Help here! Lend a hand! Anyone!
来人! 快找人来帮忙!
Constable Crane? Is that you? None other.
克莱恩警官? 是你吗? 当然是了
Not only me. I found something which was lately a man.
不只有我 我还发现了一条尸体
Burn it. Yes, sir.
把它烧掉 是的 长官
We do not know the cause of death. If found in the river, it is drowning.
我们还不知道死因 在河里发现的就是给淹死的
We might determine whether he was dead before he went into the river.
I will need to examine the body. Cut him up? Are we heathens?
我要验尸 把他切开? 我们是蛮人吗?
What happened to him? Arrested for burglary.
他所犯何罪? 抢劫
Good work.
The millennium is almost upon us.
In a few months, we will be living in the 19th century.
数个月后 我们就踏入十九世纪
Yet our courts rely on medieval methods of torture.
Stand down. I stand up, for sense and justice.
快退下! 我要为理智和公义发言
Ourjails overflow with men convicted on confessions worth no more…
牢狱有人满之患 囚犯都因为被拷问至…
Constable Crane! This is a song we have heard from you more than once.
克莱恩警官! 你又在老调重弹
There are two courses open to me.
First, I can let you cool your heels in the cells, –
一是关你进牢里 让你清醒一下头脑
until you learn respect for the dignity of my office…
Why am I the only one who sees that to solve crimes, detect the guilty,
为何只有我一人相信 要破案缉凶
we must use our brains to find clues, using up-to-date scientific techniques?
就必须抽丝剥茧 使用先进的科技?
Which brings me to the second course.
There is a town upstate, two days to the north, in the Hudson Highlands.
本州北部有一个城镇 位处哈德逊高地 两天行程
It is a place called Sleepy Hollow.
Have you heard of it? I have not.
你对此有所闻吗? 没有
An isolated farming community, mainly Dutch.
是一个偏僻的农村 村民多是荷兰人
Three persons have been murdered, all within a fortnight.
Each one found with the head lopped off. -lopped off?
死者皆被砍断头颅 砍断头颅?
Clean as dandelion heads, apparently.
You will take your experimentations to Sleepy Hollow,
and there you will detect the murderer.
Bring him here to face our good justice.
Will you do this? I shall.
你愿意这么做吗? 我愿意
Remember, it is you, Ichabod Crane,
伊卡布克莱恩 你记着…
…who is now put to the test.
The pickety witch, the pickety witch, who’s going to kiss the pickety witch?
女巫… 谁想给女巫一吻?
Is it Theodore? I am only a stranger.
是西奥多吗? 我只是一个陌生人
Then have a kiss on account.
I am looking for Baltus Van Tassel.
I am his daughter, Katrina.
We have not heard your name yet. I have not said it. Excuse me.
我们还不知道你的名字 因为我还没说… 失陪了
You need some manners! Brom, we’ll have no raised voices.
你真无礼! 布罗姆 别大呼小叫
It is to raise spirits in this dark time that I and my wife are giving this party.
You are welcome, even if you are selling something.
欢迎你 即使你是来推销什么的
Constable Ichabod Crane, sent from New York to investigate the murders.
警官伊卡布克莱恩 纽约派来调查凶案的
Then Sleepy Hollow is grateful to you.
We hope you will honour us by remaining in this house.
Come sir, we’ll get you settled. Play on!
让我们把你安顿好 继续奏乐!
Excuse me.
Thank you. Please tell Mr Van Tassel I will be down in a moment.
谢谢 请你告诉范塔索先生 我待会就下去
I will, sir.
好的 警官
Thank God you’re here.
你来了 真是谢天谢地
Ah, excellent, come in.
好极了 进来
Leave us, my dear.
亲爱的 你先回避一下
We are joined by Dr Thomas Lancaster, Reverend Steenwyck, –
他们是汤玛斯兰特医生 斯廷威牧师
our able magistrate Samuel Philipse,
and lastly, this fine fellow is James Hardenbrook, our notary.
最后这位是詹姆斯哈登布鲁 我们的公♥证♥人
And you, sir? A simple farmer who has prospered.
那么你呢? 一个发了财的农夫
The town looks to me as friend and counsel.
And landlord and banker. Can we proceed?
还是地主和银行家 可以说正事了吗?
So, three persons murdered…
First, Peter Van Garrett…
…and his son, Dirk Van Garrett.
