You know, the whole computer industry
几乎都忘了人性的那面 只埋首于科技
wants to forget about the humanist side and just focus on the technology,
but we think there’s a whole other side to the coin,
which is what do you do with these things?
我们能做得比制表软件 和文字处理器更多吗
Can we do more than just spreadsheets and word processors?
我们能用更丰富的方式 帮助你表达想法吗
Can we help you express yourself in richer ways?
Apple at the core, its core value,
就是我们相信 怀抱着热情的人
is that we believe that people with passion
can change the world for the better.
That’s what we believe.
史蒂夫说了很多 这间公♥司♥的价值
Steve talks a lot about the values of the company.
And said that Apple was a company
一间设计来让世界 变得更美好的公♥司♥
that was designed to make the world a better place.
Was that a heartfelt thing for Steve?
I believe it was a heartfelt thing for Steve.
我认为他的确 想让世界变得更美好
I think that he did want to make the world a better place.
我想他认为透过 创造出美好的产品
I think that he felt by delivering great products
that were easy to use and beautiful,
that it would make people’s lives better.
Is that enough?
重点在于制♥造♥和销♥售♥ 就算产品本身很棒
Is making and selling products, even if they’re good,
就算他们是最好的 就足以让世界变更好吗
even if they’re the best, enough to make the world a better place?
Apple’s a business.
而不知为何对这门生意 产生这个想法
And we’ve somehow attached this emotion to a business,
就是只要替股东赚钱就好 不是吗
which is just there to make money for its shareholders, right?
就是这样 没有别的
That’s all it is. Nothing more.
你知道 建立这样的联盟
You know, creating that association
应该是乔布斯 做过最伟大的成就之一了
was probably one of Steve’s greatest accomplishments.
-这里大排长龙 -太好了
-It’s queued up to play. -Awesome.
我记得在那时候 音乐播放器刚起步时
I remember at this point, when the music plays in the beginning,
那时候只有这个动力 对吧
there’s just this energy, right?
你必须站在 一大群摄影师的另一边
You have on the one side this huge bank of photographers,
我还记得 我看着这些家伙
and I remember looking at all these guys
把摄影机都对准史蒂夫 我想着
with their cameras trained on Steve, thinking,
你们根本都不知道 会发生什么事
“You guys have no idea what’s about to happen.”
而为了公平起见 我们也都不知道
And to be fair, neither did we.
Thank you for coming.
We’re going to make some history together today.
Any time you see an Apple event,
要知道观众之中有一群人 简直着迷到夸张
know that there’s a team of people in the audience who are just sick.
We are calling it “iPhone.”
今日 苹果要改造手♥机♥
Today… Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.
与其在这里讲个不停 不如让我直接展示
And so, rather than talk about this some more, let me show it to you.
假设你今天在做简报 你不小心偏离了原定计划
So, if you’re giving a demo, and you deviate off the script,
well, lots of bad things can go wrong.
When Steve comes up with, “Here’s what I want to show,”
everything is dissected.
The message that he’s trying to say
都在他的一举一动中 明确地传递出来
is then dissected into very specific actions.
And let me go ahead and get that picture within picture up.
I’m going to go ahead and just push the “sleep wake” button.
好了 就在这里
There we go, right there.
要解锁手♥机♥ 我只要用我的手指滑开
And to unlock the phone, I just take my finger and slide it across.
好了 你们想再看一次吗
All right, you want to see that again?
所以 他就是将简报 分成好几个部分
So, he’s got, you know, several discrete parts of the demo.
我们旁边会放一瓶威士忌 每一个部分被简报过后
We had a flask of Scotch with us, and after every little part,
该部分的负责人就会 你知道 喝一口
the person who was responsible for that portion, you know, took a hit.
I want to make a call to Jony Ive.
I can just push here,
我就能看到乔尼的资料 显示着所有的联络资讯
and I see Jony Ive’s contacts with all his information.
乔尼艾芙通话中 我的老天爷啊
The Jony Ive call, oh, my God.
总是有各种方式 导致简报偏离轨道
There’s all sorts of ways that this could have gone sideways.
-乔尼 你好吗 -我很好 你好吗
-Hey, Jony, how you doing? -I’m good. How you doing?
己经过了两年半了 我无法向你表达能用iPhone
Well, it’s been two-and-a-half years, and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am
打一通公开的电♥话♥ 我有多激动
to make the first public phone call with iPhone.
He goes to the music.
Let’s go into Dylan here.
