solvent 英 [ˈsɒlvənt] 美 [ˈsɑːlvənt]



  • The other technology, using chilled ammonia as a solvent, is less popular because it requires more manpower, engineers say.
  • In some cases, banks that were otherwise solvent faced collapse.


[adjective] able to dissolve other substances
[形容词] 能够溶解其他物质的


Solvent 一词源自拉丁语 solvere (放松、释放、完成),17世纪进入英语时仅表示“有偿付能力的”,现在也可以指“无债务的”,比如:

  • 很多保险公司面临压力,要增加保险费以保证偿付能力。
    Many insurance companies are under pressure to increase premiums to stay solvent.

Solvent 在金融领域表示有能力化解债务,而在用在化学领域时则是指有能力溶解物质,即“有溶解力的”或“可溶解的”。用作名词则表示“溶剂”,与 solute (溶质)相对。比如:

  • 铅在酸性水中更易溶解。
    Lead is more solvent in acidic water.
  • 水是最常见的溶剂。
    Water is the commonest solvent.

除了化解和溶解外, solvent 还可以表示瓦解,这里说的是“(对传统、信仰等)有瓦解作用的、起削弱作用的”。这个概念用作名词时,则表示“(对传统、信仰等)起瓦解作用的事物、起削弱作用的事物”,比如:

  • 科学有助于破除迷信。
    Science is a solvent of superstition.


Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

出自英国经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes, 1883年6月5日-1946年4月21日)。一反自18世纪亚当·斯密以来尊重市场机制、反对人为干预的经济学思想,凯恩斯主张政府应积极扮演经济舵手的角色,透过财政与货币政策来对抗经济衰退乃至于经济萧条。


solvent (SOL vent) This adjective means “able to meet financial obliga-tions.” Someone who is solvent may not be rich but he or she can pay the bills. On the other hand, someone who is “insolvent” is not able to cover his or her debts. The noun form is “(in)solvency,” but you can also refer to a bankrupt person as “an insolvent.”

  • Because they had no insurance, the Smith-Walcotts were insolvent when their house burned down in an accidental fire; they were forced to move in with relatives.
  • “We’re finally solvent!” exclaimed Horace to his new wife. “My new job will enable us to get a mortgage on a home and pay off our student debts.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
有偿付能力(SOL vent)这个形容词的意思是“能够满足财务义务”。有偿付能力的人可能并不富有,但他或她可以支付账单。另一方面,“资不抵债”的人无法偿还债务。名词形式是“偿付能力”,但也可以将破产人称为“无力偿债者”

  • 由于没有保险,史密斯-沃尔科特夫妇的房子在一场意外火灾中被烧毁,他们资不抵债;他们被迫搬入亲戚家
  • “我们终于有偿付能力了!”贺拉斯对他的新婚妻子喊道。“我的新工作将使我们能够获得房屋抵押贷款并偿还学生债务。”



solvent” 这个词指的是溶剂,一种用于溶解其他物质的液体或气体。在化学和工业中,溶剂常用于制备溶液或进行化学反应。下面是50个包含这个词的短语以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Organic solvent – 有机溶剂
  2. solvent extraction – 溶剂萃取
  3. solvent-based – 溶剂基的
  4. solvent polarity – 溶剂极性
  5. Aqueous solvent – 水性溶剂
  6. Nonpolar solvent – 非极性溶剂
  7. solvent mixtures – 溶剂混合物
  8. solvent evaporation – 溶剂蒸发
  9. solvent properties – 溶剂性质
  10. solvent solubility – 溶剂溶解度
  11. solvent miscibility – 溶剂互溶性
  12. solvent volatility – 溶剂挥发性
  13. High-boiling solvent – 高沸点溶剂
  14. Low-boiling solvent – 低沸点溶剂
  15. solvent compatibility – 溶剂兼容性
  16. solvent toxicity – 溶剂毒性
  17. solvent recovery – 溶剂回收
  18. solvent distillation – 溶剂蒸馏
  19. solvent degreasing – 溶剂脱脂
  20. solvent substitution – 溶剂替代
  21. solvent waste – 溶剂废物
  22. Polar solvent – 极性溶剂
  23. Volatile solvent – 挥发性溶剂
  24. solvent extraction method – 溶剂萃取法
  25. solvent concentration – 溶剂浓度
  26. solvent effects – 溶剂效应
  27. solvent-based paint – 溶剂基涂料
  28. solvent-free – 无溶剂的
  29. solvent use – 溶剂使用
  30. solvent waste management – 溶剂废物管理
  31. solvent application – 溶剂应用
  32. solvent stability – 溶剂稳定性
  33. solvent filtration – 溶剂过滤
  34. solvent vapor – 溶剂蒸气
  35. solvent cleaning – 溶剂清洗
  36. solvent selection – 溶剂选择
  37. solvent properties – 溶剂特性
  38. solvent-based ink – 溶剂型油墨
  39. solvent evaporation rate – 溶剂蒸发速率
  40. solvent crystallization – 溶剂结晶
  41. solvent action – 溶剂作用
  42. solvent compatibility testing – 溶剂兼容性测试
  43. solvent sensitivity – 溶剂敏感性
  44. solvent cleaning process – 溶剂清洗工艺
  45. solvent evaporation kinetics – 溶剂蒸发动力学
  46. solvent-based adhesive – 溶剂型胶粘剂
  47. solvent recovery system – 溶剂回收系统
  48. solvent extraction efficiency – 溶剂萃取效率
  49. solvent-induced – 溶剂诱导的
  50. solvent diffusion – 溶剂扩散



  • debt-free: not owing any money
  • creditworthy: (of a person or company) considered suitable to receive credit, especially because of being reliable in paying money back in the past
  • sound: financially secure
