


splash [splæʃ] v. 溅,泼;用……使液体飞溅  n. 飞溅的水;污点;卖弄
splash 污点 ←词中词→ ash 灰
eg. I have to wash the clothes full of splash and ash.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Make a splash – 引起轰动
  2. splash around – 撒水玩耍
  3. splash water – 溅水
  4. splash in the pool – 在泳池中嬉戏
  5. splash in the puddle – 在水坑中溅水
  6. splash of color – 色彩斑斓
  7. splash of paint – 涂抹颜料
  8. splash of perfume – 一点香水
  9. splash of rain – 雨滴飞溅
  10. splash of sunlight – 阳光的折射
  11. splash of waves – 波浪的拍打声
  12. splash zone – 溅水区
  13. splash pad – 水上游乐场
  14. splashback – 溅泼回溅
  15. splash guard – 防溅板
  16. splash screen – 启动画面
  17. splashy advertisement – 引人注目的广告
  18. splashing sounds – 溅水声
  19. Water splashes – 水花飞溅
  20. Paint splashes – 颜料飞溅
  21. Ink splashes – 墨水飞溅
  22. Mud splashes – 泥浆溅射
  23. Rain splashes – 雨滴飞溅
  24. Pool splashes – 水池飞溅
  25. Beach splashes – 沙滩溅射
  26. Fountain splashes – 喷泉飞溅
  27. Dolphin splashes – 海豚溅射
  28. Children’s splashes – 孩子们的水花飞溅
  29. splashes of laughter – 欢笑声
  30. splashes of joy – 快乐的表达
  31. splashes of creativity – 创造力的涌现
  32. splashes of color – 多彩的色彩
  33. splashes of excitement – 兴奋的表现
  34. splashes of energy – 充沛的能量
  35. splashes of inspiration – 灵感的涌现
  36. splashes of happiness – 幸福的表达
  37. splashes of surprise – 惊喜的体现
  38. splashes of passion – 激情的表达
  39. splashes of talent – 才华的展现
  40. splashes of emotion – 情感的喷涌
  41. splashes of courage – 勇气的表现
  42. splashes of kindness – 仁爱的体现
  43. splashes of beauty – 美丽的涌现
  44. splashes of nature – 自然的表现
  45. splashes of art – 艺术的展现
  46. splashes of success – 成功的体现
  47. splashes of wisdom – 智慧的表达
  48. splashes of love – 爱的表达
  49. splashes of imagination – 想象力的涌现
  50. splashes of adventure – 冒险的表现
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
