How much? The lenses aren’t intact.
我给你100 那算多吗?
I’ll give you $100. Is that a lot?
就这么多了 别乱用
That’s all there is. Don’t splurge.
准备好了吗? 开干吧
All set? Good hunting.
史巴克先生 我们走吧
Thanks to your restored memory,
多亏你恢复的记忆 再加上一点好运
and a little bit of good luck,
we’re walking around San Francisco looking for humpback whales.
你怎么解决这个问题? 简单的逻辑就能解释了
How will you solve this problem? Simple logic will suffice.
I will make use of this map.
I have the distance and bearing from Uhura.
If we juxtapose our coordinates,
那么我们应该能找到那里 也就是在283.7度…
we should be able to find our destination 283.7 degrees…
We’ll find what we’re looking for
at the Cetacean Institute in Sausalito.
two humpback whales, George and Gracie.
你怎么知道的? 简单逻辑
How do you know this? Simple logic.
零钱 是什么意思?
What does “exact change” mean?
How do we convert this tank?
如果有透明铝… 那是好多年后才有的东西
If I had transparent aluminum… You’re years too early for that.
我们得找找20世纪有否替代品 但上哪去找?
Let’s find their equivalent. But where?
你找到了吗? 是的 被美国政♥府♥拥有
Did you find it? Yes, now we need directions.
Now we need directions.
借问一下 你能告诉我阿♥拉♥米达 的海军基地怎么走吗?
Excuse me, can you direct me to the naval base in Alameda?
It’s where they keep the nuclear vessels.
Nuclear vessels.
打扰一下… 我们在找核动力舰艇
Excuse us… We are looking for nuclear vessels.
你能告诉我 阿♥拉♥米达的海军基地在哪吗?
Can you tell me where the naval base is in Alameda?
你好 我们在找阿♥拉♥米达的核动力舰艇
Hello, we are looking for the nuclear vessels in Alameda.
你能帮助我们吗? 阿♥拉♥米达海军基地在哪?
Can you help us? Where is the Alameda naval base?
核动力舰艇在哪? 跨过海湾在阿♥拉♥米达
Where are the nuclear vessels? Across the bay in Alameda.
That’s what I said, Alameda.
Excuse me.
对不起 你能把那噪音关掉吗?
Excuse me, would you mind stopping that noise?
不好意思 能关了那噪声吗?
Excuse me, would you mind stopping that damn noise?
船长 我能问你个问题吗? 别叫我船长
Admiral, may I ask you a question? Don’t call me Admiral.
你以前叫我吉姆 什么问题?
You used to call me Jim. What’s your question?
我们到这里后 你说话的方式改变了
Your use of language has altered since our arrival.
It is currently laced with more colorful metaphors.
你个超级大笨蛋 你是指脏话?
“Double dumb-ass on you.” The profanity?
That’s the way they talk.
没人会注意的 除非你用它们宣誓
Nobody pays any attention unless you swear.
看看这个时代的文学 比如呢?
Look at the literature of the period. For example?
杰奎琳 苏珊的作品 哈罗德·罗宾斯的小说
The works of Jacqueline Susann. The novels of Harold Robbins.
“The Giants”.
下一个表演 鲸鱼的世界 五分钟后开始
The next showing of “The World of Whales” begins in five minutes.
Here I go.
Good morning,
I’m your guide this morning.
我是吉莉安 泰勒博士 大家可以叫我吉莉安
I’m Dr. Gillian Taylor.
I’m assistant director of
请跟我来 如果听不到我的声音尽管开口
the Maritime Cetacean Institute.
鲸鱼研究院世界上唯一只展示 与鲸鱼有关的物品的馆所
The Cetacean Institute is the only museum devoted to whales.
如各位所见 我们提供很多东西
We have a great deal to offer,
相对于我们熟知的鲸鱼来说 那些东西就显得很小了
but that is small compared to what we don’t know about whales.
有一个共同错误就是 误以为鲸鱼是鱼
One commonly held misconception is that whales are fish.
它们不是 和你我一样 它们是哺乳动物
They’re not. They’re mammals like you and me.
恒温动物 呼吸空气 哺乳喂养
Warm blooded, breathing air and producing milk to nurse their young.
鲸鱼会袭击人类吗? 像里写的那样 不会
Do whales attack people? No.
大多数鲸鱼没有牙齿 它们有柔软 如口香糖般的结构
Most whales don’t have teeth, they have a gum-like tissue
可以捕食小虾 也限制了它们的攻击性
that strains tiny shrimp for food, and that is the limit of their hostility.
不幸的是 它们的天敌却极富攻击性
Unfortunately, their principal enemy is far more aggressive.
你指人类? 说得委婉些
You mean man? To put it mildly.
有史以来 人类捕捉鲸鱼来做成各种制品
Men have always harvested whales for a variety of purposes,
most of which can be synthesized.
