–我吗? –是的 我会让你走到那一步吗?
– Me? – Yeah. Would I ever drive you to that?
Tell them to fix the meeting for the morning.
I will.
我们见证了发生的一切 我们见证了布朗克斯区的一切
We saw what happened. We saw what happened in the Bronx.
A great brutal carving knife slashed through the heart of a community,
一个由纽约最贫穷 最无权无势的人组成的社区
a community of the poorest and most powerless people in New York.
Shipped out of town to God knows where.
All for a road which was at a standstill on the very first day.
If Mr Moses thinks he can pull that same trick twice,
he’s got another think coming.
–太对啦 雪莉!–去告诉他 雪莉!
– Yes, Shirley! – You tell him, Shirley!
Is there no end to his vandalism?
Where will it stop? Do you know what this place is?
–我想我知道 –你知道这意味着什么吗?
– I think I do. – Do you know what it means?
Not just to the people who live here.
Do you understand its historic importance?
I certainly hope so.
This is New York’s quintessential meeting place.
And your boss intends to destroy it
with a four–lane highway!
如果华盛顿广场都不能被保全 那还有哪能?
If Washington Square isn’t safe, where is?
–说得好! –抱歉打断
– Well said! – Excuse me.
是你要求这次会面的 二十分钟过去了 我们甚至没说出一句话
You asked for this meeting, and after 20 minutes, we’ve barely got a word out.
–你想要什么?混乱吗? –不 是民♥主♥
– What do you want? Anarchy? – No. Democracy.
–对的 – 这是我们的第三年
– That’s right. – This is our third year.
This is our third consecutive year of opposition.
I don’t think you’ve ever understood the anger.
I understand the anger very well.
–你能吗? –是的 确实能 我不可能误解的
– Do you? – Yes, indeed. I could hardly miss it.
如果我们不想倾听 海勒小姐和我就不会在这里了
Miss Heller and I wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want to listen.
雅各布斯夫人 你有问题吗?
Mrs Jacobs, you have a question?
或许你能告诉我们 摩西先生为什么没有亲自来?
Perhaps you can tell us why Mr Moses isn’t here in person?
I don’t know why you want to personalise this.
Because it is personal.
The highway is the policy of the whole Planning Commission.
而我们都知道 摩西先生就是整个规划委员会
Mr Moses is the Planning Commission, we all know that.
–他为什么从来不见他的批评者? –他一直在与他的批评者见面
– Why does he never meet his critics? – He meets his critics all the time.
–可别这样说啦 –他就像呆在了象牙塔里
– Get out of here. – He’s up in an ivory tower.
他甚至不愿意接受采访 刘易斯试过了 我也试过
He won’t even interview. Lewis has tried. I’ve tried.
He refuses to talk to us.
He’ll only speak to people who agrees with him.
确实 他会同《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》谈话
Oh, yeah, he’ll talk to The New York Times.
一周两次 在星期天甚至能再来一次
Twice during the week, three times on Sundays.
It’s Moses’ ideas which are being copied all over the country.
在美国的每个城市 都是“道路 道路 道路”
In every city in America, it’s ‘roads, roads, roads’.
对的 他很有影响力 这是有道理的
Yes. If he’s influential, it’s for good reason.
那请你告诉我 为什么摩西先生对快速交通系统如此敌视呢?
Then tell me this, why is Mr Moses so hostile to rapid transit?
Is he hostile?
给我解释一下 为什么他修建了数百英里的公路
Explain to me why he’s built hundreds of miles of roads,
却没有一条地铁 没有一条铁轨?
and not a single subway and not a single rail track?
二十五年来 一条也没有!
Not a single one in 25 years!
–你想来回答这个吗? –不啦
– Do you want to take this, Mariah? – No.
You take it.
–很好 可你确定? –我更想你来说
– Very well. Are you sure? – I’d rather you.
雅各布斯夫人 我很乐意和您辩论 那你来告诉我吧
Just tell me, Mrs Jacobs, I’m happy to debate with you, but honestly,
what does Mr Moses’ attitude to mass transit have to do with Washington Square?
–我想这关乎一切 –为什么?
– Everything, I’d have thought. – Why?
Because Mr Moses is a man under hypnosis.
He got hypnotised at the age of 25 by two ideas,
–而这两个想法都是妄想 –它们是什么?
– and they’re both delusions. – And what are they?
首先 是他那疯狂的想法
Well, first, he has this insane idea
that the answer to the problem of too many cars is more cars.
And second,
he’s convinced the answer to the problem of congestion on our roads is more roads.
雅各布斯夫人 你和你的朋友很难否认
Mrs Jacobs, you and your friends can hardly deny
New York has a problem with congestion.
修建一条新路 除了把整个问题推向南方
And what will you do by building a new road
except move the whole problem further south?
