And you hog the bourbon for yourself, do you?
不 喝点吧 给你的朋友也来点
No. Have some. Give some to your friends.
–不啦 –不啦 谢谢
– No. – No, thank you.
喝吧 看在上帝的份上
Drink. Drink, for Christ’s sake.
Get into the spirit of the meeting.
–敬你一杯 州长 –敬你
– Here’s to you, Governor. – To you.
To you.
–你说要我忽视政♥治♥ –是的
– You say to ignore the politics. – Yes.
But the building is the politics.
我给了你一个能受欢迎的大众事业 我的建议是 去好好利用它
I’m handing you a popular cause. My advice would be this – run with it.
我会支持这事业的 这事业是为了新鲜空气
I’ll run with the cause, the cause is fresh air,
我个人不喜欢这种东西 我也不会采用你的方法
even if I hate the stuff myself, but I won’t run with your methods.
我不会的 你是都在违法
I won’t. You’re breaking the law.
我很着急 我急着去帮忙
I’m in a hurry, and I’m in a hurry to help,
to help the millions out there who have no access to a good life.
在这个过程中 如果有几道栅栏被踢翻了 这真的重要吗?求你想想
And if a few fences get kicked over in the process, does it really matter, please?
–所以你有什么建议? –我建议你能出庭
– So what do you suggest? – I suggest you appear in court.
On my behalf.
–你的脑子是短路了吗? –我不这么认为
– Are you out of your head? – I don’t think so.
–州长从不会出庭 从来不会 –这我知道
– Governors never appear in court, never. – I know.
–这闻所未闻 –是的 这就是为什么我想让你去
– It’s unheard of. – Yeah, that’s why I want you to do it.
三周后 我们要举♥行♥听证会 去上述
In three weeks, we have a hearing, an appeal.
–在哪里? –里弗黑德
– Where? – Riverhead.
That’s at the end of Long Island.
I suggest you gather together a posse of reporters…
还要包括《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》 都不用问?
Including The New York Times, no doubt?
–别忘了《时代周刊》 –那是自然
– Never forgetting The Times. – Yeah, naturally.
你们一同过去 会友好相处 互相交谈的
You all travel together, all friendly, all chatting,
那么当发生出乎意料的事时 就会有大量的宣传啦
so that there’s plenty of publicity when the previously unknown happens.
–谁是法官? –这就是问题的关键
– Who’s the judge? – And that’s the point of it.
The appeal hearing is in front of Justice Dunne.
–詹姆斯·邓恩? –我相信你们已经是朋友了
– James Dunne, eh? – I believe you’re already friends.
We know each other.
–我想你会去打牌… –对的 经常的事
– I believe you play cards… – Yeah, from time to time.
–…就在你的俱乐部里 –打扑克
– …at your club. – Poker.
Dunne is going to be flattered to see you in his court.
–确实 他会的 –也许这之后
– It’s true, he will. – Then maybe afterwards,
you might take him to lunch.
看在你们这么熟的份上 而且中午也都有胃口
Given that you’re well–acquainted and both have an appetite around noon.
如果我真这样做了 要我说什么呢?
And if I did that, what argument would I be making?
It’s pointless to dispute whether the Taylor Estate is or isn’t a park.
因为如果邓恩法官去了那里 他会发现野餐桌
Because if he goes there, Justice Dunne will find picnic tables,
he will find changing rooms,
he will find children from the slums playing contentedly in the sun.
And given that facilities have been provided,
and that all summer long visitors have been enjoying the place,
does he really want to go down in history
as the judge who stole a park from the people of New York?
Does he want that mark against his name?
那么 请你告诉我 这是不是就是那论点?
And so, tell me, please, if that’s the line of argument,
–我们这案子的… –简而言之是
– that’s our case… – In a nutshell.
“公园既然已经存在 为何要把它夺走?”
‘The park already exists, why take it away?’
Then I suppose I would want to know why
是我来做 而不是你来
it would be me having to make it, rather than you.
Well, obvious, because it can’t be said in the court.
But it can be said in private?
–在午餐时! –在午餐时!
– Over lunch! – Over lunch!
–就是这样 还有… –什么?
– Just so. And also… – Yes?
I make no secret of this.
–我是个糟糕的证人 –真的吗?
– I’m a bad witness. – Really?
当我必须登上证人席时 并不会占优
On the stand, when I had to appear, it was not advantageous.
–不会吗? –人们对我有偏见
– Why not? – People take against me.
–什么人? –法庭上的每个人
– What people? – Everyone in the court.
–也许因为是我的举止 –那方面的?
