当这个人出现时 行为举止都太像了
…and when this man showed up,looking like him,acting like him…
…it weren’t hard just to let it be him.
可如果留心 还是能找到一些蛛丝马迹的
But there were signs anyone could notice if they had a mind to.
比如 鞋匠蒙迪先生 在给他试靴子的时候
For instance,Mr. Mead,our shoemaker,fit him for a pair of boots…
…and saw that his foot was two sizes smaller than Jack’s.
只是把鞋印搞混了 仅此而已
Got them templates mixed up,that’s all.
还有件事 有几个人来地里想谋份差事
Another thing,one day these men came looking for work.
流浪过来的 他们和杰克曾经在战场上并肩作战
Drifters. They’d been in the Army with Jack when he was wounded.
爸爸 -他们为什么说你不是杰克
Pop? – And they said this man wasn’t him.
Why is she saying that about you?
我不知道 儿子
I don’t know,son.
告诉她你就是 好不好
Tell her it’s you. All right?
I’d never seen him look like that.
所以我就发现了 -原来如此
So I knew. – Yeah.
好了 马上回去坐好
All right. You go back and sit down now.
所以 不管这人是谁
Well,Jack,whoever he is…
动了刀子 他们就没法揭穿他了
…pulled a knife,so they couldn’t expose him.
I see.
索莫斯比夫人 我这里有张写给约瑟夫先生的期票
Mrs. Sommersby,I have here a promissory note…
…offering an option to purchase land,given to a Mr. Joseph…
这是被告的签名 是你丈夫的笔迹吗
…signed by the defendant. Is that your husband’s signature?
不 笔迹没法模仿 所以他编造了右手受伤的事实
No. He couldn’t sign like Jack,so he made up a story about a bad hand.
法官大人 这位证人会不择手段
Your Honor,this witness will say anything…
救解她丈夫 我建议删除她的证词
…to save her husband. I move we strike her testimony.
Mr. Webb.
对于证人的陈述 你能否提供证据
Can you offer any support to the claims of this witness?
没问题 大人 即刻呈上
I can,Your Honor,and do.
The defense calls Mr. Matthew Folsom.
福尔松先生 你的职业
Mr. Folsom. What is your occupation?
I have a farm of some 2000 acres in Clark County.
Do you see the defendant?
看得到 先生
Can you identify him?
当然 此人名叫贺拉斯·汤森
Yes. His name’s Horace Townsend.
Horace Townsend.
唔 那你是怎么认识被告的
Uh,how do you come to know the defendant?
He was the schoolteacher in Redthorn for a while.
他大概教了我孩子一年 -唔哼
He taught my children for a year or so. – Uh-huh.
接着说 福尔松阁下
Please continue,Mr. Folsom.
我也不知道他从哪里来 但他很会花言巧语
I don’t know where he come from,but he sweet-talked his way into the job.
他知道很多稀奇玩意 还有古希腊神话故事
He knew a lot of fancy stuff and Greek writing and all.
Anyhow,he talked us into some scheme to build a new schoolhouse.
大家踊跃募捐 得到的1200美元多都交到他手里
We gave him everything we had and then some. More than $1200.
可最后他却跑了 一个子儿都没留下
He run off with every cent.
那么 福尔松先生
So,Mr. Folsom…
…are you quite sure that this man is Horace Townsend?
绝对没认错 克拉克郡有一大帮子人
Oh,I’m sure. There’s a whole bunch of folks in Clark County…
…be pleased to see Yellow Horace Townsend in jail.
唔 谢谢你 福尔松先生 法官阁下
Uh… Thank you,Mr. Folsom. Your Honor…
Heard he moved on south…
搞大了一个姑娘的肚子 接着又抛弃了她
…got some girl in the family way and ran out on her.
参军之后 又抛下了战友 所以他是个胆小鬼
Joined the Army,ran out on them. That’s why they call him Yellow Horace.
在夏普斯堡 那时候我们的战士境况很糟糕
At Sharpsburg,when our boys were in a bad fix…
他撇下他们溜之大吉 随后北方佬发现他藏在灌木丛里
…he ran out and left them to it. The Yankees found him behind the bushes.
之后他就销声匿迹了 但我一看见他就认出来了
We lost track of him after that. But I knew him as soon as I saw him.
你是说 -要我说
What you’re saying is… – What I’m saying…
这个人就是个骗子 盗贼 是个逃兵
…is that man is a liar,a thief and a deserter.
His name is Horace Townsend.
