It wasn’t money. It was pride.
“I want you to be proud.”
I… I want you to say, “That’s my man.”
And that’s why he said at the end,
“I don’t wanna be another bum from the neighborhood.”
就算被揍个稀巴烂也无所谓 我要你为我骄傲”
“I don’t care if I get beaten to a pulp. I want you to be proud.”
That’s all I want to do, is go the distance.
这就是我喜欢这个角色的原因 他总是把想法藏在心里
That’s what I liked about the character. He just somehow always kept it inside.
他从来没有向任何人 袒露过悲伤或失望
He never shared his grief or his disappointment with anyone,
just himself.
只有在米奇离开公♥寓♥那次 他才表现出来
The only time he ever lets it out is when Mickey leaves the apartment.
按照剧本设定 那场戏我从浴室出来
The scene, the way it was written, I come out of that bathroom
然后若有所思地看着他 然后去追他
and look pensively and then go after him.
我说:“约翰 拜托你帮个忙 让摄像机和录音不要停
I said, “John, please just do me a favor. Keep the cameras running, the sound going,
我们来看看洛奇能不能 在两分钟内为一生做个总结”
and let’s just see if Rocky can sum up his life in two minutes.”
这是我们第一次尝试 效果非常棒
First time we did this, and it was great,
John goes, “Oh, was that a take?”
I went, “Was that a take? That was
an improvisation.”
我再也无法重现 这是即兴表演”
“And I can’t do it again. It’s an improv.”
能量已经没了 要知道…
The energy is not there. You know, it’s…
Okay, what did I do before? Did I hit the door here?
我说:“该死 我得从头开始 我做了什么?”
I said, “Fuck it, I gotta start from scratch. What did I do?”
然后 我想起了我父亲
And then I started thinking about my father.
听我说 我想当你的经纪人
Listen to me. I want to be your manager.
于是 我不得不放弃最好的那条…
So I had to throw out the best take…
But you can’t buy what I’m going to give you.
我经历过痛苦 我拥有经验
I mean, I’ve got pain and I’ve got experience.
我也有痛苦 有经验
I got pain and I got experience too…
…and replace it with something even more volatile,
my relationship with my father.
十年前 我需要你的帮助
I needed your help about ten years ago.
十年前 你从来没有帮过我
Ten years ago, you never helped me none.
你不在乎 -如果你那时需要帮助…
You didn’t care. -Well, if you wanted help…
我说 如果你那时需要帮助 为什么不开口?
I say, if you wanted help, why didn’t you ask?
你为什么不直接告诉我 孩子?
Why didn’t you just ask me, kid?
听着 我告诉过你 可你什么都没听进去
Look, I asked, but you never heard nothin’!
当我写下来的时候 就只有一句
And when I wrote it, it was just one line,
到了这里 我觉得:“我得讲讲我自己”
and I got there and went, “I need to talk about me.”

And I’m going to put it in Rocky’s body.
当时我刚年过30岁 我说
So I was just turning 30, and I said,
“你跑来这里 要给我这些? 我已经过了巅峰时期 什么巅峰?
“You come up here and you offer this? Well, I’m past my prime. What prime?”
我坐在这里 得到机会也会一败涂地”
“I’m gonna sit there, get an opportunity, I’m gonna fall on my face.”
就像我对这部电影的想法 我觉得我会搞砸
Like I thought the movie, I was going to bomb.
“在我需要你的时候 你为什么不在我身边?”
“Why couldn’t you have been here when I needed you?”
If I can take my frustration and voice it,
I have a funny feeling that there’s millions of people
有着同样的沮丧 那种情绪一直被忽略和无视
that have that same frustration, that were passed over.
Overlooked. I’m gonna get that! And you wanna be ringside to see it?
Do you? You wanna help me out?
Do you wanna see me get my…
当着他的面 我永远说不出口
I could never say that to the man’s face.
It would have been so disrespectful.
And you don’t want a dialogue.
Everyone is going to assume this old man is done.
然后 砰!
And then, bang…
那扇门打开 比尔·康蒂的音乐响起
That door opens, Bill Conti’s cue comes in,
and there’s hope.
There it is, there is what everybody ever wanted
that was shunned or denied an opportunity.
“来吧 回来吧”
“Come on. Come on back.”
我的天啊 这是《洛奇》首演的剧院
Oh my God. This is the theater where Rocky premiered.
