I’m sure they can make themselves free.
It’s not as if these people have regular jobs.
很抱歉 但这似乎有些不光彩
I’m sorry, but it seems underhand.
The protestors have wanted a meeting for months,
我们却突然这么快就召集了一个会议 是要让他们措手不及吗?
and suddenly we throw one together so fast as to wrongfoot them?
那么 是有哪作假了吗?
So, where’s the dishonesty?
你一直向我报告说 他们一直在抱怨无休止的拖延
You keep reporting to me that they’ve been complaining about the endless delays.
–是啊 他们有在 –那他们现在不能再抱怨了吧 是吧?
– Well, they have. – They can’t complain any more, can they?
我说的对吗 芬努拉?
Am I right, Finnuala?
Any objective observer would say
we’re tackling the matter with commendable dispatch.
–我真的不认为这是对的 –你要告诉我为什么吗?
– I really don’t think it’s right. – You going to tell me why?
好吧 首先
Well, for a start,
我读到过有关您早年在长岛开♥发♥的事情 摩西先生
I’ve read about your early days, Mr Moses, opening up Long Island.
那是你是个积极分子 那份积极造就了你
You were an activist. Activism made you.
现在这些人也是积极分子 同样是为了他们所信仰的事业
And now these people are also activists, also in a cause they believe in.
现在轮到他们了 他们值得我们的尊重
Now it’s their turn, and they deserve our respect.
–玛丽亚 是吗?–是玛丽亚
– Mariah, it is, isn’t it? – It’s Mariah.
玛丽亚 我给了你一个简单的指示
Mariah, I’ve given you a simple instruction
–是组织明天的会议 –这我知道
– to organise a meeting for tomorrow. – I know.
–所以请你去做 –我还没冷静下来!
– So, please go and do it. – I’m not at peace!
好的 那我要问你一个问题
Well, then I’m going to have to ask you a question.
你站在哪一边 玛丽亚? 这就是我的问题 你站在哪一边
Whose side are you on, Mariah? That’s my question. Whose side are you on?
请原谅我这么说 但…
Forgive me for saying this, but…
your way of thinking is extremely old–fashioned.
Oh, you think so, do you?
规划者是坐在办公室里 去强加自己的意愿
The planner sits in the office and imposes his will.
如今 人们不想被告知如何生活
Nowadays, people don’t want to be told how to live.
他们想要选择如何生活 他们有这个权利
They want to choose how to live, and they have that right.
你和我一样清楚 第五大道上的交通直到第八大街
You know as well as I do that the traffic flows freely on 5th Avenue
–都畅通无阻 –是的
– until it reaches 8th Street. – Yes.
而第八街之后 交通拥堵到了无可救药的地步 我说得对吗?
And below 8th Street, it’s hopelessly congested, am I right?
是的 会很拥挤 偶尔会
It can be congested, yes, on occasions.
我的规划是为人♥民♥服务 是为他们服务
I plan to serve the population, yes, serve it,
by liberating that traffic
高速公路来解放交通 让司机们直接
with a well–planned highway which will funnel drivers
穿过华盛顿广场 去到曼哈顿下城
straight through Washington Square and onwards into Lower Manhattan.
I know the intention.
All I can say…
自从我来到这的几个月里 我注意到
I’ve noticed, in the months since I started,
that you seem to thrive on conflict and on confrontation.
–我有吗? –我们在学校接受的教育是
– Oh, do I? – We were taught at school,
the issue is never about winning or losing.
It’s about what’s best for the community.
如果在社区意见的帮助下 我们能改进我们的规划
If, with the help of the community’s input, we can improve our scheme,
在我看来 这就是件值得做的好事
in my opinion, that’s a good thing worth doing.
非常好 玛丽亚 你给了我你的意见 我会重视的
Very well, Mariah. You’ve given me your opinion and I value it.
现在 请你去找波特先生 告知明早开会
Now, if you would please find Mr Porter, and call a meeting for tomorrow morning.
–我会照你说的做 –你这样就很好
– I’ll do what you want. – That’s kind of you.
–我的异议已经提出啦 –那我也记下来啦
– I’ve registered my objection. – It’s noted.
–谢谢您听我的意见 –不客气
– Thank you for hearing me. – Not at all.
干得不错 玛丽亚
Well done, Mariah.
–把她赶走! –抱歉?
– Get rid of her! – Sorry?
–她压根不在我们这边 –鲍勃 别这样…
– She’s not with us. – Bob, come on…
让她召集好明天的会议 然后让她走
Let her call the meeting for tomorrow, and then she goes.
–别啊 –芬努拉 是她工作都干错了
– No. – Finnuala, she’s in the wrong job.
–她永远都做不对的 –玛丽亚正是我们需要的
– She’ll never be any good. – Mariah’s exactly what we need here.
–她让我们能跟上时代 –你觉得我和时代脱节了吗?
– She puts us back in touch. – And you think I’m out of touch?