福尔松先生 谢谢你
Thank you,Mr. Folsom.
Your Honor…
显而易见 你们抓错人了
…I believe the defense has proven beyond a doubt…
这件案子没有任何道理可言 所以
…that this is a case of wrongful arrest,and move…
法官大人 我可以讲话吗
Your Honor,may I speak?
You may not.
应该宣布审判无效 -如果我撤销我的律师
And move that a mistrial be declared. – If I dismiss my attorney…
那我能讲话了吗 -你有这个权利
…may I then speak? – You have the right to…
那你被撤销了 -但我不明白你为什么这么做
You are dismissed. -…but I don’t see why you don’t need to.
根据此人的证词 我只能判决审判无效
On the basis of that man’s testimony,I’m about to rule on a mistrial.
Mr. Webb is trying to prove I’m not who I am.
要是那样 我赢了官司又有何意义
I don’t see how I could win anything that way.
被告 你能免于一死
You could win your life,sir.
Without my name,I don’t think I have a life…
…Your Honor.
Very well.
接着说下去 先生
麻烦你了 韦伯先生
Thank you,Mr. Webb.
索莫斯比先生 我必须 -我说过了 你被撤销了
Mr. Sommersby,I must… – I said,thank you.
福尔松先生 -我在呢
Mr. Folsom. – That’s me.
你声称见到我的那一刻 你立马就认出我了
You testified that you knew me as soon as you saw me.
Did we ever meet…
…since the time that you said that I lived in Redthorn?
I don’t believe so.
I do believe so.
我想我们最后一次相遇时 你骑着马
I believe the last time we met,you were sitting on a horse…
…dressed up like a bed.
Didn’t you and your White Knights burn a cross in front of my house…
因为黑人想自主经营 你们就把他打得半死
…and beat a black man half to death,because he tried to farm for himself?
我没有 -你没有
I did not. – You did not.
Didn’t your leader point a gun at me…
…and say that you and your Knights…
田纳西州真正的律法 我可不清楚
…are the only true law in Tennessee? – I Wouldn’t know.
You don’t recognize the authority of this court at all,do you?
Which is the reason you can lie about me.
You are the liar.
The reason… Real reason you are here…
is to stop Jack Sommersby from selling land to a colored man…
…who’d then be a property-owner on a level with yourself.
你会不得好死的 汤森
You may go to hell,Townsend!
福尔松先生 法庭之上 注意你的用词
You will watch your tongue in my court,Mr Folsom.
And you will watch your tongue in my presence!
You sit up there in judgment of nobody!
两年之内 一旦北方佬走了
In two years,when the Yankees are gone…
…you will be back in the field where you belong!
福尔松 有这个可能
Quite possibly,Mr. Folsom.
但此时 因藐视法庭
But in the meantime,you are in contempt of my court…
我判处你监禁30天 法警请立刻执行
…and I sentence you to 30 days in county jail. Bailiff.
你敢审判我 你这个狗♥娘♥养♥的小杂毛
Sentence me? You nappy-headed son of a bitch!
Sixty days!
你们放开我 -带他
Get your hands off me! – Show Mr. Folsom the way…
看看我们的监狱 -你死定了
…to our regrettably uncomfortable facilities. – You’re a dead man!
The jury will disregard the testimony of that witness.
Mr. Towns…
这位先生 我该怎么称呼你
How shall I address you,sir?
在下杰克·索莫斯比 大人
Jack Sommersby,Your Honor.
Can you offer evidence to that effect?
How many of y’all are here from Vine Hill?
多少人愿意为我作证 -我愿意
How many willing to swear I’m Jack? – I will!
我也愿意 -我发誓
I will! – I’ll swear!
法官大人 你可以一个个地传唤他们
We could bring them all up here,one by one,Your Honor.
或者 如果您愿意 我们可以
Or what we could do,if you want…
再次请出索莫斯比夫人 搞清楚这事怎么发生的
…is bring Mrs. Sommersby back up here,and find out how this thing got started.
劳瑞 你现在真得认为我不是你丈夫
Now,Laurel,you really believe I’m not your husband?
是的 你不是 -嗯哼
Yes,you are not. – Mm-hm.
但你却没有拆穿我 -是这样
But you let everybody believe that I was. – Yes.
Why is that?
我想是我和大家一样 很希望你就是他
Because I guess I wanted you to be him as much as they did.
唔哼 为什么 劳瑞
Mm-hm. Why,Laurel?
因为我厌倦了劳作 我感到孤独
Because I was worn out from work,I was lonesome.