
sophistry (SOF iss tree) If you engage in sophistry, you seem good at arguing your case with superficially good reasoning that turns out to be full of holes. The sophist is out to display his or her cleverness and enjoys fooling others. The root word is the Greek word for “wisdom,” but soph-istry is a poor substitute for the real thing.

  • If Mr. Claxon wants to play the sophist with his friends, fine, but he has no business coming into a junior high classroom and misleading students not yet able to rebut his superficially clever logic.
  • One may fool others with sophistical thinking, but one must be very clever not to indulge in self-deception.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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诡辩(SOF-iss-tree)如果你从事诡辩,你似乎善于用表面上很好的推理来论证你的观点,但事实证明这些推理充满了漏洞。智者善于展示自己的聪明,喜欢愚弄别人。词根是希腊语中“智慧”的意思,但soph istry很难代替真正的东西。

  • 如果克拉克森先生想和他的朋友们玩诡辩游戏,那没关系,但他没有资格走进初中课堂,误导那些还不能反驳他表面上聪明逻辑的学生
  • 一个人可以用诡辩的思维愚弄他人,但必须非常聪明,不要沉迷于自我欺骗

