
[noun] a trap for catching birds or animals, typically one having a noose of wire or cord
[名词] 一种捕捉鸟类或兽类的陷阱,通常带有金属丝或线绳套索


Snare 是一个与常见单词 scare, share, spare, stare 等较为形似的单词。该词最早是用来表示捕捉鸟兽的“圈套、陷阱、罗网”,主要指带有金属丝或线绳套索的装置,用来缠住鸟兽,尤其是圈住它们的腿从而使之无法逃脱,比如:

  • 男孩们设下圈套来捕捉大猎物。
    The boys set snares to catch big game.


  • 法律制度对那些不谨慎的人而言充满了陷阱。
    The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.

用作动词时, snare 相应除了表示“设圈套、陷阱、罗网等捕捉”外,还可以喻指“诱……入圈套、诱得、谋得”,多指通过欺骗、巧妙或熟练的办法得到,并常意味着被诱者像在圈套中那般处于一种越挣扎越绝望的境地,比如:

  • 被诱为娼
    be snared into prostitution
  • 中了一个女人的圈套
    be snared by the wiles of a female
  • 谋得一份很赚钱的副业
    snare a lucrative sideline
  • 他一心要攀住一个有钱的老婆。
    His one thought was to snare a rich wife.


To have surrendered to temptation; listened to passion; made no painful effort — no struggle;– but to have sunk down in the silken snare; fallen asleep on the flowers covering it; wakened in a southern clime, amongst the luxuries of a pleasure villa: to have been now living in France, Mr. Rochester’s mistress; delirious with his love half my time — for he would — oh, yes, he would have loved me well for a while.
出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


  • In America, it estimates that the share of imports potentially snared by localisation restrictions has risen fivefold since 2009.
  • Some fungi craft sticky nets laced with tempting scents to snare their prey.


snare” 这个词的中文解释是 “陷阱” 或 “诱捕器”。

以下是包含 “snare” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. Set a snare – 设置陷阱
  2. Escape the snare – 逃脱陷阱
  3. Spring a snare – 张开陷阱
  4. snare trap – 诱捕陷阱
  5. Animal snare – 动物诱捕器
  6. snare drum – 调音鼓
  7. snare wires – 调音鼓弦
  8. snare mechanism – 陷阱机制
  9. snare release – 陷阱释放
  10. snare placement – 陷阱放置
  11. snare sensitivity – 陷阱敏感度
  12. snare size – 陷阱尺寸
  13. snare design – 陷阱设计
  14. snare trigger – 陷阱触发器
  15. snare loop – 陷阱环
  16. snare cable – 陷阱绳
  17. snare anchor – 陷阱锚
  18. snare tension – 陷阱张力
  19. snare placement – 陷阱放置
  20. snare technique – 陷阱技术
  21. snare hunting – 诱捕狩猎
  22. snare placement – 陷阱放置
  23. snare strategy – 陷阱策略
  24. snare efficiency – 陷阱效率
  25. snare construction – 陷阱建设
  26. snare material – 陷阱材料
  27. snare location – 陷阱位置
  28. snare sensitivity – 陷阱敏感度
  29. snare size – 陷阱尺寸
  30. snare loop – 陷阱环
  31. snare cable – 陷阱绳
  32. snare anchor – 陷阱锚
  33. snare tension – 陷阱张力
  34. snare placement – 陷阱放置
  35. snare technique – 陷阱技术
  36. snare hunting – 诱捕狩猎
  37. snare placement – 陷阱放置
  38. snare strategy – 陷阱策略
  39. snare efficiency – 陷阱效率
  40. snare construction – 陷阱建设
  41. snare material – 陷阱材料
  42. snare location – 陷阱位置
  43. snare sensitivity – 陷阱敏感度
  44. snare size – 陷阱尺寸
  45. snare loop – 陷阱环
  46. snare cable – 陷阱绳
  47. snare anchor – 陷阱锚
  48. snare tension – 陷阱张力
  49. snare placement – 陷阱放置
  50. snare technique – 陷阱技术


trap: a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body
lure: something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do something
decoy: a bird or mammal, or an imitation of one, used by hunters to attract other birds or mammals

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
