


steamboat [‘stiːmbəʊt] n. 汽船,轮船
steamboat 汽船 ←词中词→ boat 小船
eg. I can tell you the difference between a steamboat and a boat.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Mississippi steamboat – 密西西比蒸汽船
  2. Paddlewheel steamboat – 轮船蒸汽船
  3. Historic steamboat – 历史悠久的蒸汽船
  4. Luxury steamboat – 豪华蒸汽船
  5. steamboat cruise – 蒸汽船游船
  6. steamboat captain – 蒸汽船船长
  7. steamboat engine – 蒸汽船引擎
  8. steamboat excursion – 蒸汽船观光
  9. steamboat race – 蒸汽船比赛
  10. steamboat trip – 蒸汽船之旅
  11. steamboat adventure – 蒸汽船探险
  12. steamboat transportation – 蒸汽船运输
  13. steamboat whistle – 蒸汽船汽笛
  14. steamboat history – 蒸汽船历史
  15. steamboat era – 蒸汽船时代
  16. steamboat museum – 蒸汽船博物馆
  17. steamboat tour – 蒸汽船游览
  18. steamboat architecture – 蒸汽船建筑
  19. steamboat navigation – 蒸汽船航行
  20. steamboat crew – 蒸汽船船员
  21. steamboat entertainment – 蒸汽船娱乐
  22. steamboat festival – 蒸汽船节日
  23. steamboat excursion package – 蒸汽船观光套餐
  24. steamboat restaurant – 蒸汽船餐厅
  25. steamboat music – 蒸汽船音乐
  26. steamboat-themed party – 蒸汽船主题派对
  27. steamboat sunset cruise – 蒸汽船日落巡航
  28. steamboat deck – 蒸汽船甲板
  29. steamboat dining – 蒸汽船就餐
  30. steamboat heritage – 蒸汽船遗产
  31. steamboat race competition – 蒸汽船比赛竞争
  32. steamboat journey – 蒸汽船旅程
  33. steamboat navigation system – 蒸汽船导航系统
  34. steamboat documentary – 蒸汽船纪录片
  35. steamboat company – 蒸汽船公司
  36. steamboat holiday – 蒸汽船假日
  37. steamboat-themed wedding – 蒸汽船主题婚礼
  38. steamboat transportation network – 蒸汽船运输网络
  39. steamboat sunset tour – 蒸汽船日落之旅
  40. steamboat engine room – 蒸汽船机房
  41. steamboat captain’s hat – 蒸汽船船长帽
  42. steamboat tourism – 蒸汽船旅游
  43. steamboat cruise ship – 蒸汽船游轮
  44. steamboat dock – 蒸汽船码头
  45. steamboat river tour – 蒸汽船河流之旅
  46. steamboat adventure novel – 蒸汽船探险小说
  47. steamboat painting – 蒸汽船绘画
  48. steamboat documentary film – 蒸汽船纪录片
  49. steamboat souvenir – 蒸汽船纪念品
  50. steamboat-themed art exhibition – 蒸汽船主题艺术展览
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
