星际迷航4: 抢救未来
What do you make of it?
好像是我们未知的文明 所发射的探测器
It appears to be a probe from an intelligence unknown to us.
继续用所有已知语言 传达 宇宙和平 和 你好
Transmit “peace” and “hello” in all known languages.
帮我接舰船总部 好了 船长
Get me Starfleet Command. Ready, Captain.
这是萨♥拉♥托♥加♥号♥星舰 正在第五中立区巡航中
This is U.S.S. Saratoga patrolling sector five, neutral zone.
我们正跟踪一个不明探测器 其轨道向着泰瑞太阳系
We’re tracking a probe headed for the Terran solar system.
我们尝试与其联络 但在已知频率内没有回应
Attempts to communicate have been negative.
继续跟踪 萨拉多加号♥
Continue tracking,
we will advise.
明白 主舰 通话完毕
Roger, Starfleet.
六 五 四 三 二 一…
Six, five, four, three, two, one…
静止画面! 停住!
Hold the image. Hold!
Behold the quintessential devil in these matters:
詹姆斯 T.科克 叛徒 恐♥怖♥分♥子♥
James T. Kirk.
他不仅谋杀了一群克林根人 还偷走了他们的飞船
He murdered a Klingon crew and stole their vessel.
But here is the real plot.
While we negotiated peace,
Kirk was developing the Genesis torpedo.
这是科克的儿子构想出来的 并由他本人进行试爆
It was conceived by Kirk’s son, and tested by the Admiral himself.
这可怕的能量所造就的 说得好听点 正是起源星球
This energy created what is called, euphemistically, the Genesis Planet.
A base from which to launch the annihilation of the Klingon people.
我们要求引渡科克! 我们要求得公道!
We demand the extradition of Kirk. We demand justice.
克林根人所谓的公正与众不同 总统阁下
Klingon justice is a unique point of view.
起源这个名字名副其实 生命的缔造者 而不是死亡
Genesis was perfectly named. The creation of life, not death.
克林根人首先引发了争斗 企图占有其中的秘密
The Klingons shed the first blood, attempting to possess its secrets.
Vulcans are the intellectual puppets of this Federation.
你的战舰摧毁了格雷森号♥星舰 你的人杀死了科克的儿子
Klingons destroyed U.S.S. Grissom. Your men killed Kirk’s son.
你否认这些事实吗? 我承认
Do you deny these events? We deny nothing.
我们有权保护自己族人 你有权随意杀人么?
We must preserve our race. By committing murder?
There will be no further outbursts from the floor.
总统先生 我来替被告说两句
I have come to speak on behalf of the accused.
纯属个人偏袒 科克救了他的儿子
Personal bias. His son was saved by Kirk.
Mr. Ambassador,
我无意冒犯 不过委员会的商讨已经结束了
the Council’s deliberations are over.
Kirk goes unpunished?
Admiral Kirk has been charged with violating Starfleet regulations.
星舰条例? 太叫人不可容忍♥了!
Starfleet regulations? That’s outrageous!
记住这一点: 只要科克活着 就永无宁日!
Remember this well: There shall be no peace as long as Kirk lives.
船长日志 星际历 第8390天
Captain’s log, stardate 8390.
Three months of Vulcan exile.
Dr. McCoy decided upon a name
for our captured Klingon vessel.
我们和五百年前的叛变者一样 难以做出抉择
Like the mutineers of 500 years ago, we, too, have a hard choice to make.
马考伊博士 是 长官
Dr. McCoy? Aye, sir.
科蒂先生 是 长官
Mr. Scott? Aye, sir.
乌乎拉 是 长官
Uhura? Aye, sir.
查科夫 是 长官
Chekov? Aye, sir.
苏鲁 是 长官
Sulu? Aye, sir.
情况显示 前企业号♥的船长和船员
The commander and the crew of the late Starship Enterprise
have voted to return to Earth,
to face the consequences of their actions in the rescue of Capt. Spock.
谢谢各位 请回修理站去吧
Thank you all. Repair stations, please.
斯科蒂先生 我们什么时候能离开这里?
Mr. Scott, how soon can we be underway?
给我一天时间 要修复损坏部分不难
One more day. Damage control is easy.
Reading Klingon is hard.
曾经希望他们至少派艘船来 虽然要接受军事审判有够糟的
It’s bad enough to be court-martialed,
but to have to go home in this Klingon flea trap…
我们可以从中学到不少 这艘船里还有隐形装置呢
This flea trap has a cloaking device that cost us a lot.
I just wish we could cloak the stench.
电脑 重新开始测试
Computer, resume testing.
