Well, Tindle arrived about 6:30 and left about an hour and a half later.
从那以后我就没再见过他了 – 也没有其他人再见过他 先生
I have not seen him since. – And nor has any one else, sir.
噢 但这太荒谬了 你难道是说我杀了廷德?
But this is absurd. You’re not suggesting I killed Tindle?
杀了廷德? 先生 我可没用杀这个字眼
Killed Tindle, sir? I never mentioned the word “kill”.
噢 得了 巡官 别跟我玩文字游戏了
Come now, Inspector. You can’t pull that old one on me.
被勒死的 先生 那请问你怎么知道夫人是被勒死的呢
“Garrotted, sir. May I ask how you knew her ladyship had been garrotted?”
这是你告诉我的啊 巡官
“Surely, you told me so, Inspector.”
不 先生 我可没用勒死这个词
“No, sir. I never mentioned the word garrotted.”
我很遗憾你竟然发现这很滑稽 毕竟这是我们必须要做的事
I am sorry you find us so comic, sir. On the whole, what we do is necessary.
你只是在执行公务 这是你们的口头禅 是不是?
You’re just doing your job is the overworked phrase, isn’t it?
算是吧 先生 算是吧 常用的口头禅
Possibly, sir. Very possibly. The overworked phrase that is, yeah.
你的妻子和廷德先生 在私下亲密交往
Your wife and Mr Tindle have been associating closely
已经有一段时间了 – 是的 我知道你们会发现这些
for some time, sir. – I thought you’d know about that.
You can’t keep anything quiet in a small village.
很正确 先生
Perfectly true, sir.
You’re not suggesting a crime passionnel?
就为了玛格丽特? 噢 天啊
I do hope. Not with Marguerite. Oh, God.
That’d be like knifing somebody for the sake
of a tablespoon full of cold rice pudding.
我很喜欢冷米布丁 先生
I’m very partial to rice pudding, sir.
我觉得味道好极了 – 这下可好
I find it a great standby. – That’s perfect.
你们都分别有杀人的方法 动机和机会
“All of you had either the means, motive or opportunity,”
said Inspector Doppler, as he thoughtfully digested
然后喝下一勺汤 但你们当中只有一个人三者齐备
another spoonful of his favourite pud. “But only one of you had all three.”
你说的没错 先生 那个人就是你
Exactly so, sir, and that person is you.
That is divine.
I suppose I better tell you what happened.
那就再好不过了 先生
That would be helpful, sir.
Perhaps another drink would be helpful, too.
我很乐意再来一杯 但恐怕那些瓶子都已经见底了
I’d love another drink, sir, but I think you’ll find that the bottle is empty.
没错 巡官 但这个问题也好解决
Quite right, Inspector. That, too, can be corrected.
跟我来 好吗
Do come with me, won’t you?
Now, as you seem to know,
Tindle was having an affair with my wife.
Now, I belong to that rare breed of men
who genuinely don’t mind losing gracefully
输给一个遵守游戏规则的绅士 我是不会介意的
to a gentleman who plays the game by the same rules.
But to be worsted by a flash, crypto-Italian lover boy,
他还把我的冷淡当成了能力不足 那可就太过分了
who mistakes my indifference for inadequacy is altogether too much!
你的意思是你无法接受这个事实 对不对
You mean you couldn’t bring yourself to accept the situation, sir?
这就是你的意思 是不是
Is that what you’re saying?
我主观拒绝接受这个事实 巡官
I mean, it was a situation I refused to accept, Inspector.
玩游戏对你来讲是件很重要的事 对不对?
Playing the game is very important to you, is it, sir?
玩游戏和做游戏 是的 巡官
Playing the game and games playing, yes, Inspector.
我看不出其中的区别 先生
I’m not quite sure I see the difference, sir.
噢 这很简单 巡官
It’s perfectly simple, Inspector.
Playing the game is what every gentleman does.
Playing of particular games is my special passion.
或者可以说 是我一生的最爱
In a way, my whole life.
听起来有点可悲啊 先生
That sounds a bit sad to me, sir.
Like a child not growing up.
小孩玩耍有什么可悲的? 巡官
What’s so sad about a child playing, Inspector?
噢 没什么 先生 如果你还是个小孩的话
Nothing, sir, if you’re a child.
让我来告诉你 巡官
Let me tell you, Inspector,
我玩的游戏是如此的复杂 连荣格和爱因斯坦
I have played games of such complexity that Jung and Einstein
would’ve been proud to have been asked to participate in them.
I have achieved flights of the mind and flights of the psyche
unknown in ordinary human relationships.
And I’ve had a very great deal of not altogether innocent fun.
