告诉我 –意外的是
– Tell me. – Accidentally.
He has spoken to Shirley Hayes.
–那个女演员? –是的 无意中就
– The actress? – Yes, unintentionally.
她领导了抗♥议♥活动 那么他们为什么会见面呢?
She leads the protest. So, why did they meet?
–她要求见他 –那他为什么同意呢?
– She asked to see him. – And why did he agree?
The mayor is elected.
–与我们不同 他必须去倾听 –那么告诉我他说了什么?
– Unlike us, he has to listen. – So tell me, what did he say?
–太多啦 –具体是?
– Too much. – Specifically?
I fear he has revealed the real purpose of the highway through Washington Square.
–我简直不敢相信! –恐怕是的
– I can’t believe it. – I’m afraid so.
Well, how could he do that?
他怎么会蠢到怎么做?天啊 我身边都是白♥痴♥吗?
What foolishness made him do that? God, am I surrounded by idiots?
你还是面对现实吧 你不可能永远保密的
You might as well face it, you can’t keep everything under wraps forever.
–不可能吗?– 这是必然会发生的
– Can’t I? – It was bound to come out.
人们并不傻 他们知道你的野心
People aren’t stupid. They know your ambition.
他们知道你的履历 现在他们有了证据
They know your track record, and now they have proof.
这很简单 非常简单
It’s simple. It’s perfectly simple.
我们要解决的是一个逻辑上的矛盾 这是我履行公民的义务
I’m addressing a logical discrepancy, which it is my civic duty to set right.
–看看这个地图! –我看过啦
– Look at the map! – I’ve looked.
–看看这个网络! –我看过很多次了
– Look at the network! – I’ve seen it. Many times.
The vertical observed.
而忽视了内在问题 看啊!
The horizontal ignored. Look!
–看啊! –我们不需要看啦 鲍勃
– Look! – We don’t need to look, Bob.
How many times have we stared at that map?
我们创造了一个怎样的城市 道路虽是纵横交错
What kind of city have we created where the highways run up and down,
but everything gets stuck trying to get across?
我们讨论过这个问题 我们讨论过很多次了
We’ve discussed this. We’ve discussed it many times.
Our work is not finished. It’s barely half–done.
–我们知道 –从北到南 随意哪边
– We know. – North to south, on either side.
西区高速公路 东区高速公路
The West Side Highway, the East Side Highway,
traffic carried efficiently and with speed to its destination.
–确实 –那横穿整个城市的呢?没有一条!
– Sure. – But across the city? Nothing!
East to west? Nothing! It’s an offence against logic and against reason.
The need is there, clearly,
for three elevated expressways
这里 这里和这里
here, here and here.
就像钉子一样 就像钢箍一样
Like staples, like hoops of steel,
so that sideways movement across the city becomes possible.
The expressways and parkways of Long Island
will connect directly to the expressways and parkways of New Jersey.