was spent with a bottle of Boone’s Farm wine.
从来没去过酒吧 餐厅 俱乐部 写作就是从那时开始的
Never went to a bar, a restaurant, a club. That’s when the writing really started.
We’d discuss aspirations, dreams,
but also movies.
We would break in, sneak in somehow,
to every movie in New York.
Never paid for a ticket, ever.
在我们心中 没有失败的可能
There was no possibility in our minds for failure.
类似于“如果我们不成功怎么办?” 我们从来不聊这种话
Like, “Oh, what if we don’t make it?” Never entered the conversation.
当时我们就是这么有动力 有冲劲 认准了这个理念…
That’s how driven and adamant and committed to the concept…
“我们这么古怪 肯定会有一席之地”
“Yeah, there’s got to be a place for us, because we’re so weird.”
We have to fit in somewhere.
我们得做点什么 我们必须创造自己的命运
We had to do something. We had to make our own fate.
That’s why we said, “We gotta do this movie called Horses.”
一个牛仔和一个印第安人 在被吊死一百年后
A cowboy and an Indian come up from their grave,
100 years after they were hung.
上了汽车 去了马里兰
Got in a car, went to Maryland.
We rented guns.
你看到我们在车里射击 都是用的荷枪实弹
When you see us, like, shooting at the car, it’s real ammo.
I said, “What am I, crazy?”
His father was reincarnated as a sheriff who came to track us down.
我父亲参演了 他开枪打他们
Of course, my father’s in the movie. My father shoots them.
演杀死我们那一幕时 他有点入戏过深
The part where he kills us, he enjoyed this a little too much.
“我想开枪打死你 然后过来再补几枪”
“I wanna shoot you, and then I wanna come over and shoot you again.”
我说:“这是变成私人恩怨了吗? 是不是有点《圣经》寓意?”
I said, “Is this sort of personal now? A little biblical?”
这是一部无声电影 我问:“史莱 怎么没声音?”
It’s a silent movie. I said, “Sly, why don’t you have any sound?”
“Couldn’t afford it.”
So you thought you were going to shop a silent movie in 1971?
Doesn’t matter if it hasn’t been done before.
最重要的是 他发出了声音 他想让人们听到自己的声音
And he had, most importantly, a voice. He wanted his voice to be heard.
上高中时 我被认为是 写作反面教材的典型代表
In high school, I was considered like a poster boy for how not to write.
“西尔维斯特 上前来读一段?” 我会说:“不用了 多谢!”
“Sylvester, you like to come up and read?” I go, “Nah. No, thanks!”
他说:“是啊 别人都不愿意”
He goes, “Yes. ‘Cause no one else wants to.”
The rejection, that’s my encouragement.
It’s a challenge.
Are you going to accept their evaluation of you
or are you going to evaluate yourself?
Sly always wanted to be an actor,
but he always had to write.
He wants to be an actor,
and he needs someone to give him a role.
He wasn’t cast in things.
他为自己创造角色 因为人们可能觉得他这个演员没法用
He invented parts for himself because he was probably deemed uncastable.
我已经放弃演戏了 我受够了
I had given up on acting. I was done.
But John Herzfeld asked me to help him audition.
In the audience is a guy who’s monitoring the class
who was going to eventually write and direct Lords of Flatbush.
That was the beginning.
It’s a matter of just being in the right place at the right time.
I first met Sly on The Lords of Flatbush.
We were kind of just a real odd… A really odd couple.
他是犹太人 知识分子 就读常春藤学校
He’s Jewish, intellectual, Ivy League.
I’m… I am what I am.
文化上 我们简直是南辕北辙
And you couldn’t get two people more culturally opposite.
他带我爬楼上了 他位于列克星敦大道的公♥寓♥
He took me to his walk-up apartment off of Lexington Avenue
with his gigantic dog.
他把窗户漆成黑色 方便他写作
And he painted the windows black so he could write.
我看了剧本 太简单了
I read the screenplay, and it was pretty simplistic.
So I said, “Let me be myself in this scene.”
比如说 当我坐在女孩后面
For example, when I’m sitting behind the girl.
“罗西埃洛先生 你在做什么?”
“Mr. Rosiello, what are you doing?”
“没有啊 我就坐着
“I don’t know, I’m just sitting.”
“I’m sliding up because the sun is getting in my eye… my eye…”
“My eyes, I can’t see.”
And then she goes back to teaching.
过了一会儿 我朝那个女孩跟前蹭
A moment later, I slide close to the girl.
我用手搂住她 她说:“罗西埃洛先生!”
I got my arm around her. She goes, “Mr. Rosiello!”