Both of them strong, capable men,
两人都是强壮 有反抵能力的男人
found together… decapitated.
同时被发现… 砍掉头颅
One week later, the Widow Winship.
Also decapitated.
Now, I will need to ask you many questions,
but first let me ask, is anyone suspected?
不过容我先问大家 可有人是嫌犯?
How much have your superiors explained to you?
Only that the three were slain in open ground,
their heads found severed from their bodies.
Their heads were not found severed. Their heads were not found at all.
不是发现他们身首异处 根本就找不到那些头颅
The heads are gone? Taken.
头颅不见了? 被拿走了
Taken by the Headless Horseman. Taken back to hell.
被无头骑士拿走了 被拿回地狱去
Pardon, I don’t… Perhaps you had better sit down.
对不起 我不… 你还是先坐下吧
The Horseman was a Hessian mercenary,
sent by German princes to keep Americans under the yoke of England.
But unlike his compatriots, who came for money,
the Horseman came for love of carnage.
When battle was joined, there you’d find him.
He rode a giant black steed named Daredevil.
He rode hard into battle, chopping off heads at full gallop.
他在战场上驰骋 砍下无数人头
He had filed his teeth down to sharp points, –
to add to the ferocity of his appearance.
This butcher didn’t finally reach his end until the winter of ’79.
及至七九年冬天 这个屠夫才命绝
Not far from here, in our western woods.
They chopped off his head with his own sword. Even today the woods –
他被自己的剑砍掉头颅 即使到了现在…
is a haunted place, where brave men will not venture.
丛林还有鬼魅出没 勇者都不敢冒险闯入
For what was planted in the ground that day-
他被杀那天 地下就埋了…
was a seed of evil.
And so it has been for 20 years.
But now the Hessian wakes, cutting off heads where he finds them.
然而现在骑士醒来 到处砍杀平民
Are you saying… Is that what you believe?
你是说… 这就是你相信的事实?
Seeing is believing.
They tell me you’ve brought books of scientific investigation.
This is the only book I recommend you read.
Reverend Steenwyck, gentlemen…
斯廷威牧师 各位…
Murder needs no ghost to come from the grave.
We have murders in New York without benefit of ghouls and goblins.
You’re far from New York.
The assassin is a man of flesh and blood, and I will discover him.
凶手是活生生的 而我一定会把他缉捕
Come out, devil.
魔鬼 快出来
His name’s Gunpowder. He should do just fine. Thank you.
它叫火♥药♥ 它看来不错 谢谢
Good luck, sir. You need any help, you call my name.
祝你好运 要帮忙的话就找我吧
Don’t you worry about a thing. Everything will be just fine.
放心好了 一切都会无恙
Thomas, inside!
托马斯 快进屋!
Run along for breakfast. Kiss your mother once for you and twice for me.
快来吃早餐 亲阿娘一下 代阿爹亲两下
Murder! The Horseman’s killed again!
命案! 骑士又出来杀人了!
All right, Gunpowder, we’re off.
火♥药♥ 我们上路去
No, no, the other way.
不 是另一边
Good horse.
Mr Miller, ride back for the coffin-cart. The rest of you, keep a sharp lookout.
米勒 召棺材车来 其他人留心监视四周
It’s all right. I’m here now.
好了 我来了
The fourth victim, Jonathan Masbath.
I see. And the head?
知道了 人头呢?
Taken. Taken…
被拿走了 被拿走了…
Interesting. Very interesting. What is?
有趣 真是有趣 什么有趣?
In cases like this, the head is removed to prevent identification of the body.
这类案件 头颅被砍掉 是为免验出死者是谁
But we know this was Masbath. Precisely. So why was it removed?
不过这就是马斯 对 那他为何被斩首?
Why? Right.
为何? 没错
You have moved the body? You must never move the body. I did.
尸体曾被移♥动♥? 你们绝不可以移♥动♥尸体 -是的
Why not? Because.
为何不可? 因为…
The stride is gigantic!
The attacker rode Masbath down.
Turned his horse. Came back to claim the head.
然后要马儿掉头 再取人头
There’s a chemical reaction.
It shows it was a powerful singular thrust to the neck.
Interesting. What is it?
有趣 什么有趣?
The wound was cauterised, as though the blade were red-hot.
伤口被烧过 剑锋是赤热火烫的
