
soupçon (SOOP sone) From the Old French word for “suspicion,” this noun means a “tiny amount” or “just a trace or a hint.”

  • Brigitte bought a blue suit in Paris that was elegant but understated with just a soupçon of sexy mama in its design.
  • Just as we can say, “I taste a suspicion of sugar in this iced tea,” we can say, “there is a soupçon of cinnamon in this banana bread.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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soupçon(SOOP sone)这个名词来自古法语中“怀疑”的意思,意思是“微量”或“只是一个痕迹或暗示”

  • Brigitte在巴黎买了一套蓝色西装,优雅但低调,设计中只有性感妈妈的味道
  • 正如我们可以说的那样,“我在这冰茶中尝到了糖的味道”,我们可以说,“这香蕉面包中有肉桂汤。”



包含单词 “soupçon” 的常用短语:

  1. A soupçon of elegance: 一丝优雅
  2. A soupçon of humor: 一点点幽默
  3. A soupçon of doubt: 一点点怀疑
  4. A soupçon of charm: 一丝魅力
  5. A subtle soupçon: 微妙的一丝
  6. A soupçon of curiosity: 一点点好奇心
  7. A hint of soupçon: 一丝微妙的暗示
  8. A touch of soupçon: 一点点触感
  9. A soupçon of mystery: 一点点神秘
  10. A soupçon of adventure: 一丝冒险
  11. A soupçon of sweetness: 一丝甜蜜
  12. A soupçon of excitement: 一点点兴奋
  13. A soupçon of imagination: 一点点想象力
  14. A soupçon of intelligence: 一点点智慧
  15. A soupçon of beauty: 一丝美丽
  16. A soupçon of romance: 一丝浪漫
  17. A soupçon of passion: 一点点激情
  18. A soupçon of joy: 一丝喜悦
  19. A soupçon of wisdom: 一点点智慧
  20. A soupçon of elegance: 一丝优雅
  21. A soupçon of sophistication: 一丝老练
  22. A soupçon of humor: 一点点幽默
  23. A soupçon of doubt: 一点点怀疑
  24. A soupçon of charm: 一丝魅力
  25. A soupçon of creativity: 一丝创造力
  26. A soupçon of inspiration: 一点点灵感
  27. A soupçon of authenticity: 一丝真实
  28. A soupçon of curiosity: 一点点好奇心
  29. A soupçon of imagination: 一点点想象力
  30. A soupçon of intelligence: 一点点智慧
  31. A soupçon of adventure: 一丝冒险
  32. A soupçon of romance: 一丝浪漫
  33. A soupçon of mystery: 一点点神秘
  34. A soupçon of joy: 一丝喜悦
  35. A soupçon of passion: 一点点激情
  36. A soupçon of wisdom: 一点点智慧
  37. A subtle soupçon of irony: 微妙的讽刺意味
  38. A soupçon of skepticism: 一点点怀疑态度
  39. A soupçon of nostalgia: 一丝怀旧之情
  40. A soupçon of optimism: 一点点乐观
  41. A soupçon of vulnerability: 一丝脆弱
  42. A soupçon of elegance: 一丝优雅
  43. A soupçon of sophistication: 一丝老练
  44. A soupçon of humor: 一点点幽默
  45. A soupçon of doubt: 一点点怀疑
  46. A soupçon of charm: 一丝魅力
  47. A soupçon of creativity: 一丝创造力
  48. A soupçon of inspiration: 一点点灵感
  49. A soupçon of authenticity: 一丝真实
  50. A soupçon of curiosity: 一点点好奇心
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