The same theater I ushered at.
纽约给我们的第一篇影评 来自文森特·坎比 可以说毫不留情
The first review we got out of New York by Vincent Canby was scathing,
so I didn’t know what to expect.
We screen Rocky five days before the release.
It was an afternoon matinée.
我和他坐在一起 他突然说:“该死”
I was sitting there with him, and all of a sudden he’s going, “Oh shit.”
20分钟后 四分之三的观众都走了
Twenty minutes into it, the audience, three-quarters were gone.
And the studio heads are going…
我在座位上越来越消沉 心说:“该死”
And I’m getting lower in the seat. I’m going, “Oh shit.”
要说什么叫垂头丧气 他当时说:“天啊”
Talk about a crestfallen look. He said, “Oh God.”
He thought, “Man, this is going to be a bomb.”
所以 到了正式公映时 我并没有什么信心
So, when it did open, my confidence was not soaring.
In here is where they had the premiere of Rocky.
I remember I was standing across the street over there in a trench coat.
My brother goes,
“今天可能是你一生中 最精彩或者最糟糕的一天”
“This could be the best day or the worst day of your life.”
我说:“对 就是今天”
I go, “Yeah, this is it.”
天啊 如果这回不成功 那就没有第二次机会了
And if this didn’t go, there was no second chance.
大家都进去之后 我去到后场 站在那里
When everyone’s inside, I go to the back, and I’m standing there.
It’s almost like it’s a still painting.
没人动 所有人都在仔细倾听
No one is moving. Everyone is listening to every word.
Like, boom. Riveted.
When he knocks Apollo down,
whole theater went up,
制片方一看 心想:“老天”
and the producers all look, and it’s like, “Holy shit.”
观众都在参与 就好像这是一场真正的体育赛事
The audience is participating like it’s a real sporting event.
We blurred the lines.
You could hear the cheers from the inside
outside on the street from the theater.
我们只是以为跟克里德较量 他肯定会沦为笑柄
We just assumed he would be a joke out there fighting against Creed.
But when he knocks him on his back in the first round,
that kind of excitement, it was almost unheard of.
Nobody, nobody, remembers that Rocky loses.
没有…我是说 这部电影的编排 会让你觉得他获胜了
I mean, the movie is rigged to make you feel like he’s won.
It was one of the really glorious moments of…
of an audience reacting to the drama onscreen.
这部电影上映即称霸榜首 大家都在谈论…
The movie opens up number one. Everyone was talking about…
“This movie has heart.”
“很感人 让我流泪”
“It is emotional. It made me cry.”
“It made me inspired.”
童话故事变成现实 让观众兴奋不已
To see that fairy-tale story come to life, it just turned the audience on.
Something happened, something magical.
It’s the last picture of him being unknown.
And there’s never going to be another private moment again.
And here comes Rocky himself, Sylvester Stallone!
真的 那是一个彻底改变人生的时刻
Literally, a complete transformative moment in life,
but forever. Like, wham!
And the winner is…
《洛奇》主演 “史莱” 西尔维斯特·史泰龙
The star of Rocky, Sylvester “Sly” Stallone.
Please welcome Sylvester Stallone.
人们盛赞这位演 编剧
So he was hailed as an actor, he was hailed as a writer,
he was hailed for just being a visionary and all of this stuff,
就这样 他成功了
and, bang, there he was.
从那时起 他做得顺风顺水
From that point on, he could do nothing wrong.
有时候我很纠结 总是想着
I’m torn apart sometimes thinking that…
what is it all about, and is it really all worth it?
我经历了一个阴郁时期 感觉也许我在欺骗自己
I go through a very gloomy period that perhaps I’m deceiving myself.
我整理思绪 只需要看看镜中的自己
I collect my thoughts and all I have to do is look in the mirror.
I’m kind of like the living embodiment of what happened to Rocky has happened to me.
Within a week,
they were saying things about me that I know I could never live up to.
然后 他们还说了一些
And then they were saying things that… that were…
I guess… a little infuriating.
我第一次听说《洛奇》 是通过电台广♥告♥
The first time I ever heard anything about Rocky was a radio spot.
“每隔一段时间 就会有新演员涌现
“Every once in a while, a new actor emerges,
而他已经成为 演艺界最为轰动的明星之一
and he becomes one of the most talked about sensations in the film business.”