slough 英 [ˈslʌf] 美 [ˈslʌf]



  • Believing that the world economy now has sufficient momentum to slough off the legacy of its past debts, the Fed is starting to unwind its share in this.
  • The problem for those of us hoping to use exercise to slough off fat is that most current calculations about exercise and weight loss assume that metabolism remains unchanged or is revved by exercise.


[verb] get rid of (something undesirable or no longer required)
[动词] 丢弃(不合意或不再需要的东西)



虽然蛇皮是一味重要的中药,也可以用于制作二胡的琴膜,但对于蛇本身来说是无用之物,所以slough进而引申出“抛弃、摆脱(无用或不利之物)”的含义。在使用时一般搭配off构成动词短语“slough sth off”。



Having children makes you see the world in a completely different way. When you’re responsible for those little lives, you can’t slough it off or forget about it until later.

出自琳达·玛丽亚·罗什塔(Linda Maria Ronstadt,1946年7月15日-),又译琳达·朗丝黛,美国歌手和唱作人。罗什塔获得过11座格莱美奖、3座全美音乐奖、1座艾美奖和1座美国拉丁裔媒体艺术奖,并于2014年入选摇滚名人堂。


slough (SLUFF) When a snake sheds its skin, it is sloughing it off. So, more generally this verb refers to discarding something not regarded as desirable.

  • “I know you’re second semester seniors,” said Mr. Krolik to his class, “but does that make it right to slough off your homework during these final weeks?”
  • Mr. Crist-Jones was the picture of respectability as long as he was in his homeland, but the sunny climes of Spain and Portugal caused him to slough off his native primness and astonish even the “locals” with the vivacity of his flamenco technique.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • “我知道你们是第二学期的大四学生,”克罗利克先生对班上的学生说,“但这是否意味着在最后几周放弃家庭作业是正确的?”
  • 克里斯特·琼斯先生在他的祖国就一直是受人尊敬的形象,但西班牙和葡萄牙阳光明媚的气候让他摆脱了家乡的拘谨,他的弗拉门戈技巧的活力甚至让“当地人”感到惊讶



slough” 这个词有多个意思,其中一种常见的意思是指沼泽、泥沼或死水,另一种意思是指脱落、蜕变、摒弃。下面是50个包含这个词的短语以及它们的中文解释:

  1. slough off – 脱落
  2. slough away – 脱落
  3. slough skin – 蜕皮
  4. slough feathers – 脱羽毛
  5. slough scales – 脱鳞片
  6. slough bark – 脱皮
  7. slough husk – 脱壳
  8. slough membrane – 脱膜
  9. slough dead tissue – 脱落死组织
  10. slough old cells – 脱落老细胞
  11. slough the past – 摒弃过去
  12. slough bad habits – 摒弃坏习惯
  13. slough negativity – 摒弃消极
  14. slough pessimism – 摒弃悲观
  15. slough toxic relationships – 摒弃有毒的关系
  16. slough old ideas – 摒弃旧思想
  17. slough outdated methods – 摒弃过时方法
  18. slough redundant processes – 摒弃多余的流程
  19. slough unproductive behaviors – 摒弃低效行为
  20. slough useless possessions – 摒弃无用的财物
  21. slough off negative emotions – 摒弃负面情绪
  22. slough off doubts – 摒弃怀疑
  23. slough off fear – 摒弃恐惧
  24. slough off insecurity – 摒弃不安全感
  25. slough off regrets – 摒弃遗憾
  26. slough off resentment – 摒弃怨恨
  27. slough off limitations – 摒弃局限
  28. slough off old notions – 摒弃旧观念
  29. slough off self-doubt – 摒弃自我怀疑
  30. slough off self-criticism – 摒弃自我批评
  31. slough off distractions – 摒弃干扰
  32. slough off negative influences – 摒弃负面影响
  33. slough off procrastination – 摒弃拖延
  34. slough off complacency – 摒弃自满
  35. slough off bad energy – 摒弃负能量
  36. slough off old routines – 摒弃旧习惯
  37. slough off the old self – 摒弃旧的自己
  38. slough off limitations – 摒弃限制
  39. slough off doubts – 摒弃疑虑
  40. slough off fear – 摒弃恐惧
  41. slough off insecurity – 摒弃不安全感
  42. slough off regrets – 摒弃遗憾
  43. slough off resentment – 摒弃怨恨
  44. slough off self-doubt – 摒弃自我怀疑
  45. slough off self-criticism – 摒弃自我批评
  46. slough off distractions – 摒弃干扰
  47. slough off negative influences – 摒弃负面影响
  48. slough off procrastination – 摒弃拖延
  49. slough off complacency – 摒弃自满
  50. slough off bad energy – 摒弃负能量



  • abandon: give up completely (a practice or a course of action)
  • abnegate: renounce or reject (something desired or valuable)
  • shed: discard (something undesirable, superfluous, or outdated)
