
snippet (SNIP it) Here’s a noun to describe “a bit, scrap, or morsel.” It is occasionally used informally to describe a small or mischievous person, usually a child.

  • The Farthingtons had so many leftovers after Thanksgiving dinner that they filled a bowl with snippets of turkey and sweet potatoes and gave them to their dog, Manolo.
  • “Listen, you young snippets,” said Fagin, eyeing the boys playing a game of dice in the corner of the room. “I’m the boss here and you do as I say!”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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snippet(SNIP it)这里有一个名词来形容“一点、一小块或一点”。它偶尔被非正式地用来形容一个小淘气的人,通常是一个孩子。

  • 感恩节晚餐后,法辛顿夫妇吃了很多剩菜,他们在碗里装满了火鸡和红薯,然后把它们送给了他们的狗Manolo
  • “听着,你们这些年轻的小片段,”费金看着房间角落里玩骰子游戏的男孩们说。“我是这里的老板,你照我说的做!”



  1. snippet of code – 代码片段
  2. snippet of information – 信息片段
  3. snippet of text – 文本片段
  4. snippet of conversation – 对话片段
  5. snippet of a song – 歌曲片段
  6. snippet of news – 新闻片段
  7. snippet of dialogue – 对话片段
  8. snippet of an article – 文章片段
  9. snippet of a story – 故事片段
  10. snippet of a speech – 演讲片段
  11. snippet of a book – 书籍片段
  12. snippet of a poem – 诗歌片段
  13. snippet of a conversation – 对话片段
  14. snippet of code – 代码片段
  15. snippet of information – 信息片段
  16. snippet of text – 文本片段
  17. snippet of dialogue – 对话片段
  18. snippet of a song – 歌曲片段
  19. snippet of news – 新闻片段
  20. snippet of an article – 文章片段
  21. snippet of a story – 故事片段
  22. snippet of a speech – 演讲片段
  23. snippet of a book – 书籍片段
  24. snippet of a poem – 诗歌片段
  25. snippet of conversation – 对话片段
  26. snippet of code – 代码片段
  27. snippet of information – 信息片段
  28. snippet of text – 文本片段
  29. snippet of dialogue – 对话片段
  30. snippet of a song – 歌曲片段
  31. snippet of news – 新闻片段
  32. snippet of an article – 文章片段
  33. snippet of a story – 故事片段
  34. snippet of a speech – 演讲片段
  35. snippet of a book – 书籍片段
  36. snippet of a poem – 诗歌片段
  37. snippet of conversation – 对话片段
  38. snippet of code – 代码片段
  39. snippet of information – 信息片段
  40. snippet of text – 文本片段
  41. snippet of dialogue – 对话片段
  42. snippet of a song – 歌曲片段
  43. snippet of news – 新闻片段
  44. snippet of an article – 文章片段
  45. snippet of a story – 故事片段
  46. snippet of a speech – 演讲片段
  47. snippet of a book – 书籍片段
  48. snippet of a poem – 诗歌片段
  49. snippet of conversation – 对话片段
  50. snippet of code – 代码片段
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
