RThank you.
Very clever!
现在 跟我来 听好
Now, come along with me and listen carefully.
从左边绕过房♥子 斜穿过草坪
Go around the house to your left, and cross the lawn diagonally.
在那个角落 你会发现一个小屋 在小屋里你会找到一个小梯子
In the far corner you’ll find a shed, in the shed you’ll find a ladder.
把那个拿过来 然后架在房♥间里的大窗户上
Bring it back here and lean it up against the great window in the main room,
so that you can break in on the upper landing.
从平台? – 是的
Upper landing? – Yeah.
我想你是不会来帮我扶稳梯子的 是不是
I suppose you couldn’t come and hold the ladder steady for me, could you?
当然不会了 我可不想在花♥园♥里留下我的脚印
Certainly not. I don’t want my footprints in the flower beds.
我有点恐高 – 是吗 那就不要看下面
I’m not very good at heights. – Well, don’t look down.
Concentrate instead on thick bundles of crisp pound notes,
17万英磅现金 不收税的
170,000 of them in cash, tax free.
祝你好运 麦洛
Good luck, Milo.
Don’t forget your gloves.
What a way to make a living.
你有没有听到什么响声 小猫?
Did you hear a noise, puss?
And was that a footstep in the garden?
不 不 我肯定是听错了 又来了
No, no. I must be mistaken. There it is again.
What’s that?
有人在外面巡视 我想肯定是的
Someone outside, prowling around the grounds. I’m certain of it.
好了 好了 不要多想了
Now, now, now. We mustn’t imagine things.
Who would harm a kindly old spinster like me?
前门关好了 窗户也是
The front door’s locked and the windows, too.
Hey, no one could possibly break into our snug little home.
上帝啊 麦洛 诺曼底登陆都没你弄出的声响大
For Christ’s sake, Milo, they couldn’t have made more noise on D-day!
这该死的玻璃出来了 我他妈的鞋子被粘住了
The bloody glass came out, my bloody boot got stuck,
and I fell down the bloody ladder!
该死的警♥察♥肯定听到了声响 马上就会赶过来的
Well, the bloody police must’ve heard it all the way to bloody Salisbury.
I’m sorry!
不知为何 我总觉得你爬梯子的功夫比那要好
Somehow, I thought you’d be better than that at climbing ladders.
现在去拿珠宝- 噢 不要太直接了
Now for the jewels. – Not straight away.
You’re not supposed to know where they are.
你得先找找 破坏一些东西
You’ll have to hunt about a bit first, disturb a few things.
请跟我来 瑞贝卡小姐
If you’ll be good enough to follow me Miss Rebecca…
A turnstile to the bedrooms?
无论进出 都得付钱
One way or another, one always pays to get in.
女主人的卧室 想到应对方案了吗
The mistress’ bedroom, or would you know your way about?
女主人 还是她的卧室? – 噢 无所谓
The mistress or her bedroom? – It’s irrelevant.
好了 麦洛 从哪里开始
Now, Milo, where to begin?
从下面的抽屉 还是梳妆台的抽屉 还是裙子
The bottom drawer, the trousseau drawer, the frillies!
拿出去 毁了
Take them out, vandalise them.
拜托 麦洛 你是一个盗贼 不是女仆
Come on, Milo, you’re a burglar, not a lady’s maid.
不要收拾 全部破坏掉
Don’t pat them, ravage them.
快点 麦洛
Come on, Milo.
很好 撕掉
Excellent. Now, tear that.
That’s better.
现在 看看到底这位贵妇人
Now, where would m’lady hide the trophies
of her skilled accomplishments?
她的红宝石 绿宝石 钻石 还有蓝宝石
Her rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires interleaved
among her lace-edged underclothes,
stuffed into the false bottoms of hat boxes,
是不是缝在哪件最新款的 日常的
sewn into the hems of always the latest, had-to-have,
at-once-discarded Parisian dresses,
or perhaps secretly concealed in the back of this?
What better safe deposit for deceit?
How often has it reflected the bright eyes that betray?
The mouth that lied and kissed and lied again!
I thought it was me who was supposed to be doing the ravaging?
当然 当然 我只是做做示范而已
So it was. So it was. Merely demonstrating, I was.
合作点 把这个踩碎 好吗
Be a good fellow. Stamp on that, will you?
为什么我踩 – 我怕如果我踩碎
Why me? – I’m afraid if I broke it
I’d get seven more years of Marguerite.
Thank you.
现在 你的卧室在哪 – 我的?
Now, where’s your bedroom? – My…
现在是该我示范了 – 我亲爱的麦洛
It’s my turn to demonstrate. – My dear Milo,
having failed to find the jewels among the lady’s personal possessions…
It’d be a bit suspicious,
a professional burglar playing favourites.
不 相反 一个聪明的强盗很快就会寻找
No, on the contrary, an intelligent burglar
would immediately look for the next most likely hiding place.
哪里? – 当然是保险箱
Which is where? – The inevitable safe.
把它炸开 把东西偷走就行了
Just blow it open and steal what’s in it.
过来 麦洛
Come on, Milo.
你这炸♥弹♥什么规模啊? – 足够完成任务的规模
What kind of charge you got here? – Enough for the job.
我为了写《被炸死的公爵夫人日记》 学了很多关于炸♥药♥的知识
I learnt about explosives for The Diary of the Dynamited Duchess.
准备好了吗 开始倒计时了
Ready? Stand by for the countdown.
五 四
Five, a four,