“我不知道这是怎么回事! 阳光总是追着我
“I don’t know what it is! The sun keeps following me.”
我去这里 去那里” 满嘴跑火车 即兴发挥
“I’m going here, I’m going there.” Just doing all this nonsense, winging it.
我意识到 这是他们给我的机会
And I realized this is… this is an opportunity that they allowed me.
I’m going to say whatever I want throughout the whole film.
Sly was always rewriting the script,
improving the scenes he was in.
Lords of Flatbush was really the first time we got a sense
西尔维斯特·史泰龙的声音 当时还没有《洛奇》
of Sylvester Stallone’s voice before Rocky.
The best scene in the movie,
if not one of the best scenes in ’70’s cinema,
就是他被未婚妻 玛丽亚·史密斯说服的场景
as far as I’m concerned, is the scene where he’s persuaded by his fiancée, Maria Smith,
她要他买♥♥一枚订婚戒指 而这个愣头青根本买♥♥不起
to buy an engagement ring that this dumb lug obviously cannot afford.
The girl that just walked out of there,
if you ever show her a $1,600 ring again,
you know what’s going to be written on your tombstone? Huh?
“我愚蠢到给弗兰妮·马林卡尼科 看1600美元的戒指”
“I was dumb enough to show Frannie Malincanico a $1,600 ring.”
在那部电影里 史丹利这个角色很有意思
Stanley is an interesting character in that movie,
but you don’t necessarily like him.
He’s just… He’s such a lug.
但在那一幕里 他却让你喜欢上他
But in that scene he makes you fall in love with him
因为你会意识到 他爱弗兰妮到何种程度
’cause you realize the extent to how much he actually loves Frannie.
这是我们第一次见识到 西尔维斯特·史泰龙作品中
It’s our first glimpse of the musicality or the sound
of Sylvester Stallone’s dialogue.
那时候 我就知道 我的命运要靠笔来写就
At that point, I knew forever my fate was determined on the pen.
因为我知道 我很难在选角中胜出
‘Cause I knew I was so hard to cast.
I was always cast as a thug.
我心想:“好吧 没错 我就是”
I go, “Okay, that’s true. I am.”
但我也很和善 好欺负
But I’m also nice. I’m… I’m kind of a soft touch.
If you could put that together,
that would really be a great character.
我一直没有这种机会 直到《洛奇》出现
And I didn’t have that opportunity until Rocky came around.
但《狂野少年》 以及史丹利·罗西埃洛算是先导
But the precursor was Stanley Rosiello in The Lords of Flatbush,
where I saw there’s a tough goon,
摩托夹克 油头叼烟 但你就是喜欢他
motorcycle jacket, greasy hair, cigarette, but you really liked him.
就这样 顺理成章
One thing led to another.
如果他们不选我出演 如果评价欠佳
If they hadn’t offered me the part, if I didn’t get good reviews,
I never would’ve made enough, made 1,300 bucks,
刚好够搞一辆40块钱的车子 连开11天去好莱坞
just enough to get a $40 car and drive… 11 days to Hollywood.
The only one I knew in LA was Henry Winkler,
当时他已经是 塑造了“方兹”一角的大明星
who is now a big star as the Fonz.
My car breaks down on Hollywood and Vine.
轰隆一声就停了 像预言一样
Just boom, stops. Like, it was prophetic.
And the first phone call I made was to Henry.
“对 你得来接我
“Yeah, you gotta come pick me up.”
“My car broke down.”
“I’m here, right in the middle of Sunset Boulevard.”
I said, “I will be right there.”
我去接他 还有那只硕大的狗
I went and got him and this mountain of a dog.
所有的衣服不知怎么 都堆在车里的箱子上
All of his clothes in the car somehow, sitting on suitcases.
他显然没办法带我去他家 我养了一条狗 还有妻子
He obviously couldn’t take me to his house. I got a dog, a wife.
He pointed me in the direction of this motel,
and I ended up there for, like, three nights.
然后我在 圣费尔南多谷路上找了个破地方
And then I found some dump way in the Valley,
one street away from Balboa Boulevard.
All right.
我以执行制片人的身份被介绍 给吉恩·科克伍德
I had been introduced to Gene Kirkwood, the executive producer.
我们谈了 然后我给了他洛奇的创意
And we had talked and then I had given him the idea, Rocky,
我们将其拓展 这个人物应运而生
and we developed it, and lo and behold, it came out.
应该说中间经历了 一连串非同寻常的情况
And it was a series of circumstances which are really, I guess, a bit unusual,
because I had a very limited track record.
所以… -应该说毫无经验吧?
So it was… -How about no track record?
…a benevolent and wonderful chain of mistakes that came out.