为了建布朗克斯十字高速公路 他们被迫搬离了
They got moved out to make way for the Cross–Bronx Expressway.
–不过我家人可不是这么叫它 –他们叫它什么?
– Only that’s not what my family call it. – What’s their name for it?
他们叫它 心碎公路
They call it the Heartbreak Highway.
And now they’re 15 miles out, way beyond Queens.
So I don’t go around telling everyone where I work.
–我能理解 –我来这里才八个月
– I understand. – I’ve only been here eight months.
我很确定是你想让我做这份工作 而不是他
I’m pretty sure it was you who wanted me for the job, not him.
But I’ve never once known him to change his mind.
–对的 –改变过主意
– No. – About anything.
Does he ever?
据我所知 如果你不同意他的观点 你就待不长啦
From what I’ve heard, if you disagree with him, you don’t last very long.
–这样说 不公正–你是说这不是真的吗?
– That’s not fair. – Are you saying it isn’t true?
Mr Moses has built an awful lot of stuff.
这也意味着他遇到过更多的反对意见 这很累人的
That means he’s encountered an awful lot of opposition. That’s tiring.
–这会让你抓狂 –当然
– It can make you a bit scratchy. – Sure.
这必须有人来领导 让委员会来制定计划是不可能的
Someone has to lead. It’s impossible to plan by committee.
I don’t believe anyone ever called your Mr Corbusier flexible.
但柯布西耶与人们接触 了解他们的生活方式
No, but Corbusier contacts people and keeps in touch with how they live.
And you feel Mr Moses doesn’t?
–你比我更了解他 –是的
– You know him better than me. – Yeah.
只是因为你看到了他的优点 否则你也不会在他这花一辈子?
You wouldn’t have spent your whole life with him, unless you saw his virtues?
对 我确实不会 对吗?
No, I wouldn’t, would I?
Mr Porter says he’s never heard you say a word against him.
我们吵架 都是关起门来吵的
When we argue, it’s behind closed doors.
Did you never work for anyone else? Did you never want to?
当然想过 我自己也想成为一名建筑师
Yeah, sure, I would liked to have been an architect,
但最终没能如愿 就像很多事情一样 你知道吗?
but it didn’t pan out, like a lot of things, you know?
除此之外 还有那次经济崩溃
Apart from anything, there was the Crash.
–如果你有一份工作 你就得死死攥住 –那是很久以前啦
– If you had a job, you held on to it. – That was a long time ago.
即使在经济大萧条结束之后 不可避免的是 这种心态依然存在
Even after the Depression was over, the mindset remained, inevitably.
That kind of experience marks you.
此外 我…
Also, I…
我被个人的不幸所耽搁了 这就是现状
I got waylaid by personal misfortune. There you are.
But you don’t regret spending your whole life here?
在这里工作有一个特点 总是充满激♥情♥
One thing working here, there’s always excitement.
–那最后呢? –那希望现在还没到最后
– And at the end of it? – Oh, let’s hope it’s not the end yet.
如果有人能告诉我这午餐有什么意义 我会很想知道的
And if someone can tell me what the point of lunch is, I’d love to know.
当你是主人时 你会很愿意请客的
You’re happy enough to lunch when you’re the host.
–当我是客人时 就很讨厌 –你喜欢掌控一切
– I hate it when I’m a guest. – You like to be in control.
And I despise the 21 Club.
Manhattan’s smug elite,
吃着汉堡假装欧洲人 别提了
eating hamburgers and pretending to be European – forget that.
Do you want the Pepto–Bismol?
–快点 –就来
– Urgently. – It’s coming.
–你喝酒了吗? –就为了社交 喝了杯马提尼
– Did you drink? – A martini, to be sociable.
我只喝了大半 而市长喝了三杯
I left most of it. The mayor had three!
–哦! –我在家里喝得就够多了
– Oh! – I see enough drinking at home.
I know.
And Caesar salad? What is that? Lettuce coated with slime!
那你就玩得挺开心 不是吗?
You really had a good time, didn’t you?
–喝的还是吞的? –都要
– Liquid or tablet? – Both.
The mayor works the room.
He says hello to the party in each booth.
It’s like having lunch with a hooker.
You wouldn’t do that, no?
我不会屈尊去做那样的事的 毕竟你是市长啊
I wouldn’t stoop to it. You’re the mayor, for Christ’s sake.
尊重你的职位 让他们来找你
Respect the office. Let them come to you.
You keep saying how much you hate lunch,
但愿你还记得 正是一顿午餐让我们有了今天的成就
but if you remember, it was a lunch which got us where we are.
–我不知道你在说什么 –你很清楚
– I don’t know what you’re talking about. – You know perfectly well.
Sending Al Smith to eat with the judge.
–那是在哪里? –你知道在哪里 里弗黑德
– Where was that? – You know where it was, at Riverhead.
–那是三十年前的事了 –是啊
– Well, that was 30 years ago. – Sure.