不 但她更年轻 更接地气
No, but she’s younger. She’s closer to the ground.
–二十年啦 –这我知道
– 20 years. – I know.
–已经二十年了! –这我知道
– It’s been 20 years! – I know that.
20年来 我一直在规划一条能将交通引入市中心的高速公路
For 20 years, I’ve planned a highway which would take traffic downtown.
–我记得的 –记住 还得继续下去
– I remember. – And onwards, remember.
继续前进!如今 我们要摘下最后的这颗硕果啦
And onwards! And now, finally, the prize is in our grasp.
I’m to throw the plan of a whole lifetime aside in favour of a group of minstrels
and artistic women with handbags?
在城市之外 芬努拉 我们硕果累累
Outside the city, Finnuala, we’ve thrived.
We’ve transformed the landscape.
在长岛 上州和下州
On Long Island, upstate, downstate,
a network of roads and bridges unparalleled.
The Romans built roads which have lasted 2.000 years.
Who’s to say ours won’t last as long?
And even inside the city itself,
countless slums destroyed, tenements gone,
取而代之的是 高效且整洁的住♥宅♥区
to be replaced by efficient, clean housing blocks,
既赏心悦目 又卫生宜居
pleasing to the eye and hygienic for the purpose of living.
Clearance! Urban renewal!
但在我们的工作中 有一项 我们没做好
But in one aspect, in one aspect of our work, we failed.
We failed to give the borough of Manhattan the road system it deserves.
It’s as if they want us out there, and to stay out there.
Outsiders forever!
And never inside the citadel itself.
要么我们攻破曼哈顿 要么它来攻破我们
We break Manhattan, or it breaks us.
鲍勃 这太夸张啦
Bob, you exaggerate.
–我不这么认为 –你把这一切都看得太重了
– No, I don’t think so. – You take everything too hard.
如果我不这样做 那纽约又会是什么样?
And if I didn’t, what would New York be?
Just one more provincial city,
a static port on the Eastern seaboard between a couple of rivers.
你把它当成个人问题了 这并不是个人问题
You take it personally. It isn’t personal.
–这就是 –不 这是时代使然
– It’s personal. – No. It’s the mood of the times.
–这是借口! –这不是借口
– That excuse! – It’s not an excuse.
领导者塑造时代 而不是时代的祭品
A leader makes the mood. He is not a victim of it.
我提供合同 我提供工作机会
I provide contracts. I provide jobs.
事情已经不再那么简单了 鲍勃 人们想要发表意见
Things aren’t that simple any more, Bob. People want to have a say.
–人们想要参与其中 –他们认为自己有资格 是吗?
– They want to have a stake. – They think they’re qualified, do they?
–和其他人一样有资格 –真的吗?
– As qualified as anyone. Yes. – Really?
Qualified to manage a huge metropolitan arterial complex, are they?
Not as qualified as you are.
–没有 –如你所说 没有
– No. – No, as you say.
Who provides the vision? Who provides the overview?
Once Americans cease to believe they can re–make America better,
well, then, it ceases to be America.
And the worst thing is to see the change in you.
What change?
–你知道我在说什么 –这次不知道
– You know what I’m saying. – On this occasion, no.
你知道的 你曾经那般坚信 现在却不再相信了
Oh, yes, you do. How you once believed, and now you don’t.
–我仍然相信 –那你告诉我 为什么不开除那女孩?
– I still believe. – So why are we not firing that girl?
–你可以解雇她 –怎么 接着忍♥受你的反对吗?
– You can fire her. – What, and live with your disapproval?
–我可以搬到另一间办公室 –我不想这样 我喜欢你在这里
– I can move to another office. – I don’t want that. I like you in here.
要是以前 我都用不着开口呢 你就已经把她赶走了
Time was, you’d have got rid of her before I even asked.
–那是以前 –是你把她带进来的
– Time was. – And you brought her in.
你看得出来的 我一直反对她来 她让我很不爽
I was always against her. You can tell, she gets on my nerves.
好像一切都在劳烦你似的 鲍勃
Everything gets on your nerves, Bob.
以前你会开除她 现在却不会了 为什么呢?
You would once have fired her and now you won’t. Why is that?
You know very well the reason.
She… reminds me of me.
When you were starting out?
–正是 –当你还是个女孩时?
– Exactly. – When you were a girl?
–好吧 她比那是的我要有钱 –但更没幽默感
– Well, she has more money than I did. – And less humour.
她有更好的背景 她的父亲是一位教授
She has a better background. Her father’s a professor.
I might have known.
–不幸尚未降临于她 –对 她还年轻
– Misfortune has not yet marked her. – Yeah, she’s young.
但她不是为了自己 而是为了大众
But she’s in it not for herself but for the people.
And you think I’m not?
Why trample on a flower when you don’t need to?
Is that what she is?
Is that what you were?
告诉我 芬努拉 你会辞去我这的工作吗?
Tell me something, Finnuala, would you ever resign from my employment?