Let’s play Like a Rolling Stone.
He gets the web browser up there.
I want to show you Safari
running on a mobile device.
让我们连上网路 来了 难以置信
So, let’s go to the web. Boom. Unbelievable.
然后来到尾声 就是这一刻
And then at the end, he has that moment
where he swizzles it all together.
最后他点了上千杯拿铁 你知道的
At the end, where he orders thousands of lattes from some, you know,
poor woman at a Starbucks down the road.
早安 这里是星巴克 需要什么服务
Good morning. This is Starbucks and how can I help you?
你好 我想要预订 四千杯拿铁外带
Yes, I’d liked to order 4,000 lattes to go, please.
才怪 开玩笑的 打错电♥话♥了 谢谢 再见
No, just kidding. Wrong number. Thank you. Bye-bye.
简报结束后 我们就离开了
As soon as the demo was over, we left.
然后我们在旧金山度过了 超级糟糕的一晚
And we just turned San Francisco into a… It was a shit show.
That was a night to remember.
大哥 你刚刚释放了 这一年来的压力
Man, you just had this release of years of anxiety.
接着我们隔天起床 就在隔一天 又重头再玩一次
And then we got up tomorrow, the next day, and did it all over again.
And we had to finish the product at this point.
实在不容易 特别是在严重宿醉下
And that was tough, especially with a raging hangover,
but it was a lot of fun.
他做过最棒的事情 绝对就是苹果手♥机♥
The biggest thing he made was the iPhone, definitely.
He made the iPhone,
触控式荧幕和其它的 震惊了全世界
which shocked the world with its touch screen and stuff.
我们还剩多少时间 十三分钟
So, what are we down to? 13 minutes and… Whoo-hoo!
-可以进去了 -太棒了
-It’s go time! -Oh, yeah.
-没错 滑动解锁 -赞
-Oh, yeah. Swipe to unlock. -Sweet!
There she is.
iPhone’s been shipping for exactly 200 days today.
And I’m extraordinarily pleased to report
that we have sold four million iPhones to date.
Today we’re introducing the iPhone 3G.
在差不多过去两年 我们卖♥♥出了三千万台手♥机♥
In a little over two years, we have sold 30 million iPhones.
卡一刷下去 你的人生就不一样了
And with a swipe, you have changed your life.
-需要什么帮助吗 -第♥四♥代♥苹果手♥机♥在哪里
-How may I help you? -iPhone 4. Where is the iPhone 4?
我很抱歉 我们刚刚卖♥♥光
Oh, I’m very sorry, but we are currently sold out.
However, we did finally get some more HTC Evos in.
那是什么 那是苹果手♥机♥吗
What? What is that? Is it an iPhone?
不 但他也是4G手♥机♥
No, it is that 4G phone on Sprint.
如果他不是苹果手♥机♥ 那我买♥♥它干嘛
If it’s not an iPhone, why would I want it?
这个嘛 它跟苹果很像 而且荧幕更大
Well, it’s similar to an iPhone, but has a bigger screen.
I don’t care.
The internet speeds are around three times faster.
-我不在乎 -它是印钞机
-I don’t care. -It fucking prints money.
-我不在乎 -它可以给你三个愿望
-I don’t care. -It can grant up to three wishes.
那你就可以许愿 说你想要苹果手♥机♥
Even if one of those wishes is for an iPhone.
-我一点都不在乎 -好吧
-I don’t care about any of that. -OK, fine.
Then what the hell entices you about the iPhone 4,
是什么让你这么想买♥♥ 苹果手♥机♥
if you don’t mind me asking?
It is an iPhone.
我还记得我就苹果手♥机♥主题 访谈过的第一批人
I remember the first set of people I interviewed about the iPhone.
I’ve been interviewing people about their computers
你知道 有十年了吧
for, you know, decades.
我从没看过人与物件 有过这样的连结
I’ve never seen this kind of connection before with an object.
In the beginning, the impulse was to sit you down
向你展示他的苹果手♥机♥ 里面有的一切
and to show you everything on their iPhone.
随着时间过去 这现象越来越少
As time’s gone on, there’s been less of that
and more of what I call the “alone together phenomenon.”
It has turned out to be an isolating technology.
直到世界末日 文温德斯 1991年
Did you ever see that Wim Wenders film, “Until the End of the World”?
有 我很喜欢那部 里面的人与梦想 一起坠入爱河
Yes, I love that. People fall in love with their dreams,
and they walk around with hoods over their head