一百年前 人类用手掷鱼叉捕了很多鲸鱼
100 years ago, using hand-thrown harpoons, man did plenty of damage.
但是相比这个世纪 那都不算什么
But that is nothing compared to what he has achieved in this century.
Mankind has hunted whales to the brink of extinction.
世界上最大的动物蓝鲸 事实上已经灭绝了
Virtually gone is the blue whale, the largest creature on Earth.
尽管已尽力禁止捕杀 还是有国家和私商
Despite all attempts to ban whaling, there are still countries and pirates
currently engaged in the slaughter of these creatures.
驼背鲸的数量曾以几十万计 现在只有大约一万只存活
Humpback whales, once numerous, now number about 10,000 specimens.
被捕杀的鲸鱼 还都未发育成熟
Those that are taken are no longer fully grown.
另外 很多雌鲸在怀孕期间被捕杀
In addition, many of the female whales are killed with their unborn calves.
To hunt a species to extinction is not logical.
Whoever said the human race was logical?
请跟我来 我将为你们介绍 机构引以为豪的成就
If you’ll follow me, I’ll introduce you to the institute’s pride and joy.
This is the largest seawater tank in the world.
It contains the only two humpback whales in captivity.
他们是成年驼背鲸 每只重达45000磅
They are mature humpbacks weighing 45,000 pounds each.
它们在幼年时期游至旧金山海湾 然后被送到了这里
They wandered into San Francisco Bay as calves and were brought here.
We call them George and Gracie.
太棒了 雌鲸和雄鲸在同一个池子里
It’s perfect. A male and female in a tank.
我们可以把它们一起传回去 看来我们的运气不错
We can beam them up together.
很漂亮 不是吗? 而且极其聪明
Beautiful, aren’t they? And extremely intelligent.
If you’ll follow me, please.
Despite all they’re teaching us,
we have to return them to the open sea.
首先 我们没有足够的钱
We simply don’t have enough money
to feed them two tons of shrimp a day.
多久以后? 很快
How soon? Soon.
这很糟糕 因为它们真的很友好
It’s too bad, because they’re really quite friendly.
I’ve grown quite attached to them.
这是观看乔治和格雷西的 一种更好的方式 水下看
Now here’s a much better way to see George and Gracie. Underwater.
你们听到的被称为鲸鱼之歌♥ 雄鲸发出的声音
What you’re hearing is recorded whale song, sung by the male.
它到处唱歌♥ 唱6至30分钟
He’ll sing anywhere from 6 to 30 minutes.
在海里 其它鲸鱼会接着把歌♥唱下去
In the ocean, other whales will pick up the song and pass it on.
这些歌♥每年都有变化 我们不知道其意义何在
The songs change every year. We don’t know their purpose.
Are they a navigational signal?
Are they part of the mating ritual?
Or is it pure communication beyond our comprehension?
坦率的说 我们并不知道
Frankly, we just don’t know.
Maybe he’s singing to that man.
见鬼! 容我失陪 请在此稍等
What the hell?! Excuse me, wait right here.
Excuse me, please.
你在那干什么? 跟她说吧
What were you doing in there? Yes, speak up.
尝试去和它们交流 交流 交流什么?
Attempting the hell to communicate.
You have no right to be here!
You heard the lady.
If we assumed that these whales are ours to do with
as we please,
我们将会和那些造成他们 濒临灭绝的人一样有罪
we would be as guilty as those who caused their extinction.
I don’t know what’s going on,
但是你们马上离开 否则我就报♥警♥了
but get out now, or I call the cops.
那没有必要 我们只是想帮忙
That’s not necessary. We’re trying to help.
Your friend was messing up my whales.
他们喜欢你 但是它们不是你的
They like you, but they are not the hell your whales.
我想 是它们告诉你的吧 它们怎么可能
I suppose they told you that. The hell they did.
史巴克 关于那些我们讨论过的 色彩浓重的隐喻
Spock Yes? About those colorful metaphors that we discussed.
You haven’t quite got the knack of it.
为何? 首先 你还没完全掌握技巧
Why not? You haven’t quite got the knack of it.
I see. it’s not always necessary to tell the truth.
我不能说谎 我不是指撒谎
I cannot tell a lie. I don’t mean lie.
但你可以夸大其辞 你以前这么干过
But you could exaggerate. You’ve done it before.
你不记得了吗? 见鬼 我不记得了
Can’t you remember? The hell I can’t.
你从精神交流中还知道了什么? 鲸鱼们不喜欢人类
What else did you learn? Their species is unhappy with man.
它们愿意帮助我们吗? 我把我们的意图说得很清楚了
Are they going to help us? I communicated our intentions.
没事了 我明白 他们并不想伤害你们
It’s all right. I know. They didn’t mean any harm.
听说这里有些奇事 只是两个傻瓜
I heard there was some excitement. Just a couple of kooks.
你还好么? 我很好
How are you doing? I’m fine.
别对我隐瞒了 我太了解你了