是谁说: 逻辑乃是我们文明的基石
Who said, “Logic is the cement of our civilization with
which we ascend from chaos”?
提普拉哈斯 我们凡根哲学的守护神
T’plana-Hath, matron of Vulcan philosophy.
What is the molecular formula of aluminum sulphite crystal?
后吃王 车吃王 兵吃车 将死
Queen takes knight, rook takes queen, pawn takes rook. Checkmate.
正确 克伦斯对生物工程所做出的贡献是什么?
Correct.What contribution to bioengineering was made on Klendth?
The universal atmospheric compensator.
Starship sensors indicate
it is being pursued so closely, it occupies the pursuer’s space.
识别对象及其文化特征 克林根干尸化浮雕
Identify object. Klingon mummification glyph.
What historic event took place on Earth in 1987?
克林金沙第一定律是什么? 虚幻的东西不存在
What is Kiri-Kin-Tha’s first law? Nothing unreal exists.
调整此核磁成像中的正弦波 使反♥中♥性子得以通过
Adjust this sine wave so that antineutrons can pass through it.
What is Gadolinium?
How do you feel?
我不明白这个问题 怎么了 史巴克?
I do not understand the question. What is it, Spock?
我不明白 母亲 你是半人类啊
I do not understand, Mother. You’re half human.
计算机知道啊 这个问题毫无头绪
The computer knows that. The question is irrelevant.
史巴克 对你心智的重塑 用的是凡根人的方法
The retraining of your mind has been in the Vulcan way.
You may not understand feelings…
但作为我的儿子 你是有感情的
but as my son,
you have them.
希望如此 既然你认为它们有价值
As you wish, since you deem them of value.
但我不能在此干等 为什么?
But I cannot wait here to find them… Why?
Where must you go?
我必须回地球去 去作证词
I must go to Earth, to offer testimony.
你这样做是为了友谊 我这样做是因为当时我也在场
You do this for friendship. I do it because I was there.
史巴克 众人的利益高于个人利益吗?
Spock… Does the good of the many outweigh the good of the one?
I would accept that as an axiom.
因为一个错误 你活生生地站在这里
Then you stand here alive because of a mistake
made by your flawed, feeling,
human friends.
他们牺牲了自己的未来 因为他们相信
They have sacrificed their futures because they believed
你一个人的利益 对他们来说更为重要
that the good of the one, you, was more important to them.
人类会做出不合逻辑的决定 确实这样
Humans make illogical decisions. They do indeed.
Here it comes now.
What’s causing that?
他们的召唤是由强大的超幅电波传送的 带有巨大的能量
A powerful amplification wave.
Can we isolate the wave?
不能 他正攻击我们整个系统
No, it’s impacting on our systems.
黄色警告 开启防护罩 减缓接近速度
Yellow alert. Shields up. Reduce closing speed.
推进器失控 开启紧急推进器
Thrusters have been neutralized. Emergency thrusters.
无响应 舰长
No response.
Emergency lights.
损坏报告? 所有系统全部失效 我们只剩后备动力可用
Damage report? Systems down. Reserve power only.
星舰总部 这里是萨拉多加号♥ 能听见我说话吗?
Starfleet Command, this is Saratoga. Can you hear me?
Come in, please.
谢谢 长官
Thank you, sir.
报告情况 司令 情况不妙 总统先生
Status report, Admiral. Not good, Mr. President.
探测器正朝我们来 它的电波毁掉了沿路的一切
The probe is heading for us, damaging everything in its path.
The Klingons have lost two vessels.
两艘星际舰和三艘小型太空船 都已失去动力
Two starships and three smaller vessels have been neutralized.
失去动力? 怎么会这样 还不清楚
Neutralized? How? We don’t know.
Get me the Yorktown.
紧急频道0130 红色警报
Emergency channel 0130. Code red.
Since contact with the alien probe,
all attempts to regain power have failed.
It’s using forms of energy
we do not understand.
你能保护我们吗? 我们发射了一切所能发射的装备
Can you protect us? We’re launching everything.
我们的轮机长正试图 安装一个太阳帆加速系统
We are trying to deploy a makeshift solar sail
若能成功的话 希望它能产生 足够的能量使我们生存
to generate enough power to keep us alive.
各系统报告 通讯系统 通讯系统准备完毕 长官
Systems report. Communications systems all ready.
通讯系统操作人 一如往常地做好了准备
Communications officer, as ready as she’ll ever be.
苏鲁先生 导航系统正常
Guidance has a functional interface
with the Federation memory bank.
Weapons systems and cloaking device are operational.
I’m impressed.
我们是在敌船里 我可不想因被击落
