他们眼前的小荧幕 照亮了他们的梦想
and screens in front of them, fascinated by their dreams.
我营救克莱儿的时候 她唯一害怕的事情只有
By the time I came to rescue Claire, the only thing she cared about
was having fresh batteries for her video monitor.
It’s a little bit like that.
这是梦想制♥造♥机 你为之神魂颠倒
It’s a dream machine, and you become fascinated
by the world that you can find on these screens.
而这科技结晶的代表 就是史蒂夫乔布斯
And the face of that technology was Steve Jobs.
What would you say about the responsibilities of power
你怎么看待 随之而来的责任与权力
once you’ve achieved a certain level of success?
权力 怎么说
Power? What is that?
他发现一个漏洞 如果你租了一辆车
He found a loophole where if you lease a car,
就可以有六个月 不需要挂上车牌的宽限期
you have a six-month grace period to put license plates on.
所以他每六个月就会 租一次一样的车
And so he leased the same car every six months,
to avoid putting license plates at all.
I think he told people
就是他并不想要 人们因此认出他来
that it’s because he didn’t want people to identify him.
不过 还有什么比没挂车牌的
Well, there’s nothing more identifiable
than a silver Mercedes with no license plate.
我的意思是在矽谷 这就代表着史蒂夫乔布斯
I mean, it screams “Steve Jobs” in the Valley.
Riding to work with Steve Jobs.
Riding to work with the good ol’ Stevie.
看看他 他要开到停车道了
Oh, look at that, he’s in the carpool lane.
这反而会让你看到他是如何 觉得自己凌驾法律之上
And it does give you a glimpse of how he thought he was above the law.
乔布斯还有一个习惯 他会把他的宾士
Jobs also made it a habit to park his plateless Mercedes Benz
停在苹果大学的 无障碍停车格里
in handicap parking spots around the Apple campus.
It even became something of a pastime in the Valley,
to take a picture next to Steve’s car.
他在矽谷是个英雄 因为他赚进大把钞票
He was a hero in the Valley because he made buckets of money,
but unlike Bill Gates,
乔布斯告诉人们 把钱捐出去只是浪费时间
Jobs told people that giving away money was a waste of time.
在乔布斯的影响下 苹果终止了慈善计划
Under Jobs, Apple terminated its philanthropic programs.
乔布斯不停表现出 苹果就像是个起点
Jobs kept acting as if Apple was a start-up,
到了2010年 它成为 全世界最有价值的公♥司♥之一
but by 2010, it was one of the most valuable companies in the world.
在这些名人富翁之间 乔布斯是一个叛逆的角色
Among the rich and famous, Jobs was a compelling character.
反主流文化的商人 但他作为市民表现又如何呢
A counter-culture businessman. But what were his values as a citizen?
Was he interested in power to change the world
还是对于不用负责的权力 有兴趣呢
or the right to have power without responsibility?
There was an experience where actually a couple of people
were fighting over you, were they not?
-说到这 我去了棕榈公♥司♥ -然后很多人都跳槽过去
-Oh, man. I went to Palm. -Then a bunch of people went to Palm.
没错 没错
Yeah. Yeah.
-史蒂夫气疯了吧 -对啊 没错
-Was Steve pissed off? -Oh, man. Yeah.
我递出了辞呈 人总要往高处爬 你也会吧
I gave my resignation. It went up the chain, like you do.
And just sure as hell, like 20 minutes later,
I get a call from Steve’s admin, “Steve wants to see you.”
他坐了下来 就这样坐着 然后他看着我
He sits down. He just kind of sits there, and he looks at me.
接着我就开始谈论 我未来的计划
And I start to kind of launch into my little spiel that I had planned,
然后他说”你知道 你把蓝牙搞砸了对吧”
and he says, “You know you fucked up Bluetooth, right?”
我停了下来 我简直…
I just stopped. I’m like…
接着我们就开始 这半小时的洗♥脑♥过程
And then we go through this half-hour mind fuck.
It becomes very “Godfather” -esque.
You know, “You’re part of my family, and Apple’s my family,
and you don’t want to leave my family.”
And at the end, he says, “If you choose to leave my family,
“如果因此有任何一人 会跟着你离开”
should you decide to take so much as one member of my family away from me,
I will personally take you down.”
To keep his family together,
乔布斯会让苹果扭曲法律 甚至做出违法的事情
Jobs was willing to let Apple bend or even break the law.
2011年 一场集体诉讼
In 2011, a class-action lawsuit
filed by more than 6♥4♥,000 Silicon Valley workers
揭露了乔布斯和谷歌♥ 英特尔及奥多比的执行长
revealed that Jobs, along with the CEOs of Google, Intel and Adobe
彼此勾结决定 不会招募彼此的员工
had colluded not to recruit each other’s employees.
如果你在苹果上班 或是你在任何一处上班
If you’re working there at Apple, or wherever you’re working,
you’ve got another company that you might move to
跳槽到另一间公♥司♥ 可能还会有更好的待遇
and take your expertise with you and earn more money at that company.
