All right, then. I’ll see y’all later.
卡尔 你今天干得非常好 他们都夸奖你呢
Karl, you done good work. They was right about you.
如果你不努力 史考特 可就要把你挤走了
Scooter, he’s gonna knock you out of a job if you’re not careful.
-好了 明天见 -等一下
-I’ll see y’all tomorrow. -Wait up.
I’ll leave with you and lock up.
卡尔 在沙发下面有张毯子
There’s a blanket under the cot,
卫生间里有肥皂 可以用来洗澡
soap in the bathroom for cleaning up.
还有一件事 我要把这些门上锁 你晚上就不能出去了
One more thing. The way we lock these doors, you can’t get out at night.
-你哪儿也不想去 是不是 -我想是的
-Did you want to go anywhere? -I don’t reckon.
If it works out,
也许该给你配把钥匙 你想晚上出去就方便了
we’ll get you a key so you can get out at night.
-好了 再见了 -那好吧
-I’ll see you later. -All right, then.
史考特 我跟你说过
Did i tell you the one about
the two old boys pissing off the bridge?
I don’t remember.
有两个男的 把他们那玩意儿吊桥上撒尿
These two old boys hung their peckers off a bridge to piss.
一个人从加州来 一个从阿肯色州来
One was from California, one from Arkansas.
从加州来的人说 伙计这水真凉
Old boy from California says, “Boy, this water’s cold.”
阿肯色州的说 是啊 而且还很深呢
Old boy from Arkansas says, “Yeah, and it’s deep too.”
Get it?
是啊 真好笑
-Yeah, that’s a good one. -That is a good one.
知道吗 我肯定听你以前跟我讲过
I do believe you told me that before.
I’ve heard it a bunch.
-你早就讲过 -是啊 这个很经典
-A long time ago. -Yeah, that’s a classic.
卡尔 我昨天晚上考虑了
Karl, I’ve been thinking,
如果不给你配钥匙 我就太不人道了
and it’s not Christian of me to keep locking you in.
我是说 你都被关了这么久了
You’ve been in lockup so long,
you don’t need me to keep doing it.
You need to come and go as you please. Here.
有了这把钥匙 你晚上就能随意进出了
Take this key. It’ll get you in and out of here at night.
All right, then.
-薯条好吃吗 -是的很好吃
-Them french fries good? -They’s good, all right.
You got any money?
是的 他们放我出来时给了我点钱
They give me some when they turned me loose.
I spent some riding the bus,
eating french fried potatoes.
好吧 我先把下一周的工钱给你
I’m going to pay you today for this coming week…
so you have some walking-around money.
你拿了钱去买♥♥点牙刷等洗漱东西 在这里住
You need to buy some toothpaste and cleaning up supplies to have back there.
Get you some magazines and some hard candy…
something to keep you busy at night.
All right, then.
I’ll let you off while it’s still daylight.
是你 我听见有人在这里
I thought I heard somebody on the porch.
Wasn’t your name Karl?
是的 先生 你叫弗兰克
Yes, sir, it is. You’re named Frank.
没错 你在这儿干什么
Yeah. What are you doing by here?
-You said for me to come by.
-Wanna play ball with us?
我打得不好 我只是顺路来看看你
I ain’t no good at it. I just come by to see you.
I was going to see my mama at Hoochy’s Dollar Store.
She works 2:00 to 8:00.
All right, then.
你想和我一起去吗 你可以见见我妈妈
You want to go with me? You can meet my mama.
I ought not worry your mama with company.
来吧 你会喜欢她的 她人挺好的
Come on. You’ll like her. She’s real nice.
我们要什么 她都会给的 糖果或是别的
She’ll give us anything we want her to, candy or something.
好吧 我也需要到处走走
I was needing to do some trading.
Reckon they sell toothpaste?
是的 他们卖♥♥的都是小东西
Yeah, they sell a little bit of everything.
l won’t tell her about you
being in the state hospital for killing.
来呀 我们走
Come on. Let’s go.
You have to learn to live without all that grease.
该死 这么多年 我喜欢吃 所有带脂肪的东西
Here in the South, l like grease in everything.
我喜欢炸鸡块 葵子油 还有饼干 肉汤
l like fried chicken, fried okra, biscuits and gravy.