–这没什么大不了的 –如果我们不这样做 我们将一事无成
– Well, it was no big deal. – If we hadn’t done it, we’d be nowhere.
–所有的一切都从那开始 –那是你的观点
– It all started there, everything. – That’s your opinion.
That’s just your opinion!
你站在那里像个傻瓜 是有什么原因吗?
And there’s a reason, is there, you’re standing there like a lemon?
–是的 –什么呢?
– Yes. – So what is it?
–华盛顿广场 –那是什么?
– Washington Square. – What about it?
–我被要求处理此事 –你已经被委派啦 鲍勃 而这只是玛丽亚的职责
– I was asked to take care of it. – You delegated, Bob. It’s Mariah’s patch.
What do I need to know?
先生 有一个相当有力的居民群体正在聚集
Well, sir, there’s quite a strong residents’ group forming.
That I don’t know already?
A group who live in the Village, they’re getting together.
女人 是吗?
Women, are they?
–大多是 –我想也是
– Mostly. – Thought so.
这个群体受过良好的教育 有文化素养
This group is well–educated, they’re literate.
–他们非常了解情况 –我应该记住这吗?
– They’re extremely well–informed. – I’m meant to be impressed?
如果你还记得 我们答应过他们要举♥行♥一次公开会议
And if you remember, we promised them a public meeting.
A meeting for them to put their objections.
–他们希望保留那公园原貌 –那会有公园的
– They want to keep the park a park. – It will be a park.
他们不这么认为 他们认为这条道路会改变广场的整体氛围
They don’t think so. They think the road’s gonna change the feeling of the square.
–会不一样 –好的 当然会不一样
– It’ll be different. – Well, of course it’ll be different.
It’s going to be dissected by a sunken highway.
–确实 他们有漏掉“下沉”这个词吗? –没有
– Exactly. Have they missed ‘sunken’? – No.
And over this sunken highway, I will place a pedestrian bridge
so that nursing mothers may push their baby carriages,
and veterans may roll their wheelchairs.
Life will go on as before.
我已经承诺 华盛顿广场公园的两部分
I have promised that the two parts of Washington Square Park
will be satisfactorily joined.
They don’t see it that way.
那是因为他们是专门找事的 他们都看不懂技术图纸
That’s because they’re troublemakers and they can’t read a technical drawing.
–而谁能呢? –他们还担心噪音问题
– Who can? – They’re also worried about noise.
如果他们担心噪音 就不应该住在城市里
Well, if they’re worried about noise, they shouldn’t live in the city.
They want a public meeting.
–我知道他们想要什么 –我都问过你几次了
– I know what they want. – I’ve asked you a few times.
I don’t think we can put them off any longer.
I need you to give me a date.
–什么? –早上十点
– Say what? – Ten in the morning.
他们要开会 就给他们租一个大厅
If they want a meeting, give them one. Hire a hall.
–大厅? –我们不能在街上举♥行♥啊
– A hall? – We can’t hold it in the street.
波特先生会和你一起去 你俩可以一起去吃早餐
Mr Porter will go with you. The two of you can have breakfast.
想吃什么都行 炒鸡蛋 培根 薯饼 费用方面
Anything you want – scrambled eggs, bacon, have hash browns, I don’t care
–我不在乎 –那你会来吗?
– On expenses. – And will you be coming?
–本人吗? –是的
– In person? – Yes.
我想不会 我在被委派中 记得吗?
I think not. I’m delegating, remember?
但是 先生 我们真的要这么快就召开会议吗?
But, sir, are we really gonna call a meeting that soon?
Why not? What’s wrong with tomorrow?
How to notify the interested parties?
How will they make themselves free at such short notice?
打电♥话♥给组织者 他们一定有个领袖人物
Well, call the organisers. They must have a figurehead.
–是有位女性 –什么样的女人?
– There’s a woman. – What sort of woman?
–她是位演员 –我听说过她吗?
– She’s an actress. – Have I heard of her?
–她叫雪莉·海耶斯 –那我肯定她有的是时间
– Her name’s Shirley Hayes. – Then I’m sure she has time on her hands.
And there’s a journalist helping her.
那就打电♥话♥给他们 贴些海报
Well, call them up. Put up some posters.
–这不是有点…我们是不是…? –什么?
– Isn’t that rather…? Aren’t we…? – What?
你到底有什么问题 海勒小姐?
What is your problem exactly, Miss Heller?
I’m just saying…
You seem to have a struggle with the English language.
你刚才说这些人消息灵通 受过良好教育
You just said these people were well–informed, well–educated.
They live in the Village!
他们有那么多学位和资历 肯定看得懂海报 不是吗?
With all their degrees and qualifications, surely they can read posters, can’t they?
–但我们必须给他们正规的通知 ! –合法的?
– But we have to give them fair notice! – Legally?
–是的 –恰好相反 不是的
– Yes. – As it happens, not.
It’s our right to hold the meeting whenever we want.
And they can all bring their guitars and their poetry books
and all the other clutter of their well–stocked minds.