有没有什么事不被您当做游戏呢 先生
Is there nothing you would not consider a game, sir?
责任 工作 甚至婚姻?
Duty, work, even marriage?
噢 拜托 巡官 不要把婚姻包含在内
Please, Inspector. Don’t include marriage.
性! 性就是一场游戏 婚姻便是处罚
Sex! Sex is the game. Marriage, the penalty.
一年一年的 我们走过没有意义的纪念日
Round and round, we jog towards each futile anniversary.
Pass go. Collect two hundred rows,
two hundred silences, two hundred scars.
In the deep places.
你的意思是不是 因为你对你妻子不关心
Are you saying, sir, that because of your indifference to your wife,
you had no motive for murdering Mr Tindle?
我只是说说而已 巡官 我和多数人一样
I’m simply saying, Inspector, that in common with most men,
喜新厌旧 吃了就扔
I want to have my cookie and ignore it.
That was rather witty, I thought.
这是什么 先生
And what have we here, sir?
It’s just an old dressing up basket. That’s all.
一个经典的藏东西的地方 我想你肯定会赞同我的
A traditional place of concealment, I’m sure you’ll agree.
只能隐藏身份 巡官
Only of the identity, Inspector.
In a game.
Shall we go?
走吧? – 好的 先生
Shall we go? – Yes, sir.
是这样的 觉得我有必要给廷德少爷好好上一课
Anyway, I thought I’d teach young master Tindle a lesson
消消他的锐气 测试下他的胆子
for his presumption. Test his mettle, as it were.
或许你不会赞同 巡官 但对我而言
You may not agree with this, Inspector, but you take it from me.
接近一个人内心深处的最快途径 就是羞辱他
The shortest way to a man’s heart is through humiliation.
用不了多久 他就会原形毕露
You soon find out what he’s made of.
那你是怎么羞辱他的 先生
And how did you plan to go about this humiliation, sir?
首先 让他相信 我妻子过惯了奢侈的生活
To begin with, by convincing him that as my wife has expensive tastes,
and he was virtually a pauper,
he could solve that problem by stealing some valuable jewellery,
which I had in my safe.
然后我说服他脱下了他的衣服 穿上一身戏服
I further persuaded him to take off his clothes and wear a disguise.
Appropriately enough, he chose,
就在你刚刚看的那个篮子里 一套小丑的衣服
out of that basket you examined, the costume of a clown.
他穿着那身滑稽的小丑服 破门而入 炸毁了我的保险箱
In that ludicrous outfit, he broke into the house and blew open my safe.
The jewels were in this box.
考虑的真周到 巡官
Good thinking, Inspector.
很漂亮 – 现在它们在哪 先生
Bravo. – And where are they now, sir?
I put them in the bank, yesterday.
星期六? – 是的 巡官 星期六
On a Saturday? – Yes, Inspector, on a Saturday.
我开车去了索尔兹伯里 把他们都放在了夜间保险箱里
I drove over to Salisbury and I put them in the night safe.
你真有远见 先生
How very provident, sir.
能不能跟我说说 炸开保险箱之后怎么样了
May I ask what you did after he blew the safe open?
Tindle pocketed the jewels.
我们就像做游戏一样 在房♥子里打来打去
We struggled convincingly around the house as part of the game,
但当我翻脸 告诉他今晚可怕的真实目的后
and he was about to make off, when I turned nasty and revealed
the true purpose of the evening.
显而易见 我是想让他模拟行窃
This was, of course, that I had manoeuvred him
into a position where, by pretending to mistake him for a burglar,
I could legitimately shoot him.
当你说明你的意图的时候 先生
When you revealed your intentions, sir,
what was Mr Tindle’s reaction?
He swallowed my story, hook, line and sinker.
他跪在地上 求我饶他命
He fell to his knees and pleaded for his life,
但我不为之所动 于是就用枪对准了他的脑袋
but I was implacable. I put the gun against his head
and shot him
with a blank cartridge.
You shot Mr Tindle with a blank cartridge, sir?
Fainted, dead away.
So my game was over.
It was a most gratifying one.
You actually put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger
as a game?
如果你乐意的话 管这叫做”入会测试”吧
Call it his initiation test, if you like.
He came here aping the gentry,
希望能够被接受 但他必须上这一课
hoping for acceptance, but he had to be taught.
You don’t join just like that.
有个东西叫做”血统” 血统所带来的素养
There’s such a thing as breeding! The quality that breeding brings.
It cannot be acquired.
当然 他没有通过他的测试 下场凄惨无比
Of course, he failed his test abysmally.
他本可以做的很好 先生
