该词形容某人面对不幸或痛苦时,可以坦然接受,没有情绪的大幅波动或抱怨。这种人是坚忍的(stoical),具有恬淡寡欲的性格(stoicism)。该词源自希腊语,后经拉丁语进入中世纪英语中。古希腊哲学家芝诺(Zeno)教导说,不要被痛苦带来的恐惧或快乐产生的欲望所支配,这样才能最好地实现快乐。他的追随者被称为斯多葛学派(Stoicism),因为他在雅典与人聚谈的地方叫作Stoa Poikilē,即彩绘门廊,这是一座对外开放的公共建筑。
“stoic” 是一个形容词,源自古希腊哲学派系 stoicism(斯多葛主义)。它形容一个人冷静、克制情绪、坚忍不拔、遭遇困难时能坚守理性的品质。
以下是与 “stoic” 相关的50个短语,附带中文解释:
- stoic philosophy: 斯多葛哲学
- stoic mindset: 斯多葛心态
- stoic principles: 斯多葛原则
- stoic teachings: 斯多葛教诲
- stoic virtues: 斯多葛美德
- stoic wisdom: 斯多葛智慧
- stoic discipline: 斯多葛修行
- stoic resilience: 斯多葛韧性
- stoic endurance: 斯多葛忍耐力
- stoic detachment: 斯多葛超脱
- stoic composure: 斯多葛沉着
- stoic acceptance: 斯多葛接受
- stoic equanimity: 斯多葛平心静气
- stoic tranquility: 斯多葛宁静
- stoic self-control: 斯多葛自律
- stoic fortitude: 斯多葛坚韧
- stoic resilience: 斯多葛适应力
- stoic indifference: 斯多葛漠不关心
- stoic detachment from outcome: 斯多葛超脱结果
- stoic acceptance of fate: 斯多葛接受命运
- stoic attitude: 斯多葛态度
- stoic philosophy of life: 斯多葛人生哲学
- stoic perspective: 斯多葛观点
- stoic ethics: 斯多葛伦理
- stoic logic: 斯多葛逻辑
- stoic physics: 斯多葛自然哲学
- stoic mindfulness: 斯多葛正念
- stoic meditation: 斯多葛冥想
- stoic introspection: 斯多葛反思
- stoic gratitude: 斯多葛感恩
- stoic self-reflection: 斯多葛自省
- stoic self-improvement: 斯多葛自我提升
- stoic virtue ethics: 斯多葛德性伦理
- stoic philosopher: 斯多葛哲学家
- stoic role model: 斯多葛榜样
- stoic resilience in adversity: 面对逆境的斯多葛韧性
- stoic serenity: 斯多葛宁静
- stoic detachment from material possessions: 斯多葛超脱物质财富
- stoic acceptance of impermanence: 斯多葛接受无常
- stoic pursuit of virtue: 斯多葛追求美德
- stoic control over emotions: 斯多葛对情绪的控制
- stoic indifference to external circumstances: 斯多葛对外部环境的漠视
- stoic endurance in the face of adversity: 斯多葛在逆境中的坚忍
- stoic detachment from personal desires: 斯多葛超脱个人欲望
- stoic acceptance of the present moment: 斯多葛接受当下
- stoic pursuit of inner peace: 斯多葛追求内心平静
- stoic moral responsibility: 斯多葛道德责任
- stoic focus on the things within one’s control: 斯多葛专注于自己可控范围内的事物
- stoic understanding of the transient nature of life: 斯多葛对生命瞬息万变性质的理解
- stoic commitment to personal growth: 斯多葛对个人成长的承诺