但他们不会接受你的履历 他们连电♥话♥都不会回你
They won’t accept your résumé. They won’t return your phone calls.
没错 因为他们 不挖彼此墙角
Right. Because they won’t let them poach each other.
-正确 -而这状况并不合法
-Correct. -That’s not a legitimate situation.
你知道其中最有力的证据 是什么吗
You know what some of the strongest evidence was?
之前的电子邮件 伟大的乔布斯啊
E-mails of the late, great Steve Jobs.
-真的吗 -有好多封呢 没错
-Really? -Tons of them, yes.
只要你雇用其中一人 这就是宣战
不到一个月 谷歌♥的创办人谢尔盖布林
Less than a month after Google co-founder Sergey Brin
received this threat from Jobs,
谷歌♥流传了份”不准电访”的名单 其中包含苹果
Google circulated a “do not cold call” list that included Apple.
两年后 谷歌♥再次尝试
Two years later, Google tried again,
接着乔布斯寄了封邮件 给谷歌♥执行长艾瑞克施密特
and Jobs e-mailed Google CEO Eric Schmidt
to remind him of their gentlemen’s agreement.
Schmidt placated Jobs by assuring him
会立刻开除 这件事的罪魁祸首
that the culprit would be fired within the hour.
当乔布斯得知 这位女士被处罚后
When Jobs learned that the woman had been canned,
他用两个标点符号♥ 表达他的好心情
he showed his pleasure in two efficient keystrokes.
有人要从里面出来了 你想要拍张照吗
Someone’s going to come out of the door. Do we want a shot of that?
Are you taking a picture of the inside?
We’re taking a picture of the Apple logo on the door.
好 但我们不接受拍照
OK, we cannot have people taking pictures.
今晚 一件华尔街的丑闻
Tonight, a Wall Street scandal
将深入到一间 美国大规模公♥司♥
has reached deep into an iconic American company,
the Apple Corporation.
It all centers on an alleged scheme
苹果公♥司♥少报了 四千万美元的开支
to under-report Apple’s expenses by $40 million,
including $20 million
直接进入了这间公♥司♥的名人 史蒂夫乔布斯的户头
that went straight to the company’s celebrity CEO Steve Jobs,
以我们都熟悉的 回溯期权的方式
in the form of what are known as backdated options.
我当上财富杂♥志♥的编辑不久 我第一次见到乔布斯
I first met Steve Jobs shortly after I became editor of Fortune magazine.
我说”听着 我们很乐于 和苹果维持良好关系”
And I said, “Listen, we’d love to have a good relationship with Apple
and do stories about you.”
他说”听好 规则是这样”
And he said, “Look, this is how it’s going to work.”
“你知道 你想要采访苹果”
“You know, you want to do a story about us,
“你打给我们 向我们提案
you call us up, propose it, you know,
we’ll think about it.”
“We’ll basically come up with the ideas with you,
“或是和你们杂♥志♥合作 我们会回电给你”
or come up with the ideas, we’ll call you,
“我们再弄清楚谁要来撰写 你讲的这些东西”
we’ll figure out who the writer is going to be on your staff to do the story.”
我回答”史蒂夫 我们业界 并不是这样做事的”
And I said, “Well, you know, Steve, that’s not really how we do things.”
And he goes, “That’s how you do things with Apple.”
So I say to myself,
“那么我们何不写一篇 股票期权的报导”
“Why don’t we do a story about the stock options?”
“Because no one’s really figured it out.”
所以我决定让一位 顶尖的调查记者加入这报导
So, I decided to put one of our top investigative reporters on the story,
Peter Elkind.
史蒂夫乔布斯 有非常优秀的副手团队
Steve Jobs had a very talented group of key lieutenants around him.
而他想要补助他们 一笔庞大的股票期权
And he wanted give his people stock option grants that were so big,
that they wouldn’t even think about going somewhere else
because the upside was so enormous.
重点在于 一旦股票上涨
The key thing is if the stock goes up,
which we always hope it does,
接着金手铐 就会戏剧性的增加
then the golden handcuffs are dramatically increased,
which is what I was hoping would happen.
这样就能让这笔交易 变得更加划算
To make those option deals even sweeter,
在过去股价低迷时 公♥司♥会让执行层
companies would allow executives to buy stock on dates in the past
when the price was low
这样他们就能一眨眼 就赚入上百万元美金
so executives could make millions in the blink of an eye.
This was called “backdating.”
看起来十分完美 除了一件事情
And it seemed like the perfect solution, except for one thing.
若无法♥正♥当的呈报 回溯权就是不合法的
If not properly reported, backdating is illegal.
有200间美国上市公♥司♥ 正在接受调查
200 US public companies are under investigation
是否有授权让执行层 购入回溯权股票的事情
over charges of backdated stock options for their senior executives.
Backdating was a dicey game,
这让好几位执行高层 因此锒铛入狱
and it landed several executives in jail for fraud,
苹果在乔布斯带领下 也开始出现这种作法