– Hm, something in my manner. – What sort of thing?
They think I’m arrogant.
What on Earth would make them think that?
你很讨人喜欢 而我就不
You’re likeable. I’m not.
这话对于任何人 都很难说出来
Well, that’s a hell of a thing for any man to say.
I’ve said it.
–许多人会这样想 但很少有人会说出来 –我说出来啦
– Many may think it, it’s rare to say it. – There we are.
And to say it in front of your juniors, too, even rarer.
我对他们没有秘密而言 我在法庭上给人的印象很差
I have no secrets from them. I make a poor impression in court.
It’s not my natural field of operation.
如果你能摆平这件事 艾尔 如果你能迷住那个法官
If you can swing this thing, Al, if you can charm that judge,
我向你保证 你就能为自己的连任铺平道路
then you have my word, you will have cleared your path to your re–election.
And I don’t know any right–thinking man in the state of New York
who won’t throw their hat in the air when that happens.
–我会考虑一下的 –很好
– I’m gonna think about this. – Good!
是的 我会考虑你的建议的
Yeah, I’m gonna think about what you suggest.
谢谢 州长 谢谢您的好意 我们欠你的
Thank you, Governor, that’s kind of you. We are in your debt.
–对啦 还有一件事 –什么事
– Oh, yeah. One other thing. – Anything.
I nearly forgot.
–火车 –火车?
– The train. – The train?
对 去琼斯海滩的火车 还记得吗?
Yes. The train to Jones Beach, remember?
是的 当然
Oh, yes.
当你开放你的亮丽海滩 你的杰作时
When you open up your beautiful beach, your masterpiece,
you’ll need to provide public transportation.
–规划进展如何? –还在酝酿中
– How are the plans coming on? – Well, they’re embryonic.
–你得再说一遍 –正在进展中
– You’re gonna have to say that again. – They’re advancing.
但我仍能想到 大多数人都是开车来的
But I still imagine the majority of people arriving by car.
–是的 我知道你能 –州长 汽车就是未来
– Yeah, I’m sure you do. – Governor, the car is the future.
I believe in the motor car.
是的 但我说的是穷♥人♥ 鲍勃
Yes, but I’m talking about the poor people, Bob,
the people who can’t afford cars.
鲍勃 那些有色人种 那些西班牙裔 他们怎么去海滩?
The coloured people, Bob, the Hispanics, how are they gonna get to the beach?
人们都希望独自旅行 不必忍♥受他人的喧闹和嘈杂
People want to travel alone, not to have to suffer other people’s mess and noise.
Some people don’t have a choice.
你不是工人出身 我才是工人出身 我知道他们喜欢什么
You don’t come from the workers, Bob, I do, and I know what they like.
他们喜欢喧闹和嘈杂 他们认为那就是生活
They like mess and noise. They think mess and noise are life.
I think you’ll find the majority prefer to go under their own steam,
in their own contained space.
I want a train.
我要我的选民出现在这片海滩上 所有的选民
I want my voters on this beach, all of ’em.
It’s an order.
火车 公共 汽车
Trains, buses, cars.
三样都要 否则就不要海滩了
All three or no beach.
I’ll bear that in mind.
–代我向玛丽问好 –当然会的
– Give my regards to Mary. – Certainly I will.
Are you taking enough care?
There are times I wonder, do you take enough care of her?
–我保证我会的 –这就好
– I promise I do. – Good.
–波特会送你出门的 –这是我的荣幸
– Porter will see you on your way. – It’ll be a privilege.
还有 谢谢您 州长
And thank you, Governor.
在结束和摩西的会面后 很难不觉得自己是被抢劫了
Hard to leave a meeting with Moses without feeling you’ve been robbed.
Just as hard to know what the fuck you’ve been robbed of.
再见了 各位
Goodbye, everyone.
好啦 一切都如我们所愿
Well, that went off as well as we could have hoped.
What’s the sour mood?
–我没有 –你就是心情不好 是为什么?
– I’m not sour. – You are sour. Why?
Because specifically yesterday, you said no train.
I did say that.
And I’m still saying that.
可无论州长要求什么 我都会那样说的
And I’ll continue to say that, whatever the governor requests.
你为我工作 不是为他 有意见吗?
You work for me, Finnuala, not for him. You have a problem with that?
I want a clean beach.
–一片未受污染的海滩 –污染?
– I want unspoilt beach. – Unspoilt?
I want a non–commercial beach.
让我把话说清楚 我们要为大众建造一个海滩 对吗?
Let me get this straight. We’re building a beach for the masses, correct?