-那会让人短命的 -妈妈 沃恩
-lt will kill you. -Hey, Mama, Vaughan.
-宝贝 你来这儿干什么 -我知道…
-What you up to, sweetheart? -l bet l know.
-你想要一大堆糖果 和爆米花对不对 -是
-You want candy and pop, right? -Yeah.
那些会让你长蛀牙的 我有些更好的
That rots your teeth. l’ve got something better.
我们有特卖♥♥的肉罐头 一块钱四罐
Potted meat is on special…four cans for a dollar.
They’re not selling
不过我会告诉你 我为什么要 免费给听话的孩子两罐
but l’ll give the right kid some for free.
l don’t like potted meat.
爸爸以前常说 那都是由
Daddy said it was made from lips,
peckers and intestines.
弗兰克 别说得那么难听
Don’t talk that way.
后面那个男人是谁 他是跟踪你来这儿的吗
Did that strange-looking man follow you in here?
我能帮你吗 先生
Can l help you?
那是卡尔 我是从路上认识他的
That’s Karl. l met him at the laundry mat.
卡尔 这是我妈妈 还有沃恩
Karl, this is Mama and Vaughan.
Vaughan is the manager.
他同意妈妈想什么时候下班 就什么时候下班
He lets Mama off work anytime because
they’re best friends.
很高兴认识你 卡尔
Nice to meet you, Karl.
Pleased to meet you.
弗兰克到后面来 我有话跟你说
Frank, come back here with me for a minute.
l haven’t seen you here before.
是的 先生 我也不认识你
No, sir, l don’t reckon you have.
l haven’t been in here before.
This store didn’t used to be here.
它在这17年了 你以前在这住过吗
lt’s been here 17 years. Did you live here before?
我在这儿出生和长大 一直到12岁
l was born and raised here till l was 12 years old.
-是什么让你回来的 -你这话什么意思
-What brings you back? -What’s that you say?
Why are you here now?
They turned me loose from the state hospital.
你说的是真的 你打算在这儿待多久
ls that right? How long are you staying?
沃瑞吉先生他帮我 在比尔考克斯的店里找了个工作
Mr. Woolridge got me hired at Bill Cox’s outfit.
-你在这里有家吗 -应该没有
-You have family here? -Not to speak of.
卡尔 你猜怎么着
Hey, Karl. Guess what?
妈妈说你可以留下来 和我们住睡在车♥库♥里
Mama said you can stay in our garage.
我们的车不太适合在那里 真是太棒了
Our car doesn’t fit anyway. lt’s real neat.
弗兰克跟我说了你的情况 他想有一个伴
Frank told me about your situation. Frank loves company.
你知道 特别是他爸爸死了以后
Especially after his daddy passed and all.
There’s no sense in you staying in that greasy old shop.
可怜的家伙 好像有点智力障凝
He’s mentally retarded, poor thing.
-他刚刚从州立医院放出来 -我知道
-He just go out of the state hospital. -l know.
-我们能拿点糖和爆米花吗 -当然随便拿
-Can we get some candy and pop? -Sure. Go ahead.
Come on.
-ls it safe to let him around that guy?
-Frank’s crazy about him.
He likes the way he talks
and he helped Frank carry home the laundry.
好吧 可他在医院待了很长时间
He’s been in the hospital a long time.
There must be something wrong with him.
他只是智障 你知道他一直想找回父亲的影子
He’s retarded. Frank’s always after a father figure.
Lord knows Doyle ain’t a good one with his mean ass.
-What about me?
-He doesn’t see you as a “guy” guy.
Karl’s a “guy” guy?
这就是我说的 我的秘密地盘
l call this my secret place.
每当我想一个人待着的时候 我就到这里来
l come out here when l feel like being alone.
l used to come here with Karen Cross.
She kind of used to be my girlfriend.
We would come out here and hold hands and talk…
and read books to each other with a flashlight.
可她不愿意在别人面前说 我们有什么关系
She wouldn’t have nothing to do with me in front of other people…
because Mama and l don’t have any money.
你知道 她爸爸是个牙医 所以家里很有钱
Her daddy’s a dentist, so they’re rich.
Was your folks well off?
不 我们没有什么钱 我想也就是够勉强度日子