–对 –问题不会消失
– Right. – It won’t go away.
The jams will just happen further downtown.
Haven’t you people learned anything in the last 30 years?
拜托各位 拜托了
Please, everyone, please.
你们必须听听波特先生的话 真的
You have to listen to Mr Porter, you really do.
I’ll tell you why.
I only joined the Planning Commission eight months ago,
but I realised on the day I arrived
阿里尔真的是一个非常真诚 全心全意去致力于
that Ariel really is a man who is utterly sincere and dedicated
in making the city as liveable as he can.
谢谢你 玛丽亚 真贴心
Well, thank you, Mariah, that’s kind.
谢谢 雅各布斯夫人?
Thank you. Mrs Jacobs?
Every time Mr Moses builds a new road,
他都说这将减轻公路负担 缩短汽车行程
he says it’s going to free up the highways and make car journeys shorter,
让我们能够回家照顾孩子 对妻子尽责
and get us all home so we can look after our children and be saintly to our wives.
–你知道现实是会发生什么吗? –请说下去 我很想知道
– And you know what happens in reality? – Please, go ahead. I’d love to know.
波特先生 纽约的汽车
Cars in New York, Mr Porter,
they move slower than the horses they replaced.
为了建造他宝贵的道路 摩西先生采取了暴♥力♥手段
And to make his precious roads, Mr Moses smashes ahead by violence.
That’s what he’s done in the Bronx with his disastrous expressway.
You think the tenements we knocked down in the Bronx
那值得吗 你觉得贫民窟真值得吗 雅各布斯夫人?
were worthwhile, do you, Mrs Jacobs, you think slums are worthwhile?
–她没这么说 –你想保留它们 是吗?
– She’s not saying that. – You want to preserve them, do you?
–她不是这个意思 –波特先生 是人♥民♥
– That’s not what she’s saying. – People, Mr Porter.
–是生活在贫民窟里的人♥民♥ –说得对
– People lived in those slums. – You’re right.
他们住在那种破烂不堪的地方 到处都是老鼠 遍布着黑暗和污秽
They lived in those uninhabitable places, full of rats and dark and dirt.
是因为你不必住在那里 你才想要保留它们
And you want to preserve them because you don’t have to live in them.
雅各布斯夫人 你轻易就能挥舞着你那带着特权的手
It’s very easy for you, Mrs Jacobs, to wave a privileged hand
说着 “这些贫民窟是如此美丽”
and say, ‘These slums are so picturesque.’
如果你认为简有特权 那你就太不了解她了
If you think Jane is privileged, you know nothing about her.
确实 这其中就是有势利的成分
Truly, there is an element of snobbery in all this.
–得了吧! –城市要生存下去 就必须改变
– Oh, come on! – A city has to change if it’s to live.
听着 我能看出你们想做反对派
Look, I can see you all want to set up an opposition here.
规划者错啦 人♥民♥才对 但事情并不没那么简单
Planners bad, people good. But it’s not as simple as that.
你们对华盛顿广场有点特殊情感 对吗?
In Washington Square, you have something special, right?
人们可以散步 下棋 做音乐
People can stroll, they can play chess, they can make music,
当然 如果我和其他受过教育的人 一起住在这里
and sure, if I lived here, among other educated folk,
I would want to defend it, too.
但你们不会关心的 作为那占少数的幸运儿
But doesn’t it concern you that the city will die
你们只想固守自己喜欢的角落 而不做出任何安排
if the lucky few just hang on to their favourite corners
来帮助其他人 城市是会因此灭亡的
and don’t make any arrangements to help people elsewhere?
Oh, so we all have to live at a common level of ugliness?
–不 –好吧 他就是这个意思
– No. – Yes. That’s what he’s saying.
Everything has to be dragged down to the level of the worst.
我不是这个意思 我是说 一条好路能帮助
I’m not saying that. I’m saying a good road will help people
less fortunate than you speed down to their own quarter.
And unimpeded movement is in everyone’s interest.
Can’t you be more generous to others?
Can’t you think of the good of other people,
not just the people in the nice parts of town?
Look, I’ve worked for Mr Moses for over 30 years.
Mr Moses never claimed the car would solve mankind’s problems
any more than the refrigerator or the dishwasher would.
但不管你乐意与否 汽车就是未来
But whether you like it or not, the car is the future.
除非我们去顺应潮流 而不是逆流而上 否则我们就
We have no future unless we work with the grain of progress,
not against it.
我立刻就注意到 那次会议的气氛很有意思
There was a funny tone to that meeting. I noticed it straightaway.
首先 母亲们带着孩子出席了会议
For a start, mothers brought their kids.
It wasn’t just people saying no.
It was people who actually had different ideas.