a three,

a two,

a one,

a blast off.
拿到了 我拿到了
I’ve got it. I’ve got it.
你摇它干什么 这是珠宝盒不是沙球
What are you shaking it for? It’s a jewel box, not a maraca.
我想这里肯定有一个秘密的开关 你看上了锁的
I thought it might have a secret catch. It’s locked, you see?
好了 把它敲碎
Well, smash it open.
老天啊 你怎么一点气派都没有
Jesus, you have all the killer instinct of a 20-year-old Sealyham.
这么漂亮的盒子 摔了可惜了
It’s a very pretty box, it seemed such a waste.
上帝 – 摩西望向了恩许之地
Dear God. – Moses looks upon the Promised Land.
They’re fantastic.
看看这条红宝石项链 – 我从来都不是很喜欢它们
Look at this ruby necklace. – Never much cared for it myself.
带着它们 玛格丽特就像个血祭品
Always thought it made Marguerite look like a blood sacrifice.
我真希望我父亲可以看到这些 老家伙糊涂了一辈子
I wish my old man could see these. He never knew what it was all about.
就知道整晚坐在那里 修补他那一串串的手表
Sitting there, every night, hunched over those watches of his.
把视力都给整坏了 为了什么呢
Squinting his eyesight away, and for what?
To give me an education at a second-rate public school.
I suppose he thought he had to.
That he owed it to me
and the brand new Anglo-Saxon world he’d adopted.
Silly old bugger.
他根本就不知道他的儿子 以后会有这么好的财运
Never thought his son would be tucking a fortune away into his pocket, eh?
Family reminiscence, no matter how touching,
is something we just haven’t got time for at the moment.
Do you mind?
Now, this is the fun bit, where the householder,
户主听到了爆♥炸♥的声音 翻身下床
wrenched from his dreams by the sound of the explosion,
把强盗杀个措手不及 一场战斗在所难免
surprises the burglar, and in the ensuing fight,
the house is sacked.
Why is it necessary for you to surprise me at all?
因为 如果我在近距离看到你
Because, if I’ve seen you at close quarters,
I can always describe you to the police, wrongly.
你有没有看清入侵者的面貌 先生
“Did you get a good look at the intruder’s face, sir?”
是的 长官 我看到了 我不知道是不是因为光线的原因
“Yes, Inspector, I did. I don’t know if it was a trick of the light,
“but somehow, his face seemed not wholly human…”
How much sacking do you want done?
噢 适当一点就行了 我想把几张椅子翻过来
A decent bit, I think. A few chairs upturned,
ornaments put to the sword, that sort of thing.
你应该知道 令人信服但又不过分
You know, convincing but not Carthaginian.
You surely don’t call that convincing.
Let the literature fly to the four winds,
让那些抽屉里的东西 就像秋叶一样落在地上
let the contents of drawers be strewn like autumn leaves.
喂 那是我的新作
Hey, that’s my new manuscript!
Let my secretary sort it out.
够了吗? – 第一步足够了
Enough? – For a starter.
让我们看看诡计要是出了意外 会发生什么
Now, let’s see what accident does to artifice, seconds out of the ring.
什么意外 为什么 – 战斗不可避免 记得吗
What seconds? What for? – The ensuing fight, remember?
喂! – 你得占下风 不是吗?
Hey! – Well, you’re the underdog, aren’t you?
